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Item 2: Order Paper 2-07/08 – 11 September 2007

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion - Football Offences Act

That this Assembly congratulates the Irish Football Association on its campaign against sectarianism and, in order to strengthen powers of sporting bodies to deal with sectarianism and violence in sports grounds, calls on the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to commence consultation, with a view to introducing to Northern Ireland an Act similar to the Football Offences Act 1991.

[Mr K McCarthy]
[Dr K Deeny]
[Mr B Wilson]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after the first ‘sectarianism’ and insert:

‘, urges all sporting bodies in Northern Ireland to undertake similar initiatives against sectarianism; and calls on the Northern Ireland Office to commence consultation with a view to introducing legislation to address sectarianism, racism and violence associated with all sporting events.’

[Mr D McNarry]
[Mr K Robinson]

Motion - Attacks on Orange Halls

That this Assembly condemns all attacks on Orange Halls and calls on all political parties to use their influence to stop such sectarian attacks.

[Mr A Easton]
[Lord Morrow]
[Mr N McCausland]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out ‘all attacks on Orange Halls’ and insert after ‘condemns’:

‘attacks on all homes, property and community facilities, including Orange Halls,’

[Mr J O’Dowd]