Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

No. 12-09/10



The Assembly met at 10.30am, the Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the Chair

1. Personal Prayer or Meditation

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Executive Committee Business

2.1 Statement - Programme Led Apprenticeships

The Minister for Employment and Learning, Sir Reg Empey, made a statement to the Assembly regarding the introduction of Programme Led Apprenticeships, following which he replied to questions.

3. Committee Business

3.1 Motion - Widening Access to Education Maintenance Allowance

Proposed:That this Assembly agrees that restricting the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) specifically to those enrolled in schools or colleges is a key factor which inhibits alternative education providers from reaching those young people who have disengaged from mainstream education; calls on the Minister for Employment and Learning to make EMA accessible to all young people who comply with the age criterion and are engaged in appropriate provision, whether this is in schools or colleges, or with a recognised alternative provider; and further calls on the Minister to engage with the alternative education providers to establish whether the current attendance criteria regarding EMA are too prescriptive.

[Chairperson, Committee for Employment and Learning]

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

The sitting was suspended at 12.16 pm.

The sitting resumed at 2.00pm with the Speaker in the Chair.

4. Private Members’ Business

4.1 Motion - Lisbon Treaty Referendum

Proposed:That this Assembly notes the verdict of the Republic of Ireland electorate on the Lisbon Treaty referendum; reaffirms its support for a referendum in the United Kingdom on the Treaty; and calls for a declaration from those parties aspiring to form the incoming Government of the United Kingdom to give an unequivocal commitment to hold, within a twelve month period from assuming office in 2010, a binding referendum on the Lisbon Treaty that is unconditional and unrelated to how other Member states choose to vote, and the result of which will not be held in abeyance pending a further referendum on the subject.

[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr G Campbell]

4.2 Amendment

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘calls’ and insert:

‘on the UK Parliament to rescind the United Kingdom’s ratification of the Treaty; and further calls on those parties who aspire to form the next Government to hold a referendum to halt the ratification process across the European Union.’

[Mr D Kennedy]
[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr D Kinahan]

Debate ensued

Debate suspended for Question Time.

5. Question Time

5.1 Culture, Arts and Leisure

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mr Nelson McCausland.

6. Private Members’ Business (cont’d)

6.1 Motion - Lisbon Treaty Referendum (cont’d)

Debate resumed on the motion.

The Amendment being put, the Amendment fell (Division 1).

The Question being put, the Motion was carried (Division 2).

7. Executive Committee Business (cont’d)

7.1 Statement - Local Government Reform Programme

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the Chair.

The Minister of the Environment, Mr Edwin Poots, made a statement to the Assembly regarding the Local Government Reform Programme, following which he replied to questions.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the Chair.

8. Private Members’ Business (cont’d)

8.1 Motion - Invest NI

Proposed: That this Assembly notes the criticism of the performance of Invest NI reported in the Independent Review of Economic Policy; and calls on the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to ensure that any future spending by Invest NI is distributed in an equitable and accountable manner.

[Ms J McCann]
[Mr P Butler]
[Mr M McLaughlin]
[Ms M Anderson]

The Question being put, the Motion was negatived (Division 3).

9. Adjournment

Mr Alex Attwood spoke to his topic on Economic Development in West Belfast.

Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.

[The Speaker]

The Assembly adjourned at 8.03 pm.

Mr William Hay
The Speaker
20 October 2009


20 OCTOBER 2009


Division No. 1

Lisbon Treaty Referendum - Amendment


Leave out all after ‘calls’ and insert:

‘on the UK Parliament to rescind the United Kingdom’s ratification of the Treaty; and further calls on those parties who aspire to form the next Government to hold a referendum to halt the ratification process across the European Union.’

[Mr D Kennedy]
[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr D Kinahan]

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 12
Noes: 48


Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Cobain, Mr Cree,  Mr Elliott, Sir Reg Empey, Mr Gardiner, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kinahan, Mr McCallister, Mr B McCrea,  Mr Savage.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Beggs and Mr Kinahan.


Mr Attwood, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley,  Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Burns, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr Craig, Mr Dallat,  Mr Dodds, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mr Ford,  Mrs Foster, Mr Gallagher, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn,  Mr A Maginness, Mr McCarthy, Mr McCausland, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea, Dr McDonnell,  Mr McGlone, Miss McIlveen, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr O’Loan, Mr Paisley Jnr, Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley, Mr Poots, Mr P Ramsey,  Mr G Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Shannon, Mr Spratt,  Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells, Mr B Wilson.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Hamilton and Mr Shannon.

The Amendment fell.


20 OCTOBER 2009


Division No. 2

Lisbon Treaty Referendum - Motion


That this Assembly notes the verdict of the Republic of Ireland electorate on the Lisbon Treaty referendum; reaffirms its support for a referendum in the United Kingdom on the Treaty; and calls for a declaration from those parties aspiring to form the incoming Government of the United Kingdom to give an unequivocal commitment to hold, within a twelve month period from assuming office in 2010, a binding referendum on the Lisbon Treaty that is unconditional and unrelated to how other Member states choose to vote, and the result of which will not be held in abeyance pending a further referendum on the subject.

