Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

No. 19-08/09


The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair

1. Personal Prayer or Meditation

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Matters of the Day - Weekend Road Fatalities

Mr PJ Bradley made a statement, under Standing Order 24, in relation to the weekend road fatalities. The other constituency members were all called to speak on the matter.

3. Executive Committee Business
3.1 Statement - Counter-Terrorism Bill

The Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Mrs Arlene Foster, made a statement to the Assembly regarding the Counter-Terrorism Bill, following which she replied to questions.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the chair.

4. Private Members’ Business
4.1 Motion - UTV

Proposed: That this Assembly expresses concern at Ofcom’s proposals for a diminution in the public service obligations of UTV through a reduction in the minimum requirements for regional news and non-news programmes ; calls on Ofcom to protect diverse, quality broadcasting through the promotion of local news and programming; calls for the extension of Ofcom’s Public Service Broadcasting Review consultation period for a further three months; and further calls on UTV to suspend its restructuring and redundancy programme pending the outcome of this consultation process, and following meaningful consultation and negotiations with the trade unions representing staff at UTV.

[Mr B McElduff]
[Mr F Brolly]
[Mr R McCartney]

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

4.2 Motion - Education Welfare Officers

Proposed: That this Assembly recognises the vital work undertaken by education welfare officers in supporting children, families and schools; and calls on the Minister of Education to take all necessary steps to resolve the ongoing pay dispute as a matter of urgency.

[Mr J McCallister]
[Mr B McCrea]
[Mr R Beggs]

Debate ensued.

The Speaker in the chair.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

5. Question Time
5.1 Minister of Education

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Ms Caitríona Ruane.

5.2 Minister for Employment and Learning

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Sir Reg Empey.

5.3 Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mrs Arlene Foster.

6. Adjournment

Mr Alastair Ross spoke on Children’s Homes in Larne.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) in the chair.

Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.

[The Speaker]

The Assembly adjourned at 4.37 pm.

Mr William Hay
The Speaker
24 November 2008



19 TO 24 NOVEMBER 2008

  1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
  2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
  3. Orders in Council
  4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
    Post Graduate Medical Education and Training Board Annual Report and Accounts 2004/05 (NIA 54/08-09)
    Post Graduate Medical Education and Training Board Annual Report and Accounts 2005/06 (NIA 55/08-09)
    The Commissioner for Children and Young People for Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 (NIA 43/08-09)
  5. Assembly Reports
    Report on Public Authorities (Reform) Bill (NIA 19/07) (4/08/09R) (Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister)
  6. Statutory Rules
    (The Department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only.)
    S.R 2008/XX Institutions of Further Education (Public Sector Audit) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DFP)
    S.R. 2008/436 The Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DHSSPS)
    S.R. 2008/442 The Plant Health (Amendment No.2) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DARD)
    S.R. 2008/453 The Temple Road (U1118), Londonderry (Abandonment) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DRD)
    S.R. 2008/455 The Student Fees (Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 ( DEL)
    S.R. 2008/465 The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit Work-focused Interviews) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DSD)
For Information Only :

S.R. 2008/450 The Parking Places on Roads (Castlederg) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DRD)
S.R. 2008/454 The One-Way Traffic ( Belfast) (Amendment) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DRD)

  1. Consultation Documents
  2. Departmental Publications
  3. Agency Publications
  4. Westminster Publications
  5. Miscellaneous Publications
    Survey of public attitudes towards conduct in public like 2008 (Committee on Standards in Public Life)