OP 41/09-10 Marshalled
Item 5: Order Paper 41-09/10– 8 March 2010
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion – Farm Modernisation Programme
That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to bring forward fair and practical criteria for implementation of tranche two of the Farm Modernisation Programme.
[Mr T Elliott]
[Mr G Savage]
[Mr J McCallister]
The Speaker has selected the following amendments for debate:
Amendment 1:
Proposed: leave out all after ‘Development’ and insert:
‘to re-engage immediately in discussions with the Ulster Farmers’ Union and the Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers' Association with a view to bringing forward fair and practical criteria for implementation of tranche two of the Farm Modernisation Programme.’
[Mr PJ Bradley]
[Mr P McGlone]
[Mr T Burns]
Amendment 2:
Proposed: at end insert:
‘; and to ensure that, following the under-spend in the Manure Efficiency Technology Sub-programme (METS) in tranche one, more farmers are given an opportunity to access the METS element in tranche two.’
[Mr W Irwin]
[Mr I Paisley Jnr]
[Mr J Shannon]
Motion – Boiler Scrappage Scheme
That this Assembly notes the introduction of a boiler scrappage scheme by HM Government and calls on the Minister for Social Development to examine the scope for the future introduction of a similar scheme in Northern Ireland.
[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr D Hilditch]
[Mr J Craig]
[Mr A Easton]
The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:
Amendment 1:
Proposed : leave out ‘future’ and insert ‘immediate’
[Mr T Elliott]
[Mr B Armstrong]