MONDAY 14 MAY 2007
The Assembly to sit at noon
- Motion - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Proposed: That this Assembly agrees to re-apply for admission to membership of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, such membership to be effective immediately on approval of the application by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and to abide by the provisions of the constitution of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; that the required membership fee be paid to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and that this motion be communicated to the secretariat of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association immediately following agreement.
[Rev Dr R Coulter]
[Mr D McClarty]
- Motion - Women in Politics
Proposed: That this Assembly expresses serious concerns about the under representation of women in the Assembly and calls on all parties to commit themselves to addressing the situation; and for the establishment of an all-party working group to discuss these and other issues that have a negative impact on women; and further calls on an incoming Executive to fully implement and resource a comprehensive strategy to tackle the under- representation of women in political life.
[Ms M Anderson]
[Ms S Ramsey]
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
[Ms J McCann]
- Motion - Development of the Rail Network
Proposed: That this Assembly calls upon the Department for Regional Development to bring forward their plans for upgrading the rail network to provide attractive inter-city services between the principal centres of population within Northern Ireland and onwards to the Republic of Ireland.
[Mr J Dallat]
- Motion - Undocumented Irish in the USA
Proposed: That this Assembly expresses its deep concern about the plight of the 'undocumented Irish', including many young people originally from Northern Ireland currently living, working and paying their way in the USA. Furthermore, that this Assembly agrees to make a donation towards the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, to support the campaign to legitimatise resident arrangements for, and create legal status for, the 'undocumented'.
[Dr A McDonnell]
[Mr PJ Bradley]