Third Edition
November 2001
This is the third edition of the Register of Members' Interests. It reflects Members' Interests as they stood at 26 November 2001.
In March 1999 the Assembly approved the publication of a Code of Conduct for Members of the Assembly together with a Guide to Rules relating to the Conduct of Members. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members was amended and agreed by the Assembly on 15 October 2001. The revised document which has been circulated to all Members, sets out in detail the rules governing the registration and declaration of Members' Interests, as well as offering guidance on their practical application.
Purpose of the Register
The defining purpose of the Register is to "provide information of any pecuniary interest or other material benefit which a Member receives which might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions, speeches or votes in the Assembly, or actions taken in his or her capacity as a Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly". Members are required to keep that overall purpose in mind when registering their interests.
Form of the Register
The entries in the Register are designed so as to give a clear description of the nature and scope of the interests declared. Each Member is, however, ultimately responsible for his or her own entry; inconsistencies of style or content in the Register are attributable largely to that fact.
The Advocacy Rule
The advocacy rule prohibits Members from engaging in advocacy on behalf of outside bodies or persons from whom they receive payment. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members makes it clear that continuing benefits, i.e. directorships, other employment and sponsorship, can be divested to release a Member with immediate effect from the restriction imposed by this role, provided there is no expectation of renewal. In the case of any applicable "one off " benefits such as visits and gifts recorded in this Register, the advocacy rule will apply for the period of a year from registration, and for this purpose the date of registration appears against the benefit in question.
The Categories of Registrable Interests.
The form supplied to Members for the registration of their interests is divided into eleven sections, which are represented in this edition by the following headings:
In this section Members are required to register any remunerated directorships which they may hold in public or private companies. The requirement extends to directorships which are themselves unremunerated but where the companies in question are associated with or are subsidiaries of a company in which the Member holds a remunerated directorship.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
This is the category for registering outside employment, professions and sources of remuneration not clearly covered elsewhere in the registration form. It is also the section for the registration of membership of Lloyd's of London; the requirement is to disclose the categories of insurance underwritten.
In this section Members are required to disclose the names of clients (other than companies or organisations already identified in sections 1 and 2, but including clients of those companies or organisations) for whom they provide services which depend essentially upon or arise out of membership of the Assembly; for example, sponsoring functions in Parliament Buildings, making representations to Government Departments or providing advice on Assembly or public affairs.
4.Sponsorship (regular or continuing support in money or kind)
In this section the Member is required to register (a) the source of any contribution to his or her election expenses at the last Election which exceeded 25% of the total of such expenses, and (b) any regular or continuing support from companies or organisations from which the Member receives any financial or material benefit in support of his or her role as a Member of the Assembly. This includes any regular donation in excess of £500 per year made by an organisation or company to the Member's constituency party if the donation is linked directly to the Member's candidacy in the constituency or to the membership of the Assembly.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (U.K.)
This section is for the registration of any gift or material advantage received by the Member or the Member's partner from a United Kingdom source, which in any way relates to membership of the Assembly. Gifts are exempt from registration if less than £125 in value. Other benefits are exempt if less than 0.5% of a Member's annual Assembly salary.
6.Overseas Visits
This section covers overseas visits, made by Members or their partners, which relate to or arise out of membership of the Assembly, where the cost of any such visit has not been wholly borne by the Member or by Northern Ireland public funds. Several categories of visit, made by Members in the normal course of their Assembly duties, are specifically exempted from registration. These include: visits paid for by, or undertaken on behalf of, the Northern Ireland Executive, or which are made on behalf of an international organisation to which the Northern Ireland Assembly belongs; visits with or on behalf of Committees of the Assembly; visits undertaken under the auspices of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the British-Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body; visits arranged and paid for wholly by a Member's own political party; visits paid for wholly by an institution of the European Liason; and visits as part of an Industry and Parliament Trust fellowship.
7.Overseas benefits and gifts
This section is subject to the same rules as section 5, but covers gifts and benefits from overseas rather than U.K. sources.
8.Land and property
The requirement in this section is to register any land or property of substantial value, other than any used solely for the personal residential purposes of the Member or the Member's partner.
9.Registrable shareholdings
In this section Members are required to name any public or private company or other body in which, to their knowledge, they have a beneficial interest in a shareholding having a nominal (i.e. face) value: (a) greater than 1 per cent of the issued share capital of the company or body, or (b) less than one per cent of the issued share capital but more than £25,000. The letters (a) and (b) are used accordingly in the printed entries. The requirement extends to holdings in which the interest is held by, or on behalf of, the Member's partner or dependant children.
