The Assembly met at 10.30 am, the Speaker in the Chair
1. Personal Prayer or Meditation
Members observed two minutes’ silence.
2. Executive Committee Business
2.1 Second Stage – Welfare Reform Bill (NIA 1/07)
Ms Margaret Ritchie, Minister for Social Development, moved that the Second Stage of the Welfare Reform Bill (NIA 1/07) be agreed.
Debate ensued.
The Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) in the chair.
NIA Bill 1/07 passed Second Stage.
2.2 Second Stage – Budget Bill (NIA 3/07)
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson, Minister of Finance and Personnel, moved that the Second Stage of the Budget Bill (NIA 3/07) be agreed.
Debate ensued.
The sitting was suspended at 12.59 pm.
The sitting resumed at 2.00 pm, the Deputy Speaker (Mr McClarty) in the chair.
Debate resumed on the Second Stage of the Budget Bill (NIA 3/07).
The Deputy Speaker (Mr Dallat) in the chair.
NIA Bill 3/07 passed Second Stage with cross-community support nemine contradicente .
3. Committee Business
3.1 Motion – Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Proposed:That this Assembly approves the change of name of the Statutory Committee called the Committee of the Centre to the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.
[Chairperson, Committee of the Centre]
The Question being put, the Motion was carried without division.
4. Private Members’ Business
4.1 Motion – Industrial Rates
Proposed: That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to honour the resolution made by the ‘Hain’ Assembly, on 6 June 2006, to cap industrial rates at 25 per cent.
[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr L Cree]
4.2 Amendment No. 2
Proposed: At end insert:
‘; and for the Minister of Finance and Personnel to make a statement to the Assembly, following publication of the ERINI report’
[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr L Cree]
4.3 Amendment No. 1
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘calls’ and insert:
‘upon the Executive to consider the resolution made by the ‘Hain’ Assembly on 6 June 2006, concerning industrial rates, in light of the impact of rating on manufacturing in Northern Ireland and in the context of other priorities in the Comprehensive Spending Review, having considered the independent assessment presently being carried out into the matter by the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland (ERINI).’
[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr M Storey]
Debate ensued.
Amendment No. 1 being put, the Amendment was made (Division 1).
Amendment No. 2 being put, the Amendment was made without division.
The Question being put, the Motion, as amended, was carried without division.
5. Adjournment
Mr Barry McElduff spoke on the case for the location of public sector jobs in West Tyrone.
Proposed: That the Assembly do now adjourn
[The Speaker]
The Assembly adjourned at 5.23 pm.
Mr William Hay
The Speaker
12 June 2007
12 JUNE 2007
Division No. 1
Industrial Rates – Amendment No. 1
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘calls’ and insert:
‘upon the Executive to consider the resolution made by the ‘Hain’ Assembly on 6 June 2006, concerning industrial rates, in light of the impact of rating on manufacturing in Northern Ireland and in the context of other priorities in the Comprehensive Spending Review, having considered the independent assessment presently being carried out into the matter by the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland (ERINI).’
[Mr S Hamilton]
[Mr M Storey]
The Question was put and the Assembly divided.
Ayes : 53
Noes : 27
Ms Anderson, Mr Bresland, Mr Brolly, Lord Browne, Mr Buchanan, Mr T Clarke, Mr W Clarke, Mr Craig, Dr Deeny, Mr Dodds, Mr Easton, Dr Farry, Mr Ford, Mrs Foster, Mr Hamilton, Mr Hilditch, Mr Irwin, Ms Lo, Mrs Long, Mr A Maskey, Mr P Maskey, Ms J McCann, Mr McCausland, Mr I McCrea, Dr W McCrea, Mr McElduff, Mrs McGill, Mr M McGuinness, Mr McHugh, Miss McIlveen, Mr McKay, Mr McLaughlin, Mr McQuillan, Lord Morrow, Mr Moutray, Mr Murphy, Mr Neeson, Mr Newton, Mr O’Dowd, Mr Paisley Jnr, Rt Hon Ian Paisley, Mr Poots, Mr G Robinson, Mrs I Robinson, Rt Hon P Robinson, Mr Ross, Mr Shannon, Mr Simpson, Mr Spratt, Mr Storey, Mr Weir, Mr Wells, Mr B Wilson.
Tellers for the Ayes: Mr McQuillan and Mr Shannon.
Mr Armstrong, Mr Attwood, Mr Beggs, Mr D Bradley, Mrs M Bradley, Mr P J Bradley, Mr Burns, Mr Cobain, Mr Cree, Mr Durkan, Mr Elliott, Mr Gallagher, Mr Gardiner, Mrs Hanna, Mrs D Kelly, Mr Kennedy, Mr A Maginness, Mr McCallister, Mr B McCrea, Dr McDonnell, Mr McFarland, Mr McGlone, Mr McNarry, Mr O’Loan, Mr P Ramsey, Mr K Robinson, Mr Savage.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr Armstrong and Mr McCallister.
The Amendment was made.
ON 12 JUNE 2007
1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly
3. Orders in Council
4. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly
5. Assembly Reports
6. Statutory Rules
(The department identified after each rule is for reference purposes only.)
S.R. 2007/297 The Register of Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2007 (DSD)
S.R. 2007/298 The Social Security (Students and Income-related Benefits) (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2007 (DSD)
7. Consultation Documents
8. Departmental Publications
9. Agency Publications
10. Westminster Publications
11. Miscellaneous Publications
Stages in Consideration of Public Bills
First Stage: Introduction of Bill
Second Stage: General debate of the Bill with an opportunity for Members to vote on its general principles
Committee Stage: Detailed investigation by a Committee which concludes with the publication of a report for consideration by the Assembly.
Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, the details of the Bill including amendments proposed to the Bill.
Further Consideration Stage: Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, further amendments to the Bill.
Final Stage: Passing or rejecting of Bill by the Assembly, without further amendment.
Royal Assent
Executive Bills
Title & Bill Number |
First Stage |
Second Stage |
Committee Stage Extension |
Committee Stage Report |
Consideration Stage Concluded |
Further Consideration Stage |
Final Stage |
Royal Assent |
**Welfare Reform Bill (NIA Bill 1/07) |
4.06.07 |
12.06.07 |
Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (NIA Bill 2/07) |
5.06.07 |
**Budget Bill (NIA Bill 3/07) |
11.06.07 |
12.06.07 |
Taxis Bill (NIA Bill 4/07) |
11.06.07 |
Libraries Bill (NIA Bill 5/07) |
11.06.07 |
**Bills which are granted accelerated passage do not pass through a Committee Stage.