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OP 55-08/09 Marshalled


Item 2: Order Paper 55 08/09 – 12 May 2009

Private Members’ Business - Motions


Motion - Proposal to establish an Ad-Hoc Committee on the Economic Downturn

That this Assembly reaffirms the priority given to the economy outlined in the Programme for Government; notes with concern the impact of the downturn on jobs, especially in the construction, manufacturing and service sectors; recognises the need to protect frontline services including health, education, skills and housing in the pursuit of efficiency savings; and resolves to establish an ad-hoc committee:

(i) to bring forward proposals to revise budget lines and spending profiles to ensure the best support for key economic sectors in the context of both current downturn and future recovery;

(ii) to explore innovative uses of public money to address the pressures caused by the global downturn and prospects for regional recover; and

(iii) to consider proposals to ring-fence frontline public services and ensure more strategic targeting of efficiency saving.

[Mr M Durkan]
[Mr D O’Loan]
[Mrs C Hanna]
[Dr A McDonnell]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘savings’ and insert :

‘; notes that budget lines are altered in-year via the Monitoring Round process and that since 2007 the Executive has reallocated £1 billion in resources, including £70 million in December 2008, aimed at addressing the downturn; acknowledges the need to pursue further efficiencies targeted at reducing the size of government; welcomes the proposal for an Efficiency Review Panel; and calls for the prompt production of recommendations to reduce the number of government Departments and to deliver efficient and effective public services.’

[Mr I Paisley Jnr]
[Mr P Weir]
[Mr A McQuillan]

Amendment 2: Leave out ‘ resolves to establish an ad-hoc committee’ and insert:

‘calls on the Executive to utilise fully the in-year Monitoring Round process:’

[Mr M McLaughlin]
[Mr F McCann]
[Ms J McCann]