OP 33-08/09 Marshalled
Item 3: Order Paper 33 08/09 – 3 February 2009
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion - Women’s Organisations
That this Assembly expresses concern about the number of women’s organisations that have been unable to secure funding to deliver services for the community; and calls on the Executive to action cross-cutting Departmental commitments and for the Office of the First and deputy First Minister to monitor outcomes .
Ms M Anderson
Ms J McCann
The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:
Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Executive’ and insert :
‘to initiate a cross cutting review to ensure (i) that the current mapping of the provision of services is adequate; (ii) the most effective use of resources to address the identified needs of the sector; and (iii) the equitable distribution of those resources. ’
Miss M McIlveen
Mr P Weir