Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

OP 57-09/10 Marshalled


Item 3: Order Paper 57-09/10– 18 May 2010

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion: Convergence Delivery Plan

That this Assembly notes with concern the uncertainty surrounding the Minister of Education's Convergence Delivery Plan and the impact this is having on staff morale across the education sector; and calls on the Minister to update the Assembly on progress made to date.

[Mr B McCrea]
[Ms J McCallister]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1:

Proposed : leave out all after ‘uncertainty’ and insert:

‘and lack of transparency surrounding the Minister of Education’s Convergence Delivery Plan and the impact this is having on staff morale across the education sector; further notes the unacceptable failure to properly reconstitute the Education and Library Boards within a reasonable timeframe, which is contributing to a democratic deficit; and calls on the Minister to update the Assembly on progress made to date.’

[Miss M McIlveen]
[Mr D Hilditch]
[Mr A Ross]