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OP 48-07/08 Marshalled


Item 3: Order Paper 48 07/08 – 8 April 2008

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion – Bill of Rights and Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

That this Assembly expresses its grave concern at the lack of cross-community support for the recommendations contained in the Report of the Bill of Rights Forum; and strongly urges the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission to ensure cross-community support for its advice to the Secretary of State.

[Mr D Kennedy]
[Mr T Elliott]
[Mr P Weir]
[Mr N McCausland]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘welcomes the level of constructive engagement between the political parties and the social partners in the Bill of Rights Forum which reported on 31 March 2008; believes that the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, in developing its advice to the Secretary of State, must act independently to produce that advice based on human rights principles; and calls for the development of a comprehensive and progressive Bill of Rights that can promote and protect the rights of all, set out common values in our divided society, and act as common ground upon which we can build a shared future.’

[Mr A Maginness]
[Mrs D Kelly]