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Proposed Pensions Bill

8 September 2011
Members present for all or part of the proceedings:

Mr Alex Maskey (Chairperson)
Mr Mickey Brady (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs Judith Cochrane
Mr Sammy Douglas
Mr Mark Durkan
Mrs Pam Lewis
Mr Fra McCann

The Chairperson:

Members will recall that, before the summer recess, we received a departmental briefing on the Westminster Pensions Bill, and the equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the corresponding Pensions Bill here was published in August. The advice is that a number of the proposed measures in the forthcoming Bill have already been subject to consultation, and a summary of the previous Committee’s responses to those consultations is in members’ packs. The cover note in the papers summarises the current Committee’s response to the Westminster Pensions Bill.

We are due to have a departmental briefing on 6 October, so are members content to note the information that they have so far and to delay any form of response until then?

Members indicated assent.