This is a discretionary section for use by Members wishing to register interests which do not clearly fall within any of the specific categories but which they consider to be relevant to the definition of the Register's purpose.
11.Unremunerated interests
Members are required to list in this section any unremunerated interests which might reasonably be thought by others to influence their actions as Assembly Members.
The reprinting of the Register is authorised by the resolution of the Committee on Standards and Privileges on 16 October 2001.
It is the responsibility of the Members to notify changes in their registrable interests within four weeks of the change occurring; and between annual printings the register will be periodically updated in a loose-leaf version to take account of such amendments. The loose-leaf version is open to public inspection in Room 28 at Parliament Buildings. It may be inspected when the Assembly is sitting between 11.00 am and 4.00 pm Monday to Thursday and between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm on Friday. During Assembly recesses, and especially during the months of July and August, more limited hours of inspection apply. Arrangements for inspection may be made through the office of the Clerk of Standards. A copy of the current loose-leaf Register is also placed in the Library for the use of Members.
In addition, both the published Register and its regular updates are now available on the Internet at the following address:
Any complaint of a failure to disclose interests in accordance with the rules of the Assembly should be made in writing to the Principal Clerk of Standards, Room 28 Parliament Buildings, Belfast, BT4 3XX, Tel: (028) 9052 1944; Fax: (028) 9052 1716. E-mail:
ADAMS, Gerry (West Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAuthor
11.Unremunerated interestsAlphabetical IndexFéile An Phobail Limited - Director
ADAMSON, Dr Ian (East Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexClinical Medical Officer with North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust. Remunerated at the level of two notional half days per week in respect of travel medicine and child health practice, one notional half-day of which is taken as unpaid leave.
Member of Belfast City Council.
Sole proprietor of Pretani Press (book publishers).
9. Shareholdings
Sub-category (a) Secretary of Jon Nosmada Ltd (antiques and books) - non-trading.
11.Unremunerated Interests
Chairman of Ulster-Scots Language Society.
Chairman of Somme Association.
Rector of Ulster-Scots (Ullans) Academy.
Director of Farset Youth and Community Development.
Director of Farset Development
Rita Charles Trust (Board Member).
East Belfast Community Focus (Board Member)
Vice President Ulster Titanic Trust
President Belfast Civic Trust
AGNEW, Fraser (North Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPart-time Sports Journalist (freelance).
Member of Newtownabbey Borough Council.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Woodvale Housing Association
Director of Lower North Belfast Community Council
ALDERDICE, The Lord (East Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexConsultant Psychotherapist with South and East Belfast Health & Social Services Trust. Remunerated at the level of two notional half days per week in respect of consultancy and supervisory work at the Dept. of Psychotherapy, Kings Road, Belfast and some psychiatry on-call cover.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Two tickets for the Eagles concert at Stormont on 29 June 2001 from Jim Aiken Promotions (valued at £250 each)
6.Overseas visits
Berlin, Germany: 12-14 July 2001, to deliver a lecture on Conflict Resolution and Human Rights. Paid for by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Newark, New Jersey (during a trip to the USA on Assembly business): 13-14 March 2001, to speak at a conference at Drew University. Paid for by Drew University (return trip Washington - Newark and one night's hotel acomodation).
Colombia: 25-30 August 2001, to speak at a conference. Paid for by the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Reform (I.D.E.A.).
ARMITAGE, Pauline (East Londonderry)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor - Coleraine Borough Council.
Member of NI Housing Council.
ARMSTRONG, Billy (Mid-Ulster)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexFarmer: W.S. and G.M. Armstrong Family Farm.
8.Land and property
Partner in family farm (W.S. & G.M.Armstrong) situated between Stewartstown and Cookstown, Co. Tyrone.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Cookstown Leader Limited.
Director of Cookstown and Western Shores Area Network.
Director of Stewartstown Development Association.
Chairman of East-Tyrone Agri Computer Services
Member of Board of Governors of Stewartstown Primary School
Member of the Loyal Orders.
ATTWOOD, Alex (West Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcBelfast City Councillor.
B BEGGS, Roy (East Antrim)
Alphabetical Index
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Carrickfergus Borough Council.
- Carrickfergus Town Centre Regeneration Committee (Registered 11 March 2002)5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Cut-glass crystal bowl received from P&O Irish Sea Ferries at the launch of their new conventional ferry service between Larne and Cairnryan (estimated value £100).
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Board of Governors, Glynn Primary School.
Committee Member, Raloo Presbyterian Church.
