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Item 3: Order Paper 9 08/09 – 13 October 2008

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion – Regulation of Private Landlords

That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Social Development to bring forward a proposal for legislation on the regulation of private landlords.

[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
[Mr F McCann]
[Mr M Brady]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment(s) for debate:

Amendment 1: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘recognises the intention of the Minister for Social Development to bring forward legislation to regulate private landlords; and calls on the Minister to ensure that these regulations will tackle unfitness in the sector, whilst ensuring that unnecessary bureaucracy is avoided.

[Mr D Simpson]
[Mr D Hilditch] [R]
[Lord Morrow]

Amendment 2:

Proposed: At end insert:

‘to include provision for the mandatory registration of, and establishment of service standards for, private landlords.’

[Ms D Purvis]