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Lord Morrow (Chairperson)
Mr Mervyn Storey (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Mickey Brady
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr David McClarty
Mr Declan O’Loan
Mr Ken Robinson

In Attendance:
Ms Stella McArdle (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jim Beatty (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Ms Linda Hare (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Dagmar Walgraeve (Clerical Officer)

Mr Francie Brolly
Lord Browne
Mr Adrian McQuillan
Mr Sean Neeson

The meeting opened at 2.14pm in open session.

1. Apologies

These are detailed above.

2. Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2009

Agreed: The draft Minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2009 were agreed.

Mr Brady joined the meeting at 2.16pm.

3. Matters Arising

The Committee was updated on the work being done to display details of the questions being answered during Question Time on the television screens in the public gallery of the Chamber. It is planned to have the system in place by September 2009.

4. Implementation of Standing Orders for Assembly Questions

Kevin Shiels, Assembly Business Office, joined the meeting at 2.18pm and took members through the proposed timetable to introduce changes to the procedures for Assembly Questions.

After answering members’ questions, Mr Shiels left the meeting at 2.24pm.

5. New Standing Orders – Private Bills

The Committee considered some final amendments to the proposed Standing Orders on private bills.

Mr McCartney left the meeting at 2.26pm.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the changes to the proposed standing orders on private bills and a number of consequential amendments.

Agreed : It was agreed that the chairperson should sign the relevant motions for tabling in the Business Office.

6. Inquiry on Legislative Consent Motions

The Committee considered a paper on the issues arising from its inquiry.

Agreed: It was agreed that Private Members’ Bills would be addressed within the new Standing Orders in line with the approach taken in Scotland.

Agreed: It was agreed that the views of the Chairpersons’ Liaison Group and OFMDFM should be sought on relevant issues arising from the Committee’s inquiry.

Agreed: It was agreed that the clerk should prepare a draft report for the Committee’s consideration in September 2009.

7. Standing Order 81 – Interpretation

Having agreed to revised definitions within SO81 at an earlier meeting, the Committee considered consequential amendments.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the consequential amendments.

Agreed : It was agreed that the chairperson should sign the relevant motions for tabling in the Business Office.

8. Minor Technical Amendments to Standing Orders for Summer Reprint

Members considered some minor technical amendments to Standing Orders.

Agreed: The amendments were agreed and will be incorporated into the summer reprint of Standing Orders.

9. AOB

The Committee considered an amendment to SO10 which is required as a consequence of changes to SO18.

Agreed : It was agreed that the chairperson should sign the relevant motion for tabling in the Business Office.

10. Date, Time and Place of next and future meetings

The Committee considered a Forward Work Programme for after the summer recess.

Agreed: The Forward Work Plan was agreed. The next meeting of the Committee will be at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 8 September 2009 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2.40pm.
Lord Morrow, Chairperson
Committee on Procedures

05 May 09 / Menu