Director of Carrickfergus Enterprise Agency Limited
Member, Larne Rugby Football Club.
Member of the Court of the University of Ulster.
Steering Committee Member, Glynn Community Association.
Member of the Orange Order.
Officer in the Boys Brigade
Member, Carrickfergus Local Strategy Partnership
Providing assistance on parental farm.
BELL, Billy (Lagan Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Lisburn Borough Council
11.Unremunerated interests
Director Colin Glen Trust (Registered 25 March 2002)
BELL, Eileen (North Down)
6.Overseas visitsAlphabetical IndexScotland: 28-29 September 2001, visited a Conference of Women Parliamentarians. Paid for by N.D.I. Vital Voices.
Member of Northern Ireland Probation Board (approximately £22.00 per meeting).
BERRY, Paul (Newry & Armagh)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Armagh City and District Council.
11.Unremunerated interests
Health Action Zone, Armagh and Dungannon.
Member of the Three Loyal Institutions- Orange Institution
- Royal Black Perceptory
- Apprentice Boys of Derry
BIRNIE, Dr Esmond (South Belfast)
6.Overseas visitsAlphabetical IndexParticipation in Workshop, The Interrelationship of Economics and Conflict Transformation, Stadtschlaining, Austria: 14 - 16 February 2000. Funded and organised by Conciliation Resources.
Participation in cross-Party visit to Germany and Poland: 28 October - 2 November 2000. Funded and organised by Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Participation in International Visitors Program in the USA, 5 - 28 May 2001. Funded and organised by the Department of State.
I hold 445 Shares in Viridian Ltd as well as small holdings (ie less than 500 shares each) in Abbey National, BAA, BT, Natural Power, PowerGen, Scottish Power, Scottish Hydro and Railtrack.
11.Unremunerated interests
Unpaid member of Management Committee of PCI-Enterprises (the ACE Scheme Management Committee until November 1999), the Community Development Committee of the Presbyterian Church In Ireland.
Senior Lecturer in Economics, Queen's University Belfast (September 1998 - May 2003 unpaid, leave of absence).
Member of AUT (Association of University Teachers).
BOYD, Norman J (South Antrim)
10. Miscellaneous
Member of Orange Order (Registered 28 January 2002)
Member of Apprentice Boys (Registered 28 January 2002)
Member of Royal Black Institution (Registered 28 January 2002)
BRADLEY, P J (South Down)
2.Renumerative employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newry and Mourne District Council (Registered 4 February 2002).
8.Land and propertyCommerical Property at 25 Duke Street, Warrenpoint, Co. Down.
20 acre smallholding at Carrogs Newry, Co. Down.
11.Unremunerated Interests
2000 Appointed Fellow of the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute
BYRNE, Joe (West Tyrone)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexDirector, Manorland Investments Properties Ltd.
Director, Maryland Investment Properties Ltd.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Member of Omagh District Council.
8.Land and property
Commerical Property: Offices / Retail in Omagh.
Manorland Investment Properties Ltd, (property development).
Maryland Investment Properties Ltd (property development).
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of N.I.P.B.
Trustee of Omagh Boys and Girls Youth and Community Trust.
Member of Omagh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
CAMPBELL, Gregory (East Londonderry)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of the City Council of Londonderry.
8.Land and property
Shop unit, Londonderry.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of City Partnership Board in Londonderry.
CARRICK, Mervyn (Upper Bann)
8.Land and PropertyAlphabetical IndexSmall land holding (approximately 30 acres) at Derrykeevan and Derrykeran, Portadown.
11.Unremunerated interests
Co-opted Director of Portadown 2000 (an Urban Regeneration Company).
Member of the Court of University of Ulster (Registered 27 February 2002).
Chairman of Country Comes To Town (Registered 27 February 2002) (An annual community event in Portadown).
CARSON, Joan (Fermanagh & South Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPartner of a farm with F J Carson at 115 Moy Road, Dungannon.
8.Land and property
A house in County Fermanagh.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of Mother's Union.
Member of British Trust for Ornithology.
Member of the Irish Wildlife Conservancy.
CLOSE, Seamus (Lagan Valley)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexS.D.Bell & Co Ltd, Knock, Belfast BT4 3HL (tea and coffee).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Member of Lisburn Borough Council.
CLYDE, Wilson (South Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.Alphabetical IndexMember of Antrim Borough Council.
Farming partnership with his son.
COBAIN, Fred (North Belfast)
Alphabetical Index11.Unremunerated interests
Member of Northern Ireland Policing Board (Registered 28 January 2002).
Director of Farset Youth and Community (Registered 28 January 2002).
