Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

OP 53-09/10


The Assembly to sit at 10.30am

1. Prayers

2. Question Time

2.1 Culture, Arts and Leisure

2.2 Education

2.3 Employment and Learning

3. Private Members’ Business

Motion - Over 60s Travel Pass

That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Regional Development to take steps alongside his counterparts from Westminster, the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament, to ensure that free travel passes issued in Northern Ireland for people over 60 can be used in all other parts of the United Kingdom.

Mr A Easton
Mr J Craig

Motion - Tidy Northern Ireland Day

That this Assembly calls on the Minister of the Environment to sponsor a Tidy Northern Ireland Day, and to work with councils to encourage local communities across Northern Ireland to get actively involved in tackling litter and improving their local areas.

Mr R Beggs [R]
Mr D Kinahan

4. Adjournment

Primary Health Care Provision in Carrickmore

Mr B McElduff