No. 44-08/09
The Assembly met at noon, the Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the Chair
1. Personal Prayer or Meditation
Members observed two minutes’ silence.
2. Private Members’ Business
2.1 Motion - Enhancement of Debt Advisory Services
Proposed: That this Assembly notes the increasing amount of personal debt and the crisis facing many mortgage holders; and calls on the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment and the Minister for Social Development to bring forward a package of measures to enhance existing debt advisory services, and to provide additional resources and training for community based organisations providing debt counselling .
[Ms J McCann]
[Mr M McLaughlin]
[Mr G Adams]
[Mr M Brady]
2.2 Amendment
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘holders;’ and insert:
‘supports the announcements of the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to double the funding, over the next two years, for free debt advice provision; and calls on the Minister to expedite the tendering process and award contracts, as a matter of urgency, to relevant organisations delivering these crucial services.’
[Dr A McDonnell]
[Mr D O’Loan]
[Mr A Maginness]
Debate ensued.
The Amendment was, by leave, withdrawn.
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
2.3 Motion - World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour 2009
Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Assembly Commission and the Executive to support World Wildlife Fund’s Earth Hour 2009 by switching off the lights in Parliament Buildings and all government departmental buildings at an appropriate time on Saturday 28 March 2009.
[Mr T Gallagher]
[Mr P McGlone]
[Dr A McDonnell]
[Mr A Maginness]
Debate ensued.
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the chair.
3. Question Time
3.1 Minister of Education
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Ms Caitríona Ruane.
Minister for Employment and Learning
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Sir Reg Empey.
3.3 Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mrs Arlene Foster.
4. Adjournment
Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.[The Speaker]
The Assembly adjourned at 4.00 pm .
Mr William Hay
The Speaker
16 March 2009
11 TO 16 MARCH 2009
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget Act ( Northern Ireland) 2009
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
3. Orders in Council
S.I. 2009/459 The Pensions Appeal Commissioners (Procedure) ( Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2009
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Department of Finance and Personnel Memorandum on the Fifth and Sixth Reports from the Public Accounts Committee Session 2008-2009: Warm Homes - Tackling Fuel Poverty and Shared Services - A Progress Report (NIA 91/08-09)
Review of the Commissioner for Children and Young People (NI) Order 2003 (NIA 93/08-09)
Department of Finance and Personnel minute directing that Accruing Resources may be used for certain purposes for the year ending 31 March 2009 (NIA 100/08-09)
5. Assembly Reports
6. Statutory Rules
(The Department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only.)
S.R. 2009/XX The Health and Social Care (Reform) (2009 Act) (Consequential Provisions) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/63 The Bank Administration Rules ( Northern Ireland) 2009
S.R. 2009/69 Public Use of the Records (Management and Fees) Rules ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DCAL)
S.R. 2009/80 The Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/84 The Special Agencies (Consultation on Dissolution) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/86 The Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DARD)
S.R. 2009/87 The Healthy Start Scheme and Day Care Food Scheme (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/88 The Health and Personal Social Services (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/90 The Social Security (National Insurance Number Information: Exemption) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/91 The Community Drivers' Hours and Recording Equipment (Exemptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DOE)
S.R. 2009/92 The Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/93 The Regional Agency for Public Health and Social Well-being (Membership) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/94 The Northern Ireland Health Promotion Agency (Dissolution and Transfer of Staff, Assets and Liabilities) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/95 The Regional Health and Social Care Board (Membership) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/96 The Northern Ireland Regional Medical Physics Agency (Dissolution and Transfer of Staff, Assets and Liabilities) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/97 The Regional Business Services Organisation (Membership and Procedure) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/98 The Patient and Client Council (Membership and Procedure) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/99 The Local Commissioning Groups (Number, Area and Functions) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DHSSPS)
S.R. 2009/100 The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/101 The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Dependency) (Permitted Earnings Limits) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/105 The Social Security (Additional Class 3 National Insurance Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/106 The Pensions Regulator (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/107 The Social Security (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/108 The Social Security (Transitional Payments) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/110 The Social Security Pensions (Upper Accrual Point: Prescribed Equivalent) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/111 The Social Security Pensions (Low Earnings Threshold) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/112 The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/113 The Pensions (2008 Acts) (Consequential Provisions) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
S.R. 2009/115 The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DSD)
Information only:
S.R. 2009/109 Pensions Increase (Review) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009 (DFP)
7. Consultation Documents
8. Departmental Publications
Smoke-Free Legislation in Northern Ireland – A One Year Review (DHSSPS)
9. Agency Publications
10. Westminster Publications
Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission Annual Report and Accounts 2007 – 2008 (HC 237)
11. Miscellaneous Publications
Northern Ireland Assembly Legislation:
Stages in Consideration of Public Bills
First Stage: Introduction of Bill
Second Stage: General debate of the Bill with an opportunity for Members to vote on its general principles
Committee Stage: Detailed investigation by a Committee which concludes with the publication of a report for consideration by the Assembly.
Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, the details of the Bill including amendments proposed to the Bill.
Further Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, further amendments to the Bill.
Final Stage: Passing or rejecting of Bill by the Assembly, without further amendment.
Royal Assent
Proceedings as at 16 MARCH 2009
Session 2008-2009
Executive Bills
Title & Bill Number | First Stage | Second Stage | Committee Stage due to Conclude | Committee Report Ordered to be Printed | Consideration Stage | Further Consideration Stage |
Final Stage | Royal Assent |
*Charities Bill NIA Bill 9/07 | 10.12.07 |
15.01.08 |
27.06.08 |
01.05.08 |
03.06.08 |
17.06.08 |
30.06.08 |
09.09.08 |
*Building Regulations Bill NIA Bill 11/07 | 25.02.08 |
04.03.08 |
27.06.08 |
11.06.08 |
13.01.09 |
27.01.09 |
17.02.09 |
02.03.09 |
*Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill NIA Bill 15/07 | 12.05.08 |
20.05.08 |
12.12.08 |
04.12.08 |
*Public Authorities (Reform) Bill NIA Bill 19/07 | 17.06.08 |
30.06.08 |
12.12.08 |
19.11.08 |
09.12.08 |
12.01.09 |
20.01.09 |
16.02.09 |
*Civil Registration Bill NIA Bill 20/07 | 17.06.08 |
01.07.08 |
20.03.09 |
*Health and Social Care (Reform) Bill NIA Bill 21/07 | 23.06.08 |
01.07.08 |
05.12.08 |
13.11.08 |
01.12.08 |
09.12.08 |
12.01.09 |
21.01.09 |
*Diseases of Animals Bill NIA Bill 22/07 | 30.06.08 |
15.09.08 |
17.02.09 |
13.02.09 |
*Presumption of Death Bill NIA Bill 23/07 | 01.07.08 |
15.09.08 |
16.01.09 |
14.01.09 |
09.03.09 |
/Pensions (No. 2) Bill NIA Bill 2/08 | 17.11.08 |
25.11.08 |
N/A |
N/A |
02.12.08 |
08.12.08 |
09.12.08 |
15.12.08 |
Education Bill NIA Bill 3/08 | 25.11.08 |
08.12.08 |
30.09.09 |
/Financial Assistance Bill NIA Bill 4/08 | 12.01.09 |
13.01.09 |
N/A |
N/A |
20.01.09 |
26.01.09 |
27.01.09 |
04.02.09 |
/Budget Bill NIA Bill 5/08 | 16.02.09 |
17.02.09 |
N/A |
N/A |
24.02.09 |
02.03.09 |
03.03.09 |
06.03.09 |
Financial Provisions Bill NIA Bill 6/08 | 23.02.09 | 03.03.09 | 13.05.09 |
Session 2008-2009
Non-Executive Bills
Title & Bill Number | First Stage | Second Stage | Committee Stage due to Conclude | Committee Report Ordered to be Printed | Consideration Stage | Further Consideration Stage | Final Stage | Royal Assent |
*Carers Allowance Bill NIA Bill 13/07 |
31.03.08 |
Community Use of School Premises Bill NIA Bill 1/08 |
13.10.08 |
* Bill carried over from 2007-2008 by the Assembly as Royal Assent had not been achieved.
/ Bill progressing by accelerated passage