COULTER, Rev Robert (North Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexLocal Government Staff Commission.
Police Authority for Northern Ireland.
6. Overseas visits
Trip to Kenya between 17-24 July 2000. Funded by Christian Communication Network (Europe) Ltd.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member, Ballymena Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
COURTNEY, Annie (Foyle)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Derry City Council.
Retired Nurse (small pension).
11.Unremunerated Interests
Director of Derry Theatre Trust, Derry.
Director of St Columb's Reconciliation Centre, Waterside, Derry.
Member of Council Conservation & the Countryside CNCC.
Governor of St Oliver Plunkett School, Strathfoyle, Derry.
DALLAT, John (East Londonderry)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Coleraine Borough Council since 1977.
Treasurer Kilrea, Rasharkin and Dunloy Credit Union.
11.Unremunerated Interests
Kilea Enterprise Group Ltd, Unit 4 Church Street, Kilrea.
DALTON, Duncan Shipley (South Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexBarrister-at-Law, Northern Ireland Bar.
Regular column 'Ireland on Sunday' Newspaper.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Flight to Boston, February 2001, to attend a course at Harvard University, courtesy of 'Project on Justice in Times of Transition.'
6.Overseas Visits
USA: February 2001-March 2001, for a course paid by Harvard University.
DAVIS, Ivan (Lagan Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Lisburn Borough Council.
6.Overseas Visits
USA: 7th March 2001 to 14th March 2001, on Assembly business. Accommodation paid for by the Centre for Democracy, and air fares paid for by the Assembly.
DE BRÚN, Bairbre (West Belfast)
Alphabetical IndexNil return.
DODDS, Nigel (North Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Parliament (North Belfast).
Member of Belfast City Council.
DOHERTY, Arthur (East Londonderry)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
DOHERTY, Pat (West Tyrone)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
DOUGLAS, Boyd (East Londonderry)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPartner in the family farming business of W.A.Douglas & Son.
Member of Limavady Borough Council.
8.Land and property
Share in a mixed farm in County Londonderry.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Leader II, Roe Valley, Limavady.
Chairman of Burnfoot Community Association.
Director of Dungiven Community Hall.
Council Representative for Feeny Community Association.
Council Representative for Foreglen Community Association.
Director Roe Valley Rural Transport.
Director Sperrins Tourism Limited.
Member of Limavady Local Strategy Partnership
DURKAN, Mark (Foyle)
Alphabetical IndexNil return.
EMPEY, Sir Reg (East Belfast)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Belfast City Council.
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)Conference in Scotland: Fostering a Culture of Lawfulness Symposium 2nd - 4th November 2001, funded by the National Strategy Information Centre and the Tom Tracy Foundation.
Pen (value £130.50, received 23 May 2002) - from Jim Eastwood, Director and Chief Executive, Cookstown Enterprise Centre at 10th Celebration of Cookstown Enterprise Centre (Registered 31 May 2002).
Susan Nixon Glassware Paperweight (value £170.00, received 3 July 2002) - Michelle Jobling, Managing Director, Zip Project at Opening of the Zip Projects New Project Office, Claudy (Registered 16 July 2002).
8. Land and propertyPrivate dwelling in Northern Ireland.
Private dwelling in Scotland.
9. Shareholdings(b) The Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (oil distribution).
(b) Great Universal Stores plc (retailers).
10. MiscellaneousMember of European Committee of the Regions (Term ended March 2002).
ERVINE, David (East Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexOccasional payment for newspaper articles.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
London, England: 24-25 May 2001, Arts Conference. Paid for by the ICA.
6.Overseas visits
Harvard University, USA: 24th February 2001, for a Conflict Resolution Conference. Paid for by Justice in Times of Transition.
Tralee, Republic of Ireland: 10th My 2001, to visit constituents working on a project. Paid for by Jeannie Johnston Project.
11.Unremunerated interests
Chairmanship of a Belfast Social Club.
FARREN, Dr Sean (North Antrim)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)Alphabetical IndexDunloe/Ewart, Book 100 Years of Irish Art - 3 Dec 1999 £100.
Edwards Merti - Print - 16 Mar 2001 £300.
8.Land and Property
Joint family ownership of a holiday cottage in Virginia, Co Cavan (Registered 7 January 2002).
Shares held in: Viridan (385); BT (440); MMO2 (440); Railtrack (330); Vodafone (721). (Registered 7 January 2002)
Currently on unpaid leave from University of Ulster, Coleraine.
FEE, John (Newry & Armagh)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newry & Mourne, District Council.
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission.
