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Item 3: Order Paper 14-07/08 – 25 October 2007
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion: IVF Fertility Waiting Lists

That this Assembly calls for a review of the policy on IVF fertility waiting lists including urgent consideration of the introduction of age-weighting criteria.

[Mr A Attwood]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:
Amendment 1:
Proposed:  Leave out all after ‘calls’ and insert:

‘on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to commence a comprehensive review into the current criteria used to assess eligibility, including the age weighting criteria, the ongoing problem with waiting lists, and the number of IVF treatments available on the NHS, with a view to establishing a more equitable and accessible policy.’

[Mrs M O’Neill]

Motion: Windscale/Sellafield

That this Assembly expresses concern at the findings of the report on the impact of the Windscale Piles accident at the Sellafield nuclear plant and the implications that this has for the health and well-being of people living on these islands and in Europe; and calls upon the Government to discontinue all operations at the Sellafield nuclear plant.

[Mr D McKay]
[Mr W Clarke]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:
Amendment 1:
Proposed:   Leave out all after first ‘plant’ and insert:

‘; notes the improving safety standards within the nuclear power industry; believes that the United Kingdom should have a safe, secure and diverse energy supply that takes account of the need to address the issue of increasing carbon emissions and the need to end dependency on fossil fuels; recognises that nuclear power plays an increasing role in power generation in several EU states; and calls upon the Government to consider carefully a well-regulated nuclear sector, operating to the highest safety standards, as one element of the United Kingdom’s energy supply.’

[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr D Simpson]

Amendment 2:
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘ Europe’ and insert:

‘; calls upon the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make public any data which it may have available in relation to this matter; and further calls upon the Government to discontinue all operations at the Sellafield nuclear plant within an agreed timescale, acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland Assembly.’

Mrs C Hanna]