No. 15-09/10
The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair
1. Personal Prayer or Meditation
Members observed two minutes’ silence.
2. The Speaker’s Business
2.1 Public Petition - Support for Victims of Institutional Abuse
Mrs Carmel Hanna was granted leave in accordance with Standing Order 22 to present a Public Petition relating to support for victims of institutional abuse.
3. Executive Committee Business
3.1 Statement - North South Ministerial Council Environment Sectoral Format Meeting
The Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) in the Chair.
The Minister of the Environment, Mr Edwin Poots, made a statement to the Assembly regarding the North-South Ministerial Council Environment Sectoral format meeting, held on 30 October 2009, following which he replied to questions.
3.2 Statement - Draft Addendum to Planning Policy Statement 7
The Minister of the Environment, Mr Edwin Poots, made a statement to the Assembly regarding Draft Addendum to Planning Policy Statement 7 on Safeguarding the Character of Established Residential Areas, following which he replied to questions.
4. Committee Business
4.1 Motion - Efficiency and Contingency Deficit Proposals in the Health and Social Care Trusts
Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to outline the details of the efficiency savings proposals agreed with each Health and Social Care Trust; and to ensure that the efficiency savings proposals and contingency proposals for deficits in the current budget of each Trust will not impact on front-line services.
[Chairperson, Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety]
4.2 Amendment
Proposed: At end insert:
‘ ; and further requests that the Executive exempts Health and Social Care Services from further budget reductions or requirements to deliver any further efficiency savings.
[Mr J McCallister]
[Mr S Gardiner]
[Ms D Purvis]
[Mr B McCrea]
Debate ensued.
Debate was suspended for Question Time.
The Speaker in the Chair.
5. Question Time
5.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Questions were put to, and answered by, the deputy First Minister, Mr Martin McGuinness.
5.2 Environment
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of the Environment, Mr Edwin Poots.
6. Committee Business (cont’d)
6.1 Motion - Efficiency and Contingency Deficit Proposals in the Health and Social Care Trusts (cont’d)
Debate resumed on the motion.
The Amendment being put, the Amendment fell (Division 1 ).
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
7. Private Members’ Business
7.1 Motion - Multi-unit Development Management Company Reform
Proposed:That this Assembly notes that the regulations on multi-unit development management companies are not currently adequate; notes that Northern Ireland has fallen behind the rest of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in legislating on this issue; and calls on the Department of Finance and Personnel and the Executive to develop proposals on the matter.
[Mr K McCarthy]
[Mr D Ford]
7.2 Amendment
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘adequate’ and insert:
‘and calls on the Executive to introduce new legislation that will govern the way in which they operate’.
[Mr A Ross]
[Mr T Clarke]
Debate ensued.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the Chair.
The Amendment being put, the Amendment was made without division.
The Question being put, the Motion, as amended, was carried without division.
8. Adjournment
Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.
[The Speaker]
The Assembly adjourned at 5.10pm
Mr William Hay
The Speaker
9 November 2009
Division No. 1
Efficiency and Contingency Deficit Proposals in the Health and Social Care Trusts - Amendment
Proposed: At end insert:
‘ ; and further requests that the Executive exempts Health and Social Care Services from further budget reductions or requirements to deliver any further efficiency savings.
[Mr J McCallister]
[Mr S Gardiner]
[Ms D Purvis]
[Mr B McCrea]
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes: 16
Noes: 69
Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Cobain, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Cree, Mr Elliott, Sir Reg Empey, Mr Gardiner, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kinahan, Mr McCallister, Mr B McCrea, Mr McFarland, Mr McGimpsey, Ms Purvis, Mr K Robinson.
Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Gardiner and Mr McCallister.
Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr D Bradley, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley, Mr Brady, Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Burns, Mr Butler, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr W Clarke, Mr Craig, Dr Deeny, Mr Dodds, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Mrs Foster, Mr Gallagher, Ms Gildernew, Mr Hamilton, Mrs Hanna, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr G Kelly, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr A Maginness, Mr A Maskey, Ms J McCann, Mr McCarthy, Mr McCartney, Mr McCausland, Mr I McCrea, Dr McDonnell, Mr McElduff, Mrs McGill, Mr McGlone, Mr M McGuinness, Mr McHugh, Miss McIlveen, Mr McKay, Mr McLaughlin, Mr Molloy, Lord Morrow, Mr Murphy, Mr Newton, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mr O’Loan, Mrs O’Neill, Mr Paisley Jnr, Mr Poots, Mr P Ramsey, Ms S Ramsey, Mr G Robinson, Mrs I Robinson, Mr Ross, Ms Ruane, Mr Shannon, Mr Simpson, Mr Spratt, Mr Weir, Mr B Wilson, Mr S Wilson.
Tellers for the Noes: Mrs O’Neill and Ms S Ramsey.
The Amendment fell.
4 November – 9 November 2009
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Rates (Amendment) Act ( Northern Ireland) 2009
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
3. Orders in Council
S.I. 2009/2858 (C.125) The Defamation Act 1996 (Commencement No.4) Order
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Special EU Programmes Body Annual Report 2008
Northern Ireland Community Relations Council Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009
HSC Pension Scheme Resource Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009
5. Assembly Reports
Report on The Management of Social Housing Rent Collection and Arrears
(NIA 16/09/10R)
Report on the Department of Justice Bill (NIA 18/09/10R)
Report on the Employment Bill (NIA 20/09/10R)
6. Statutory Rules
(The Department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only)S.R. 2009/353 Game Preservation (Special Protection for Irish Hare) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DOE)
S.R. 2009/355 The Redpoll Avenue Bus Turning Circle, Lisburn (Abandonment) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DRD)
Draft S.R. 2009 The Strategic Investment and Regeneration of Sites (Maze/Long Kesh Development Corporation) ( Northern Ireland) Order 2009 (OFMDFM)
S.R. 2009/363 The Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 2) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
For Information Only :
S.R. 2009/357 The Private Access at junction of Tandragee Road and Brackagh Road, Portadown (Stopping-Up) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DRD)
7. Written Ministerial Statements
8. Consultation Documents
Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Putting in place the legal framework for implementation (DOE)
Consultation Draft - The Control of Salmonella in Turkey Flocks Scheme Order ( Northern Ireland) 2010