11.Unremunerated interests
Alternate Member of the EU Committee of the Regions.
Director Crossmaglen Community Association, (Registered Charity).
Member of Newry & Mourne Peace and Reconciliation Partnership Board.
Director of Regeneration of South Armagh (ROSA).
FORD, David (South Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.FOSTER, Sam (Fermanagh - South Tyrone)One newspaper article for which a fee was paid.
6.Overseas visits
Foreign travel 7-9 December 2001. Participation in Seminar with Parliamentarians from Bosnia, Herzegovina. Travel and accommodation paid by organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). (Registered 10 December 2001)
8.Land and property
While I have no direct financial interest, my wife has a shared interest in a family farm at Tardree, Co. Antrim. The farm is adjacent to land owned by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
11.Unremunerated interests
Lagan Print Ltd Director / Secretary.
Lagan Properties (1970) Ltd (Property Management), Director. (Elected 27 November 2000)
Nil return.Alphabetical Index
GALLAGHER, Tommy (Fermanagh - South Tyrone)
8. Land and propertyAlphabetical IndexFarm at Keenaghan, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh.
Farm at Ballinacarrick, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal.
(a) Belleek & District Development Trust.
Glenfarm Holdings.
Member of Fermanagh Business Initiative.
GIBSON, Oliver (West Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Omagh District Council.
8.Land and Property
Old Methodist Church Buildings, 12 Main Street, Beragh, Omagh BT79 0SY.
Farm and dwelling, 18 Bemachin Road, Sixmilecross, Omagh.
Dwelling, 10 Main Street, Sixmilemcross, Omagh
(b) Mid Tyrone Development Ass. Limited, c/o 12 Main Street, Beragh, Omagh.
(b) Beragh Care and Development Limited, 34 Main street, Beragh, Omagh.
Director Advernet Limited, 12 Main Street, Beragh, Omagh, Co. Tyrone.
Beragh Community Limited, 12 Main Street, Beragh, Omagh, Co. Tyrone.
11.Unremunerated interests
Cloughfin Youth Club, Cloughfin Hall, Cooley Road, Sixmilecross, Omagh.
GILDERNEW, Michelle (Fermanagh - South Tyrone)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
GORMAN, Sir John (North Down)
9.ShareholdingsAlphabetical Index(b) British Airways
£50 Shareholding in Meekatharra Mining (Ballymoney Lignite) in order to obtain its Company Reports
11.Unremunerated interests
Head (Hospitaller) Sovereign Military Order of Malta (NI)
Vice-Chairman Killyleagh Development Association
Member of the Board of SSAFA/Forces Help
Member of the Board of Ulster/New Zealand Association
Member of the Board of Gow Trust.
HAMILTON, Thomas (Strangford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexSchool teacher - currently on unpaid leave of absence until 31/08/2003.
Member of Ards Borough Council - remuneration - £4000 per annum and £22.00 per meeting and travel expenses.
8.Land and Property
Advice centre, 90 Regent Street, Newtownards. This property is owned by D. Smyth and I rent it at an annual rent of £6,000 and rates etc.
11.Unremunerated Interests
Member of National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers.
Member of the Board of Governors of:(i)Victoria Primary School, Newtownards.
(ii)Westwinds Primary School, Newtownards.
HANNA, Carmel (South Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Belfast City Council (Balmoral Electoral Area) £20 per meeting paid up to a maximum of £20 per day.
6.Overseas visits
Scotland: September 2001, Parliamentary women's conference. Paid for by N.D.I.
8.Land and property.
Joint owner of office premises, 102 Lisburn Road Belfast/17 Elmwood Mews, Belfast
Joint owner of holiday home Aille Bearna, Co. Galway.
On leave of absence from South and East Belfast HSST and receiving no remuneration.
Member of the UK Central Council for Nursing and Midwifery
In receipt of a book entitled "One hundred years of Irish Art" (ed. Eamonn Mallie) from Dunloe-Ewart.
11.Unremunerated interests
My husband is a Board member of South and East H&PSS Trust.
HAUGHEY, Denis (Mid-Ulster)
11.Unremunerated InterestsAlphabetical IndexMember of the European Union Committee of the Regions.
HAY, William (Foyle)
8.MiscellaneousCouncillor in Londonderry (Registered 10 January 2002).
Member of the Western Education and Library Broad in Omagh (Registered 10 January 2002).
Governor on two local schools in Londonderry, Faughan Valley High School and Newbuildings Primary School (Registered 10 January 2002).
I am a Member of the Northern Ireland Policing Board (Registered 10 January 2002).
