Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

OP 39-09/10 Marshalled


Item 4: Order Paper 39-09/10– 1 March 2010

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion - Proposals for a Bill of Rights

That this Assembly expresses concern that the British Government’s proposals for a Bill of Rights ignores the advice from both the Bill of Rights Forum and the Human Rights Commission that social and economic protections must be central to any Bill of Rights; and further calls for the introduction of a robust, enforceable Bill of Rights that will provide rights-based protection for all our people.

[Ms M Anderson]
[Mr B McElduff]
[Mr F Molloy]
[Mr A Maskey]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:
Amendment 1:

Proposed: - Insert after the fourth ‘Rights;’:

‘ calls on the British Government to expand the current consultation on a Bill of Rights to include consultation on the full range of recommendations of the Human Rights Commission;’

[Mr A Maginness]
[Ms D Kelly]
[Mr A Attwood]

Motion – 50/50 Recruitment

That this Assembly notes the renewal for one final year of ‘50/50’ recruitment to the police in Northern Ireland; looks forward to the next substantial recruitment competition when, for the first time in a decade, Protestant applicants will face no barriers on the grounds of perceived religious affiliation in the process of being considered for a career in the police.

[Mr G Campbell]
[Mr P Weir]
[Mr T Clarke]

The Speaker has selected the following amendments for debate:
Amendment 1:

Proposed : Leave out all after ‘renewal’ and insert:

‘of 50/50 recruitment to the PSNI; believes that special measures are still needed to achieve a police service which is representative of the community as recommended by the Patten Report; and recommends that 50/50 recruitment should continue after the Catholic community background reaches 30% for police officers, to help bring about the “closer resemblance to that of the community as a whole” in the composition of both police officers and civilian staff respectively.’

[Mr A Attwood]
[Mrs D Kelly]
[Mr A Maginness]
[Mr J Dallat]

Amendment 2:

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘when’ and insert:

‘all applicants, irrespective of their actual or perceived background, can be eligible for recruitment solely on merit.’

[Dr S Farry]
[Mrs N Long]