Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Wednesday 12 December 2007
Room 144 parliament buildings

Fred Cobain MLA (Chairperson)
Cathal Boylan MLA
Willie Clarke MLA
John Dallat MLA
William Irwin MLA
John McCallister MLA
Raymond McCartney MLA
George Robinson MLA
Jim Wells MLA
Brian Wilson MLA

In Attendance:
Roisin Kelly (Assembly Clerk)
Clairita Frazer (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Pauline Devlin (Clerical Supervisor)
Annette Page (Clerical Officer)

Stephen Moutray MLA

The meeting opened at 10.40am in public session.

1. Apologies.

Apologies were received from Stephen Moutray.

John McCallister and Cathal Boylan joined the meeting at 10.42am.

2. Chairperson’s Business.  

J im Wells took the Chair at 10.59am.
Fred Cobain left the meeting at 10.59am.
William Irwin joined the meeting at 10.59am.

3. Draft minutes of the Committee meeting on 5 December 2007.

The minutes of the meeting on 5 December 2007 were agreed.

4. Matters Arising.  
5. Briefing from Departmental officials on Speed Management Policy.

Departmental officials; Bob Cairns and John Irvine, joined the meeting at 11.30am.

The officials from the Department for Regional Development briefed the Committee on preliminary issues arising from the forthcoming Review of Speed Management Policy.

Members noted the Clerk’s briefing note and additional binder on Speed Management and agreed to return to this matter at a future Committee meeting in line with the agreed handling plan.

The Departmental officials left the meeting at 12.11pm.  

6. Committee response to the Review of Ports Policy.

The Committee discussed the draft letter to the Minister for Regional Development paragraph by paragraph and agreed to forward a revised response to the Minister.

7. Subordinate Legislation.

Members noted the revised brief on subordinate legislation.

Members were content with the following SL1s noted at the meeting of 5 December 2007:

Members noted the following new SL1s received:

Members noted receipt of the following Statutory Rules which are not subject to any Assembly procedure:

Members noted the following Statutory Rules subject to negative resolution. The Examiner of Statutory Rules will forward his report before the end of the statutory period.

8. Correspondence

Members noted receipt of the following items of correspondence: 

George Robinson left the meeting at 12.43pm.

9. Any Other Business.

The Deputy Chairperson wished Members a Happy Christmas and New Year.

10. Date, venue and time of next meeting.

The next meeting will be in Parliament Buildings in Room 144 at 10.30am on Wednesday 9 January 2008.

The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.47pm.

Chairperson, Committee for Regional Development.

05 December / Menu