HENDRON, Dr Joe(West Belfast)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPart-time Medical Practitioner in Belfast
11. Unremunerated interests
Springfield Charitable Trust (Board Member).
Farset Trust (Board Member)
HILDITCH, David (East Antrim)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Carrickfergus Borough Council.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Two tickets to the Eagles concert provided by Jim Aitken Promotions via the N.I.E.C (value £270).(Registered 27 June 2002)
Shareholder and unremunerated Director of Carrick Rangers Football Club Limited under sub-category (a).
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Carrick Rangers Football Club Limited.
HUSSEY, Derek (West Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexProprietor of "The Castle Inn" public house, 48 Main Street, Castlederg, Co Tyrone.
Member of Strabane District council.
8.Land and property
Public house: "The Castle Inn", Castlederg.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Dergview Football Club.
Member of:The Court of the University of Ulster.
The North West Regional Cross Border Committee.
The Orange Order.
The Apprentice Boys of Derry.
The Royal Black Institution.
The Ulster Teachers Union (retired).
Castlederg Chamber of Commerce.
The Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade.
The Davy Crockett Country Club.
Western Education and Library Board
Strabane Local Strategy Partnership
Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Northern Ireland
HUTCHINSON, Billy (North Belfast)
10.MiscellaneousAlphabetical IndexFilor Housing Association: Board member (voluntary).
Forum Against Substance Abuse: Chairperson of Committee (voluntary).
Springfield Inter-community Development Project: Board member (voluntary).
Impact Training Ltd: Vice Chair of the Board.
Upper Shankill Area Project: Chair of the Steering Group (voluntary).
Member of the Transport and General Workers Union.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of Belfast City Council (expenses only).
Belfast Education and Library Board (expenses only).
Board of Governors (expenses only):Wheatfield Primary School.
Ballysillan Primary School.
Member of North Belfast Partnership Board (expenses only).
Member of Greater Shankill Partnership Board (expenses only).
HUTCHINSON, Roger (East Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newtownabbey Borough Council.
KANE, Andrew (Gardiner) (North Antrim)
8.Land and property.Alphabetical IndexFarm (smallholding) at Lagavar, Ballintoy.
KELLY, Gerry (North Belfast)
Nil Return.Alphabetical Index
KELLY, John (Mid-Ulster)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Magherafelt District Council (taxed expenses).
11. Unremunerated interests
Sperrin Tourism and Partnership.
Magherafelt District Council Community Partnership.
KENNEDY, Danny (Newry & Armagh)
2.Remunerated Employment, Office, Profession, EtcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newry and Mourne District Council since 1985.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Bessbrook Development Company, which is dedicated to the regeneration of Bessbrook village.
Member of Newry and Mourne Peace and Reconcilation Board.
Member of the Board of Governors of Bessbrook Primary School.
KILCLOONEY, The Lord (Strangford)
1.DirectorshipsTontine Rooms Holdings Co Limited (Newspaper publishing).
West Ulster Estates Limited (Property management).
8.Land and property
A house in London.
A residential property in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
A retail property in Belfast.
A retail property in Armagh City.
Tontine Rooms Holdings Company Limited
West Ulster Estates Limited.
11.Unremunerated interests
Gosford Voluntary Housing Association Limited.
Tyrone Courier Ltd.
Outlook Press (NI) Ltd.
Ulster Gazette (Armagh) Ltd.
Tyrone Printing Co Ltd.
Tyrone Constitution Ltd.
Cerdac Print Ltd.
Bramley Apple Restaurant Ltd.
Sovereign Properties (NI) Ltd.
LESLIE, James (North Antrim)
Alphabetical Index6. Overseas visits
Jordan: November 2000, to participate in a conference on conflict resolution. Paid for by the UN/INCORE.
8. Land and property
A bungalow in Ballymoney.
A flat in London.
One field with planning permission held in partnership with other family members in Ballymoney.
9. Shareholdings
Hong Kong Electric, electricity generation and distribution. (b)
Hong Kong Land, property.(b)
Sinopec, fully integrated oil company (b)
11. Unremunerated interests
Assembly Business Trust - party nominee (Registered 8 May 2002)
LEWSLEY, Patricia (Lagan Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Lisburn Borough Council
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Participation in a conference on domestic violence in London on 30th and 31st October 2000. Hotel accommodation and travel costs were paid for by the conference organisers, Adhikar International.
Participation in conference on Women Parliamentarians in Edinburgh, 28-29 September 2001. Hotel and travel costs were paid for by Vital Voices and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).
6.Overseas visits.
