OP 2-09/10 Marshalled
Item 4: Order Paper 2 09/10– 15 September 2009
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion - Home Improvement Grants
That this Assembly urges the Minister for Social Development to explain why the Housing Executive has suspended the payment of home improvement grants, despite the Department for Social Development being awarded an extra £20m in the June monitoring round for housing; and further calls on the Minister to remove the suspension of these grants, which are vital to meeting the Decent Homes Standards to enable essential maintenance and home improvements work to be carried out.
[Mr F McCann]
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
[Mr M Brady]
The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:
Amendment 1: Leave out ‘remove’ and insert:
[Mr T Burns]
[Mrs M Bradley]