Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Item 3: Order Paper 12 08/09 – 21 October 2008
Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion - Location of Public Sector Jobs

That this Assembly notes the findings of the Bain Report on the location of public sector jobs and welcomes its recommendations; calls on the Department of Finance and Personnel and the Executive to pursue its recommendations with an active policy of decentralisation with the full co-operation of all Departments; and further calls on relevant Ministers to address the access problems of inadequate infrastructure and poor public transport identified at Enniskillen, Cookstown and Downpatrick so that, to achieve better balanced economic growth, these towns can be considered for the further location of public sector jobs.

[Mr T Gallagher]
[Mr P McGlone]
[Mr PJ Bradley]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1:
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘its’ in line 2 and insert:
‘contents and conclusions as an important contribution to the ongoing debate on this issue, and calls upon the Minister of Finance and Personnel to report to the Executive and the Assembly in a timely manner, having carefully considered the various consequences, including value for money, of the Report’s recommendations, with views on how this matter may be addressed.’

[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr P Weir]