No. 19-07/08
The Assembly met at noon, the Speaker in the Chair
1. Personal Prayer or Meditation
Members observed two minutes’ silence.
2. The Speaker’s Business
2.1 The Speaker made a statement in relation to matters of order. He also delivered a ruling on the use of unparliamentary language during the sitting on 5 November 2007.
3. Private Members’ Business
3.1 Motion – Irish-Medium Club Bank (vote on the Motion without debate)
Proposed: That this Assembly opposes the introduction of a club bank arrangement for establishing Irish-Medium schools in Northern Ireland.
[Miss M McIlveen]
[Mr M Storey]
The Question being put, the Motion was negatived on a cross-community basis (Division 1).
4. The Speaker’s Business
4.1 The Speaker invited Mrs Iris Robinson to withdraw unparliamentary comments she had made during a debate on 5 November 2007. Mrs Robinson refused and was ordered, under Standing Order 60(1), to withdraw immediately from the Chamber and its precincts during the remainder of the day’s Sitting. Mrs Robinson withdrew from the Chamber.
5. Executive Committee Business
5.1 Statement – North-South Ministerial Council Agricultural Sectoral Format
Ms Michelle Gildernew, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, made a statement to the Assembly regarding the North-South Ministerial Council meeting in Agricultural Sectoral format, following which she replied to questions.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the chair.
5.2 Further Consideration Stage – Children (Emergency Protection Orders) Bill NIA 6/07
Mr Michael McGimpsey, Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, moved that the Further Consideration Stage of the Children (Emergency Protection Orders) Bill be agreed.
No Amendments were tabled.
NIA Bill 6/07 passed Further Consideration Stage and stood referred to the Speaker for consideration in accordance with section 10 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
6. Committee Business
6.1 Motion – Ad Hoc Committee: draft Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2007
Proposed: That, as provided for in Standing Order 48(7), this Assembly appoints an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the proposal for a Draft Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2007, referred by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and to submit a report to the Assembly by 28 January 2008.
Composition: DUP 3
Sinn Féin 3
Alliance 1
Quorum: The quorum shall be five members.
Procedure: The procedures of the Committee shall be such as the Committee shall determine.
[Lord Morrow]
[Ms C Ní Chuilín]
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
7. Private Members’ Business
7.1 Motion – Justice for the Bland Family
Proposed: That this Assembly notes with deep concern the failure of the Irish Government and Irish Courts to provide justice for Patricia, Sarah, James and Julia Bland, in light of the evidence presented by the family concerning the alleged crimes committed against them by Rory Bland; and calls on the Irish Prime Minister and Minister for Justice to give this case priority attention, so that justice is done and is seen to be done.
[Rt Hon J Donaldson]
[Sir Reg Empey]
Debate ensued.
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the chair.
7.2 Motion – Closure of the Seagate Operation in Limavady
Proposed: That this Assembly expresses concern at the impact on the economy, particularly in the north west, of the closure of the Seagate operation in Limavady, with the loss of 900 jobs; and calls on the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to work with the Minister for Employment and Learning to agree a co-ordinated strategy to assist Seagate workers back into employment.
[Mr M McLaughlin]
[Mr F Brolly]
7.3 Amendment
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘loss’ and insert:
‘of 1000 jobs; and calls on Invest NI to outline the measures it intends to implement to deal with a series of actual and potential job losses in the north west.’
[Mr G Campbell]
[Mr G Robinson]
[Mr A McQuillan]
Debate ensued.
The debate was suspended for Question Time.
The Speaker in the chair.
8. Question Time
8.1 Minister of Education
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Ms Caitríona Ruane.
8.2 Minister of the Environment
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mrs Arlene Foster.
8.3 Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister, Mr Nigel Dodds.
9. Private Members’ Business (cont’d)
9.1 Motion – Closure of the Seagate Operation in Limavady (cont’d)
Debate resumed on the Motion.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Molloy) in the chair.
The Amendment being put, the Amendment was made without division.
The Question being put, the Motion, as amended, was carried without division.
10. Adjournment
Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn.
[The Speaker]
The Assembly adjourned at 4.49 pm.
