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Item 2: Order Paper 6-07/08 – 25 September 2007
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion - Action on Child Poverty

That this Assembly regards as unacceptable the current level of child poverty; and calls on the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to confirm its commitment to the eradication of child poverty by 2020; and to provide an action plan with clear targets and measurable outcomes to ensure that all children are lifted out of poverty.

[Ms S Ramsey]
[Mrs C McGill]
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Insert after ‘outcomes’:

‘, supported by a dedicated budget,’

[Mrs D Kelly]
[Mrs M Bradley]

Motion - Establishment of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency

That this Assembly calls on the Executive to establish an independent Environmental Protection Agency for Northern Ireland.

[Mr B Wilson]
[Mr D Ford]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘notes the recent report ‘Foundations for the Future’, which recommends the creation of an independent Environmental Protection Agency; and further notes that more work needs to be undertaken to identify the costs and benefits of this recommendation, before decisions can be taken.’

[Mr P Weir]

Amendment 2: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘notes the recommendation to establish an independent Environmental Protection Agency in the ‘Foundations for the Future’ report; and calls on the Executive to establish an independent Environmental Protection Agency, which must be fully operational within the lifetime of this Assembly.’

[Mr T Gallagher]

Motion - Republican Parade

That this Assembly believes that Belfast City Centre should be a shared space; deplores the Sinn Fein sponsored parade to the City Hall on Sunday, 12 th August 2007, which involved depictions of I.R.A terrorists and participants carrying guns; and calls on the PSNI and the Parades Commission to ensure that this never happens again.

[Mr N McCausland]
[Mr S Wilson]
[Mr R Newton]
[Lord Browne]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘believes that public spaces should be shared; deplores any parades that include depictions of terrorism; and calls on the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Parades Commission to ensure that parades are free from displays of paramilitarism, including banners, insignia and uniforms.’

[Mr A Maginness]