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Minutes of Proceedings

Mr Mervyn Storey (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Mickey Brady
Lord Wallace Browne
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr David McClarty
Mr Adrian McQuillan
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Ken Robinson

In Attendance:
Ms Stella McArdle (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Vivien Ireland (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Ms Linda Hare (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Mary Carroll (Clerical Officer)
Claire Cassidy (Assembly Research)

Lord Morrow (Chairperson)
Mr Declan O’Loan

The meeting opened at 2.00pm in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 25 th June 2008

Agreed: that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 25 th June were agreed.

2.02pm Mr Raymond McCartney joined the meeting.

3. Matters arising

The chairperson reminded members that a suggestion was made at the Committee meeting on 28 th May 2008 that a system was to be introduced for members to abstain in voting. Members had also agreed at that meeting to discuss this issue with their respective parties before making a final decision.

Agreed: the Committee agreed that there should be a system in place for abstentions to be recorded. It was also agreed that the clerk will draw up a paper on abstentions in voting for the Committee to consider.

Members were also reminded that the Committee proposed an extension to the time Ministers were given to notify the Speaker of a statement.

Agreed: the Committee agreed that the extension time for notifying the Speaker of a statement should be extended from to two and a half hours to one day. Members also agreed that this issue will be reviewed and considered again by the Committee at a future date.

4. Inquiry into Assembly Question Time

The Committee was briefed by Assembly Research on the comparative information on the procedures of Assembly questions.

Agreed: the Committee agreed that Assembly Research will provide further information on a number of issues relating to the committee’s “Inquiry on Assembly Question Time”.

The Committee considered two questionnaires for its “Inquiry into Assembly Question Time” which had been drawn up by Assembly Research. The chairperson advised members of the proportional basis to the representation across the parties in respect of the survey for MLAs.

Agreed: the Committee agreed the questionnaires drawn up for members of the public and for MLAs as amended. Members were also content with the representation across the parties and agreed to include the Independents. It was also agreed that the Committee staff will issue a letter regarding the survey to the party whips which will be copied and circulated to the relevant committee member.

The Committee considered a written submission to its Inquiry into Assembly Question Time from Dr Baldwin, Dean and Director of Operations, Wroxton College.

Agreed : the Committee agreed to seek the views from Dr Baldwin on the procedures and practices of Question Time in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

5. Amendments to Standing Orders

The chairperson advised the committee of the two main issues relating to Standing Order 27 – Voting where the Speaker’s decision is challenged.

Agreed - The Committee agreed that an amendment will be required to clarify the position with tellers and that the title of the Standing Order will be amended to indicate that the procedure is used during divisions as well as when the Speaker’s Decision is challenged.

The Committee considered the complex amendment in relation to Standing Order 81 – Interpretation.

Agreed - The Committee agreed that the draftsperson when appointed will provide draft definitions for working days, sitting days and public holidays.

The Committee considered the amendment in relation to Standing Order 9(2) – Quorum in Plenary.

Agreed - The Committee agreed the amendment as advised by Assembly Legal Services and that it will be sent to the draftsperson for a technical check.

6. Tender for drafting Standing Orders

The clerk updated the Committee on the current position with the tender for drafting Standing Orders.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the proposed way forward with the tender.

7. Visit to Canada

The Committee was updated by the clerk on the proposed good practice visit to the Canadian Parliaments. Members were advised that Mr Francis Brolly was nominated by his party to attend the proposed visit.

Agreed: The Committee agreed, that in light of the general election in Canada, the clerk will obtain further information on a possible visit to Halifax before taking a final decision on the visit.

8. Any Other Business


9. Date, time and place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 24 th September 2008 at 2.00 in Room 152 Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3.12 pm.

Lord Morrow, Chairperson
Committee on Procedures
24th September 2008

25 June 08 / Menu