OP 31-08/09 Marshalled
Item 4: Order Paper 31 08/09 – 27 January 2009
Private Members’ Business - Motions
Motion - Shared Future
That this Assembly states its concern at the failure of the Office of the First and deputy First Minister to meet its own deadlines for the publication of a draft strategy for Cohesion, Sharing and Integration, incorporating the Racial Equality Strategy; expresses its concern at the marginalisation of the existing Shared Future Framework and Action Plan and the resultant absence of a clear policy on community relations; and demands that the Department urgently brings forward detailed proposals for addressing the continued problems and consequences arising from division and segregation.
[Mr D Ford]
[Mrs N Long]
[Dr S Farry]
The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:
Amendment 1: At end insert:
‘; and further calls for these detailed proposals to be fully budgeted and to recognise the potential of social and affordable housing initiatives aimed at tackling sectarianism, promoting reconciliation and advancing the creation of a shared and integrated society.’
[Mrs D Kelly]
[Mr A Maginness]
[Mr T Burns]