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OP 57-07/08 Marshalled


Item 3: Order Paper 57 07/08 – 13 May 2008  
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion – Post-Primary Transfer

That this Assembly, given high levels of public concern, calls on the Executive to create a Ministerial Sub-Committee to recommend appropriate regulations to govern post-primary transfer from 2010.

[Mr B McCrea]
[Mr K Robinson]
[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr D Kennedy]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘notes that the Minister of Education is to present proposals on post-primary transfer to the Executive on Thursday 15 th May and agrees to await the outcome of those discussions.’

[Ms M O’Neill]
[Mr J O’Dowd]

Amendment 2: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘regrets the delay in decision-making on post-primary educational reform and the resulting high levels of public concern and damage to public confidence; and calls on the Minister of Education to publish forthwith her proposals on Transfer, Sustainable Schools and Area-based Planning.’

[Mr D Bradley]
[Mrs M Bradley]

Amendment 3: At end insert:

‘, in the event that the Minister fails to bring forward detailed proposals for full consideration by the Assembly.’

[Mr T Lunn]
[Ms A Lo]
[Dr S Farry]
[Mr K McCarthy]

Motion – Sustainable Energy

That this Assembly notes the recommendations in the review of the Sustainable Energy Market; and calls on the Executive to ensure that there is closer co-operation between different departments to ensure that sustainable energy, including renewable energy, is developed in such a way that benefits the environment, and tackles the socio-economic problems that face families due to fuel poverty.

[Ms J McCann]
[Mr P Maskey]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Insert after ‘Market’:

‘further notes the findings of the All-Island Grid Study in respect of investment and planning needed to allow the electricity grid to transmit up to 42% renewable electricity;’

[Mr T Gallagher]