[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr G Campbell]

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 47
Noes: 19


Mr Boylan, Mr Brady, Mr Bresland, Mr Brolly,  Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Butler, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr Craig, Mr Dodds, Mr Doherty,  Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Ms Gildernew, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr P Maskey, Mr F McCann, Ms J McCann, Mr McCartney,  Mr McCausland, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea,  Mrs McGill, Miss McIlveen, Mr McKay, Mr McLaughlin, Mr McQuillan, Mr Molloy, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mrs O’Neill, Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley, Mr Poots, Ms S Ramsey,  Mr G Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Shannon, Mr Spratt,  Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Hamilton and Mr Shannon.


Mr Attwood, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley,  Mr Burns, Mr Dallat, Mr Ford, Mr Gallagher, Mrs D Kelly, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr Lunn,  Mr A Maginness, Mr McCarthy, Dr McDonnell, Mr McGlone, Mr McHugh, Mr O’Loan, Mr P Ramsey, Mr B Wilson.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr McCarthy and Mr O’Loan.

The following Members voted in both Lobbies and are therefore not counted in the result:

Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Cobain, Mr Cree, Mr Elliott, Sir Reg Empey, Mr Gardiner, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kinahan, Mr McCallister, Mr B McCrea, Mr McFarland.

The Motion was carried.


20 OCTOBER 2009


Division No. 3

Invest NI - Motion


That this Assembly notes the criticism of the performance of Invest NI reported in the Independent Review of Economic Policy; and calls on the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to ensure that any future spending by Invest NI is distributed in an equitable and accountable manner.

[Ms J McCann]
[Mr P Butler]
[Mr McLaughlin]
[Ms M Anderson]

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 23
Noes: 33


Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr Brady, Mr Brolly,  Mr Butler, Mr W Clarke, Mr Doherty, Mrs Hanna,  Mr P Maskey, Mr F McCann, Ms J McCann,  Mr McCartney, Dr McDonnell, Mrs McGill,  Mr McGlone, Mr McHugh, Mr McKay, Mr McLaughlin, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mr O’Loan, Mrs O’Neill, Ms S Ramsey.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr W Clarke and Ms S Ramsey.


Mr Bresland, Mr Buchanan, Mr T Clarke, Mr Cobain, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Craig, Mr Cree,  Mr Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mr Ford, Mrs Foster,  Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Kennedy,  Mr Lunn, Mr McCausland, Mr B McCrea,  Dr W McCrea, Mr McFarland, Miss McIlveen,  Mr McQuillan, Mr Moutray, Mr Newton,  Mr Paisley Jnr, Mr Poots, Mr G Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Shannon, Mr Spratt, Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Bresland and Mr Shannon.

The Motion was negatived.



20 OCTOBER 2009

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

5. Assembly Reports

6. Statutory Rules

7. Written Ministerial Statements

8. Consultation Documents

9. Departmental Publications

10. Agency Publications

11. Westminster Publications

12. Miscellaneous Publications

Northern Ireland Assembly Legislation:

Stages in Consideration of Public Bills

First Stage: Introduction of Bill
Second Stage: General debate of the Bill with an opportunity for Members to vote on its general principles
Committee Stage: Detailed investigation by a Committee which concludes with the publication of a report for consideration by the Assembly.
Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, the details of the Bill including amendments proposed to the Bill.
Further Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, further amendments to the Bill.
Final Stage: Passing or rejecting of Bill by the Assembly, without further amendment.
Royal Assent

Proceedings as at 20 OCTOBER 2009

Session 2009-2010

Executive Bills

Title & Bill Number First Stage Second Stage Committee Stage due to Conclude Committee Report Ordered to be Printed Consideration Stage

Consideration Stage

Final Stage Royal Assent
*Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill NIA Bill 15/07 12.05.08 20.05.08 12.12.08 04.12.08        
*Civil Registration Bill NIA Bill 20/07 17.06.08 01.07.08 20.03.09 18.03.09        
*Diseases of Animals Bill NIA Bill 22/07 30.06.08 15.09.08 17.02.09 13.02.09        
*Education Bill NIA Bill 3/08 25.11.08 08.12.08 30.09.09 30.09.09        
*Financial Provisions Bill NIA Bill 6/08 23.02.09 03.03.09 13.05.09 13.05.09        
*Housing (Amendment) Bill NIA Bill 7/08 09.06.09 23.06.09 1.12.09          
*Employment Bill NIA Bill 9/08 22.06.09 30.06.09 9.11.09          
*Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill NIA Bill 10/08 22.06.09 30.06.09 26.10.09 15.10.09        
*Forestry Bill NIA Bill 11/08 29.06.09 15.09.09 02.03.10          
Department of Justice Bill NIA Bill 1/09 14.09.09 22.09.09 10.11.09          
/Rates (Amendment) Bill NIA Bill 2/09 14.09.09 22.09.09 N/A N/A 29.09.09 6.10.09 13.10.09  
Water and Sewerage Services (Amendment) Bill NIA Bill 3/09 21.09.09 29.09.09 17.11.09          

Session 2009-2010

Non-Executive Bills

Title & Bill Number First Stage Second Stage Committee Stage due to Conclude Committee Report Ordered to be Printed Consideration Stage FurtherConsideration Stage Final Stage Royal Assent
*Carers Allowance Bill NIA Bill 13/07 31.03.08              
*Community Use of School Premises Bill NIA Bill 1/08 13.10.08              

* Bill carried over from 2008-2009 by the Assembly as Royal Assent had not been achieved.
/ Bill progressing by accelerated passage