Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

No. 51-07/08


The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair

1. Personal Prayer or Meditation

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Executive Committee Business

2.1 Final Stage - Public Health (Amendment) Bill (NIA 8/07)

The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Michael McGimpsey, moved that the Final Stage of the Public Health (Amendment) Bill (NIA 8/07) be agreed.

NIA Bill 8/07 passed Final Stage.

2.2 First Stage - Local Government (Boundaries) Bill (NIA 14/07)

The Minister of the Environment, Mrs Arlene Foster, introduced a Bill to provide for 11 local government districts in Northern Ireland, for the division of those districts into wards, for the appointment of a Local Government Boundaries Commissioner to recommend the boundaries and names of those districts and wards and the number of wards in each district; and for connected purposes.

Bill passed First Stage and ordered to be printed (NIA Bill 14/07).

2.3 Motion - Accelerated Passage Local Government (Boundaries) Bill

Proposed: That the Local Government (Boundaries) Bill proceed under the accelerated passage procedure, in accordance with Standing Order 40(4).

[Minister of the Environment]

Debate ensued.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) in the chair.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried with cross-community support (Division No. 1).

3. Private Members’ Business

3.1 Post Office Closures

Proposed: That this Assembly notes with concern the recent announcement that 96 local post offices are to close or be replaced by an ‘outreach’ service; believes that the six-week consultation period is too short; further believes such closures and service reductions will have an adverse impact on community and social infrastructure in rural and urban areas and will adversely affect older people, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups; acknowledges that provision of post office services is a reserved matter; and resolves to establish urgently an Ad Hoc Committee to think creatively about, and make proposals for partnerships that could enhance the economic case for viable local postal services based on engagement with commercial, voluntary and public sector partners and learning from the experience in the Republic of Ireland.

[Mrs C Hanna]
[Mr J Dallat]

Debate ensued.

The debate was suspended for Question Time.

The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the chair.

4. Question Time

4.1 Minister of Education

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Ms Caitríona Ruane.

4.2 Minister for Employment and Learning

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Sir Reg Empey.

4.3 Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mr Nigel Dodds.

5. Private Members’ Business

5.1 Post Office Closures (cont’d)

Debate resumed on the Motion.

The Speaker in the chair.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

5.2 Motion - Construction Industry Jobs

Proposed: That this Assembly notes with concern the job losses in the construction industry in recent times; and calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to establish a working relationship with all his Executive colleagues and key stakeholders from the industry to devise a strategy aimed at creating further opportunities and sustaining jobs in this sector.

[Mr P Maskey]
[Mr F Brolly]
[Mr B McElduff]
[Mr C Boylan]

5.3 Amendment

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘times’ and insert:

‘; further notes the infrastructure investment opportunities announced in the Republic of Ireland’s National Development Plan; and calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to establish a working relationship with all his Executive colleagues, relevant Ministers in the Republic of Ireland and key stakeholders from the industry, to devise a strategy aimed at creating further opportunities and sustaining jobs in this sector.’

[Dr A McDonnell]
[Mr P McGlone]
[Mr T Gallagher]

Debate ensued.

The Amendment being put, the Amendment fell without division.

The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.

5. Adjournment

Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.

[The Speaker]

The Assembly adjourned at 6.37 pm.

Mr William Hay
The Speaker
21 April 2008


Division No. 1

Accelerated Passage Local Government (Boundaries) Bill

Proposed: That the Local Government (Boundaries) Bill proceed under the accelerated passage procedure, in accordance with Standing Order 40(4).

[Minister of the Environment]

The Question was put and the Assembly divided on a cross-community basis.

Ayes: 52
Noes : 21



Mr Adams, Ms Anderson, Mr Boylan, Mr Brady, Mr Brolly, Mr Butler, Mr W Clarke, Ms Gildernew, Mr G Kelly, Mr A Maskey, Mr P Maskey, Ms J McCann, Mr McElduff, Mrs McGill, Mr M McGuinness, Mr McKay, Mr Molloy, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mrs O’Neill.


Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Mr Craig, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mrs Foster, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr McCausland, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea, Mr McGimpsey, Miss McIlveen, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Paisley Jnr, Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley, Mr G Robinson, Mrs I Robinson, Rt Hon P Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Shannon, Mr Simpson, Mr Spratt, Mr Weir, Mr Wells, Mr S Wilson.

Tellers for the Ayes: Mr T Clarke and Mr I McCrea



Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Burnside, Mr Cobain, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Cree, Mr Elliott, Mr Gardiner, Mr Kennedy, Mr McCallister, Mr B McCrea, Mr McFarland, Mr McNarry, Mr Savage.


Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr McCarthy, Mr Neeson, Mr B Wilson.

Tellers for the Noes: Mr Armstrong and Mrs Long

Total votes   73        Total Ayes       52 [71.2%]

Nationalist Votes 20 Nationalist Ayes          20 [100.0%]

Unionist Votes 46     Unionist Ayes   32 [69.6%]

Other Votes 7          Other Ayes      0 [0.0%]

The motion was carried on a cross-community basis.

16 APRIL TO 21 APRIL 2008

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

HPSS Superannuation Scheme Resource Accounts for Year Ended 31 March 2007 (NIA 16/07-08)

Department of Finance and Personnel Memorandum on the Sixth Report from the Public Accounts Committee Session 2007-2008: Use of Consultants (NIA 127/07-08)

5. Assembly Reports

6. Statutory Rules

(The department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only.)

S.R. 2008/163 The Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DHSSPS)

S.R. 2008/172 Organic Farming Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DARD)

S.R. 2008/174 Countryside Management Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DARD)

S.R. 2008/175 The Road Races (Drumhorc Hill Climb) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DRD)

S.R. 2008/178 The Occupational Pension Schemes (Employer Debt: Apportionment Arrangements) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DSD)

For information only:

S.R. 2008/176 The Parking Places (Disabled Persons’ Vehicles) (Amendment No. 2) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008 (DRD)

7. Consultation Documents

8. Departmental Publications

Planning and Environmental Policy Group: Siting and Design of Radio Telecommunications Equipment (DOE)

9. Agency Publications

Environment and Heritage Service: Regulation of Water Service Discharges Report 2006 (DOE)

10. Westminster Publications

11. Miscellaneous Publications

Northern Ireland Policing Board: Corporate Plan 2008-2011