Mr William Hay
The Speaker
19 November 2007
19 NOVEMBER 2007
Division No. 1
Irish-Medium Club Bank
Proposed: That this Assembly opposes the introduction of a club bank arrangement for establishing Irish-Medium schools in Northern Ireland.
[Miss M McIlveen]
[Mr M Storey]
The Question was put and the Assembly divided on a cross-community basis.
Ayes: 46
Noes: 47
Mr Armstrong, Mr Beggs, Mr Bresland, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr Campbell, Mr T Clarke, Rev Dr Robert Coulter, Mr Craig, Mr Cree, Mr Dodds, Rt Hon J Donaldson, Mr Easton, Mr Elliott, Mrs Foster, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Mr Kennedy, Mr McCallister, Mr McCausland, Mr McClarty, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea, Mr McFarland, Mr McGimpsey, Miss McIlveen, Mr McNarry, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Newton, Mr Paisley Jnr, Mr Poots, Mr G Robinson, Mrs I Robinson, Mr K Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Savage, Mr Shannon, Mr Simpson, Mr Spratt, Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells, Mr S Wilson.
Tellers for the Ayes: Miss McIlveen and Mr Storey.
Mr Adams, Mr Attwood, Mr Boylan, Mr D Bradley, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley, Mr Brady, Mr Brolly, Mr Burns, Mr Butler, Mr W Clarke, Mr Dallat, Mr Doherty, Mr Durkan, Mr Gallagher, Ms Gildernew, Mrs Hanna, Mrs D Kelly, Mr G Kelly, Mr A Maginness, Mr A Maskey, Ms J McCann, Mr McCartney, Dr McDonnell, Mr McElduff, Mrs McGill, Mr McGlone, Mr M McGuinness, Mr McHugh, Mr McKay, Mr McLaughlin, Mr Molloy, Mr Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O’Dowd, Mr O’Loan, Mrs O’Neill, Mr P Ramsey, Ms S Ramsey, Ms Ritchie, Ms Ruane.
Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr McCarthy, Mr Neeson.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr P J Bradley and Mr Brady
Total Votes 93 Total Ayes 46 (49.46%)
Nationalist Votes 41 Nationalist Ayes 0 (0.00%)
Unionist Votes 46 Unionist Ayes 46 (100.00%)
Other Votes 6 Other Ayes 0 (0.00%)
The Motion was negatived on a cross-community basis.
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
3. Orders in Council
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Rate Collection Agency 2006-07 Annual Report and Accounts (NIA 27/07-08)
Social Fund Annual Report 2006/2007 (NIA 49/07-08)
The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment, CCEA, Annual Report and Accounts 2006/07 (NIA 51/07-08)
Salmon and Inland Fisheries Annual Report 2006 (NIA 53/07-08)
5. Assembly Reports
Committee for Finance and Personnel - Report on the Committee's Response to the 2007 Executive Review of the Domestic Rating System (6//0708R)
6. Statutory Rules
(The department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only.)
S.R. 2007/467 The Social Security (Claims and Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 (DSD)
S.R. 2007/475 The Social Security (Housing Costs and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northen Ireland) 2007 (DSD)
For information only:
S.R. 2007/466 (C. 31) The Disability Discrimination (2006 Order) (Commencement No. 4) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 (OFMDFM)
7. Consultation Documents
Consultation on the review of Higher Education In Further Education, including Foundation Degrees (DEL)
8. Departmental Publications
Tourism Ireland Annual Report 2006 (DETI)
Hospital Statistics 1st April 2006 - 31 March 2007 - Volume 1: Programme of Care (DHSSPS)
Hospital Statistics 1st April 2006 - 31 March 2007 - Volume 2a: Inpatient Speciality Tables (DHSSPS)
Hospital Statistics 1st April 2006 - 31 March 2007 - Volume 2b: Outpatient Speciality Tables (DHSSPS)
9. Agency Publications
10. Westminster Publications
Home-Grown Cereals Authority Annual Report and Accounts 2006/07 (HC 11)
11. Miscellaneous Publications
The Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland - Annual Report and Accounts for year ending 31 March 2007