OP 02-08/09
The Assembly to sit at 10.30 am
- Motion - Neighbourhood Renewal
- Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Social Development to ensure that the Department retains lead responsibility for Neighbourhood Renewal, now and in the future, to ensure that social deprivation is tackled in our communities and that there is joined-up delivery.
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
[Mr M Brady]
[Mr F McCann]
[Ms M Anderson]
- Motion - Executive Matters
- Proposed: That this Assembly:
- notes with concern that the Executive has not met since June and notes the backlog of papers requiring due consideration by the Executive on important issues such as post-primary education, the Maze and PPS14;
- calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to ensure that the Executive meets to address important papers being brought forward by Ministers, to consider the regional impact of the economic downturn and measures which might mitigate its impact on households, businesses, employment and the regional economy including expediting the start dates for major public works agreed in the Investment Strategy, rejecting water charges and prioritising interventions against rising fuel poverty;
- calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to table a paper on the Devolution of Policing and Justice matters for consideration by the Executive;
- and reaffirms the recommendations of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee’s Report on the Inquiry into the Devolution of Policing and Justice Matters which highlighted issues which needed to be considered, examined or discussed by the Assembly and/or discussed by the political parties before the devolution of Policing and Justice.
[Mr M Durkan]
[Dr A McDonnell]
[Mrs D Kelly]
[Mr P McGlone]
- Motion - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to introduce policies to reduce the level of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; where necessary co-operating with other agencies and Departments; and to introduce dedicated teams to assist families affected by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
[Mr G Robinson]
- Motion - Integrated Schools
- Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Education to review the viability criteria for integrated schools.
[Dr S Farry]
[Mr T Lunn]