Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

No. 56-09/10


MONDAY 17 MAY 2010

The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair.

1. Personal Prayer or Meditation

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Speaker’s Business

2.1 Public Petition - Rebuilding of Whitehouse Primary School

Mr Mervyn Storey was granted leave, in accordance with Standing Order 22, to present a Public Petition relating to the Rebuilding of Whitehouse Primary School.

3. Executive Business

3.1 First Stage - Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill (NIA 19/09)

The Minister for Social Development, Ms Margaret Ritchie, introduced a Bill to make provision in relation to liquor licensing and registration of clubs.

Bill passed First Stage and ordered to be printed (NIA 19/09).

3.2 Second Stage - Construction Contracts (Amendment) Bill (NIA 16/09)

The Minister of Finance and Personnel, Mr Sammy Wilson, moved the Second Stage of the Construction Contracts (Amendment) Bill (NIA 16/09).

Debate ensued.

Bill (NIA 16/09) passed Second Stage.

3.3 Further Consideration Stage - Forestry Bill (NIA 11/08)

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ms Michelle Gildernew, moved the Further Consideration Stage of the Forestry Bill.

No amendments were tabled to the Bill.

Bill NIA 11/08 stood referred to the Speaker for consideration in accordance with Section 10 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

4. Private Members’ Business

4.1 Motion - All-Island Economic Regeneration


That this Assembly calls on the Executive to explore, through the North South Ministerial Council, ways to develop policies in conjunction with the Irish Government which benefit both economies on the island, with particular consideration being given to the potential benefits of the harmonisation of VAT rates, taxation systems and corporation tax; and further calls on the Executive to work with the Irish Government to develop an all-island economic recovery and development plan, aligned with an investment strategy, to help address the adverse impacts of the present economic climate.

Mr P Butler
Ms J McCann
Mr M McLaughlin

4.2 Amendment


insert after ‘corporation tax;’

‘calls for the full implementation of the November 2001 cross-border ‘Study of Obstacles to Mobility’ report commissioned by the North South Ministerial Council;’

Dr A McDonnell
Mr C McDevitt
Mr A Attwood
Mr D O’Loan

The Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) took the Chair.

Debate ensued.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) took the Chair.

The Amendment being put, the Amendment fell (Division 1).

The Question on the Motion was deferred until after Question Time and the Question for Urgent Oral Answer.

5. Question Time

5.1 Finance and Personnel

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Finance and Personnel, Mr Sammy Wilson.

5.2 Health, Social Services and Public Safety

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Michael McGimpsey.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) took the Chair.

6. Question for Urgent Oral Answer

6.1 Closure of Services at Whiteabbey and Mid-Ulster Hospitals

The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Michael McGimpsey, replied to a Question for Urgent Oral Answer, tabled by Mr Nigel Dodds.

7. Private Members’ Business (Cont’d)

7.1 Motion - All-Island Economic Regeneration (Cont’d)

The Question being put, the Motion was negatived (Division 2).

7.2 Motion - Robberies


That this Assembly condemns the spate of robberies within local communities across Northern Ireland; and calls on the Minister of Justice to produce a more effective strategy to protect citizens’ private property and vulnerable people in our society.

Mr I McCrea
Mr T Clarke

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

8. Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

The Assembly adjourned at 5.28pm.

Mr William Hay
The Speaker
17 May 2010


Northern Ireland Assembly

17 May 2010

Division No. 1

All-Island Economic Regeneration – Amendment No. 1


insert after ‘corporation tax;’

‘calls for the full implementation of the November 2001 cross-border ‘Study of Obstacles to Mobility’ report commissioned by the North South Ministerial Council;’

Dr A McDonnell
Mr C McDevitt
Mr A Attwood
Mr D O’Loan

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 42
Noes: 46


Mr Adams, Ms Anderson, Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr D Bradley, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley, Mr Brady, Mr Burns, Mr Butler, Mr W Clarke, Mr Dallat, Dr Deeny, Mr Durkan, Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Ms Gildernew, Mrs D Kelly, Mr Leonard, Ms Lo, Mr A Maginness, Mr A Maskey, Mr P Maskey, Mr McCarthy, Mr McCartney, Mr McDevitt, Dr McDonnell, Mrs McGill, Mr McGlone, Mr McHugh, Mr McLaughlin, Mr Murphy, Mr Neeson, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mr O’Loan, Mrs O’Neill, Mr P Ramsey, Ms S Ramsey, Ms Ritchie, Ms Ruane, Mr B Wilson.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Attwood and Mr McDevitt.