Trip to Bordeaux on Friday 2 June 2000, sponsored by Deltaprint to attend the opening of the European headquarters.
11.Unremunerated interests
Chairperson of Men's Advisory Project (MAP).
Member of Lisburn Enterprise Organisation.
Member of Partnership for Travellers.
MAGINNESS, Alban (North Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexBarrister-at-Law.
District Councillor Belfast City Council.
11.Unremunerated interests
Action Cancer Council.
Member of North Belfast Partnership Board.
Member of the Board of Governors of St Patrick's College, Antrim Road, Belfast.
MALLON, Seamus (Newry & Armagh)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
MASKEY, Alex (West Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Belfast City Council (Taxed expenses).
11.Unremunerated interests
West Belfast Partnership Board.
West Belfast Regeneration Group.
McCARTHY, Kieran (Strangford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexAlderman on Ards Borough Council.
8. Land and Property
Smallholding of 18 acres at Ballycranmore: let out conacre.
Bungalow at Ballycranmore: let out.
Shop and dwelling at 5/7 Main Street, Kircubbin.
11. Unremunerated Interests
Director of Portaferry Regeneration Limited.
McCARTNEY, Robert (North Down)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexOccasional fees for broadcasting and journalism.
McCLARTY, David (East Londonderry)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Coleraine Borough Council.
6.Overseas Visits
Boston, USA: 25th February 2001 to 4th March 2001, for a seminar re: Project on justice in times of transition. Paid for by the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard.
11. Unremunerated interests
Trustee of Riverside Theatre Management Trust.
Director of Big Telly Theatre Company.
Member of Ballywillan Drama Group.
Chairman of Board of Governors of D H Christie Memorial Primary School, Coleraine
Member of Board of Governors of Coleraine Academical Institution
Chairman of West Bann Development Group, Coleraine
Member of Management Committee of Hezlett Court, Castlerock Road, Coleraine
McCLELLAND, Donovan (South Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Antrim Borough Council.
Secondment from University of Ulster (unpaid) for the duration of the Assembly
6.Overseas visits
Harvard University, Boston. 10th-15th March 2002. Participant on "Executive Program for Leaders from Northern Ireland, The Republic of Ireland and Great Britain", paid for by Justice on Transition. (Registered 25 March 2002)
200 Shares in Rolls Royce
Free access to the leisure facilities of Antrim Borough Council due to being a Councillor of that Borough.
McCREA Rev Dr William (Mid-Ulster)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexDirector: Daybreak Recording Company.
Director: Bethany Development.
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Minister of Calvary Free Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt.
Member of Magherafelt District Council.
8. Land and property
Land, Curglasson, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone.
McDONNELL, Dr Alasdair (South Belfast)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPart time General Medical Practitioner in a group practice, at Ormeau H.C.
8.Land and property
Residential property, let at: Stranmillis, Belfast.
Residential property let at: University Area.
Smallholding of 24 acres at Dundrod, Co. Antrim
A share of premises used for medical purposes at:a)Ormeau Road, Belfast
b)Woodstock Road, Belfast
c)Old Saintfield Road, Belfast10.Miscellaneous
I have a share in a travel agency that is not a private or public company. It is a partnership between myself and one other person.
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of Investment Belfast, a company promoting economic opportunity in Belfast.
Director of Medevol, a company promoting biotechnology research and development.
McELDUFF, Barry (West Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.Alphabetical IndexCouncillor in Omagh (taxed expenses).
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Western Education and Library Board.
McFARLAND, Alan (North Down)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)Alphabetical Index4 February 2000: Flax Trust Superbowl Ball, Europa Hotel. Guest of Bombardier Aerospace.
3 June 2000: Castleward Opera, Castleward. Guest of Bombardier Aerospace.
15 February 2001: Institute of Director's dinner, Europa Hotel. Guest of NITH Co./Translink.
26 June 2001: Castleward Opera, Castleward. Guest of Bombardier Aerospace.
McGIMPSEY, Michael (South Belfast)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexNorth Down Construction Limited, property.
North Down Hotels Limited, property.
Scrabo Investments Limited.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Member of Belfast City Council.
7.Overseas benefits and gifts
Cufflinks from the National Museum of Ireland.
8.Land and property
Apartment: Belfast.
Town house: Belfast.
(a) North Down Construction Limited (property).
(a) North Down Hotels Limited (property).
McGRADY, Eddie (South Down)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Parliament, Westminster.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Policing Board
McGUINNESS, Martin (Mid-Ulster)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
McHUGH, Gerry (Fermanagh - South Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor. Fermanagh District Council (taxed expenses).
