OP 7-09/10 Marshalled
Item 4: Order Paper 7-09/10– 5 October 2009
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion: Grammar School Entrance Tests
That this Assembly requests that the Minister of Education establishes a statutory framework for the grammar school entrance tests, effective from the beginning of the academic year 2010-11; and recommends that this statutory framework should remain in place until the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment devises, pilots and introduces literacy and numeracy tests compatible with the curriculum, alongside a robust pupil profile, allowing academic criteria to have a role in the post-primary transfer process.
[Mr B McCrea]
[Mr J McCallister]
The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:
Amendment 1:
Proposed : Leave out all after ‘Education’ and insert:
‘instructs the Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment to complete, pilot and introduce a literacy and numeracy test based on the revised curriculum to be available to all schools in time for the 2010-2011 academic year, to be used alongside pupil profiles as one of the criteria for post-primary transfer, for one year only pending an agreed solution following inter-party talks.’
[Mr T Lunn]
[Dr S Farry]
[Mrs N Long]