Mr Beggs, Mr Bell, Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr Cobain, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Craig, Mr Dodds, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mr Elliott, Mrs Foster, Mr Gardiner, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kinahan, Mr McCallister, Mr McCausland, Mr B McCrea, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea, Mr McFarland, Mr McGimpsey, Miss McIlveen, Mr McNarry, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr G Robinson, Rt Hon P Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Savage, Mr Shannon, Mr Simpson, Mr Spratt, Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells, Mr S Wilson.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Kennedy and Mr G Robinson.

The Amendment fell.

Northern Ireland Assembly

17 May 2010

Division No. 2

All-Island Economic Regeneration - Motion


That this Assembly calls on the Executive to explore, through the North South Ministerial Council, ways to develop policies in conjunction with the Irish Government which benefit both economies on the island, with particular consideration being given to the potential benefits of the harmonisation of VAT rates, taxation systems and corporation tax; and further calls on the Executive to work with the Irish Government to develop an all-island economic recovery and development plan, aligned with an investment strategy, to help address the adverse impacts of the present economic climate.

Mr P Butler
Ms J McCann
Mr M McLaughlin

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 34
Noes: 50


Mr Adams, Ms Anderson, Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr D Bradley, Mrs M Bradley, Mr Brady, Mr Burns, Mr Butler, Mr Durkan, Ms Gildernew, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Mr Leonard , Mr A Maginness, Mr A Maskey, Mr P Maskey, Mr McCartney, Mr McDevitt, Dr McDonnell, Mrs McGill, Mr McGlone, Mr M McGuinness, Mr McHugh, Mr McLaughlin, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mr O’Loan, Mrs O’Neill, Mr P Ramsey, Ms S Ramsey, Ms Ritchie, Ms Ruane.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Brady and Mr Leonard.


Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Bell, Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr Cobain, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Craig, Mr Dodds, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Mrs Foster, Mr Gardiner, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kinahan, Ms Lo, Mr McCallister, Mr McCarthy, Mr McCausland, Mr B McCrea, Mr I McCrea, Mr McFarland, Mr McGimpsey, Miss McIlveen, Mr McNarry, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Neeson, Mr Newton, Mr Poots, Mr G Robinson, Rt Hon P Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Savage, Mr Shannon, Mr Spratt, Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr B Wilson, Mr S Wilson.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Kennedy and Mr G Robinson.

The motion was negatived.

Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on
12 – 17 May 2010

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Sunbeds Bill NIA Bill 18/09

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003 (NIAO)

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004 (NIAO)

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 (NIAO)

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 (NIAO)

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 (NIAO)

Members' Contributory Pension ( Northern Ireland) Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 (NIAO)

Assembly Contributory Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003 (NIAO)

Assembly Contributory Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004 (NIAO)

Assembly Contributory Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 (NIAO)

Assembly Contributory Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 (NIAO)

Assembly Contributory Pension Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 (NIAO)

5. Assembly Reports

Report on Transforming Land Registers: The LandWeb Project NIA 56/09/10R (Public Accounts Committee)

6. Statutory Rules

(The Department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only)

Draft S.R. 2010 The Medical Profession (Responsible Officers) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2010 (DHSSPS)

For Information Only:

S.R. 2010/178 The Road Races (Mourne Rally) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2010 (DRD)

7. Written Ministerial Statements

8. Consultation Documents

Belfast Rapid Transit Consultation - Final Report on Public Consultation (DRD)

9. Departmental Publications

Sport Matters: The Northern Ireland Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation 2009-2019 (DCAL)

10. Agency Publications

11. Westminster Publications

12. Miscellaneous Publications