8. Land and property
23 acres of agriculture land at Dooross, Fermanagh.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of Fermanagh District Partnership Board.
Member of NIAPA.
McLAUGHLIN, Mitchel (Foyle)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return.
McMENAMIN, Eugene (West Tyrone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexElectrical contractor.
Member of Strabane District Council.
McNAMEE, Pat (Newry & Armagh)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Armagh City and District Council (Registered 28/05/02).
8.Land and property
Two residential rented properties in Newry and Mourne.
McWILLIAMS, Professor Monica (South Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexExternal Examiner, University of Bradford 1998-2001.
6.Overseas visits
USA: 10-14 March 2001, for a business committee. Paid for by the Centre for Democracy, Washington D.C.
USA: 28th April to the 2nd May 2001, for lectures and talks. Paid for by Chatham College, Pittsburgh.
Columbia: 19th - 21st November. Conference for Presidential candidates and candidates. Paid for by Law School, University of Colombia, New York.
11.Unremunerated interests
Unpaid leave of absence as Professor of Social Policy and Women's Studies, University of Ulster.
Patron of Cause, voluntary organisation in mental health.
MOLLOY, Francie (Mid-Ulster)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Dungannon District Council (taxed expenses).
8.Land and property.
Shop (retail), leasehold rented: Killyman Street, Moy, Co. Tyrone. (Half share with spouse).
Renovated shop: Killyman Street, Moy, Co. Tyrone. (Half share with spouse).
11. Unremunerated interests
South Down Area Partnership Board - Council Rep.
MORRICE, Jane (North Down)
1. DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexMember of the Board of Laganside dealing with the regeneration of Belfast Waterfront area.
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcOccasional broadcasts and articles for the Press.
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)Two tickets to Grand Opera House (sponsored by BT)
6. Overseas visitsSpeaker at Oxford Earth Summit (Oxford April 2002, sponsored by Environmental Resource Management) (Registered 5 June 2002)
Speaker at 2nd Conference of Women Parliamentarians of South East Europe (Istanbul, March 2002, sponsored by the International Institute for Democracy) (Registered 5 June 2002)
8. Land and propertyResidential property for rent: Stranmillis, Belfast.
10. MiscellaneousSister (Susan Morrice) involved in North/South cross-border energy (gas) exploration project Fermanagh/Sligo area)
11. Unremunerated interestsMember of the Board of Governors of the Integrated Education Fund (expenses only). (Term ended May 2002)
Member of Victim Support Management Team (N. Down).
Member of the National Union of Journalists.
Member of 'Team Europe' EU Speakers' Panel.
Member of the Board of the Salvation Army.
Member of the Board of Malcolm Sargent Cancer Care.
Member of the Board of Northern Ireland in Europe. (Registered 5 June 2002)
MORROW, Maurice (Fermanagh - South Tyrone)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexChairman of Blackwater Valley Investments Limited.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Member of Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.
11.Unremunerated Interests
Brian Wilson, Auctioneer, Estate Agent & Valuer.
Moygashel Developments Association.
MURPHY, Conor (Newry & Armagh)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return
MURPHY, Mick (South Down)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newry and Mourne District Council (taxed expenses).
NEESON, Sean (East Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Carrickfergus Borough Council, £4000 per annum and attendance allowance and mileage.
Member of the Board of National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland (mileage only).
Member of UK National Historic Ships Committee. Travel and overnight accomodation.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Board of the Northern Ireland Centre in Europe.
Board Member of Carrickfergus Enterprise Agency Limited.
NELIS, Mary (Foyle)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Derry City Council (taxed expenses).
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of NI Partnership Board.
NESBIT, Dermot (South Down)
10.MiscellaneousAlphabetical IndexApril 2000: Trip to London to address the Friends of the Good Friday Agreement Conference. Paid for by the Friends of the Good Friday Agreement Group.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the academic staff of The Queens University of Belfast (unpaid leave until May 2003)
O'CONNOR, Danny (East Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Larne Borough Council.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Piece of Tyrone Crystal received from P&O European Ferries (Irish Sea) Limited (estimated value £100).
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of Glenlough Community Centre Management Committee.
Member of Latharna óg Hurling Club.
O'HAGAN, Dr Dara (Upper Bann)
10.MiscellaneousAlphabetical IndexMember of the Board of Directors of the Assembly and Business Trust (Registered 27 June 2002)
11. Unremunerated interests
Treasurer for the Committee of Naiscoil Chois Locha (Registered 10 July 2002)
ONEILL, Eamonn (South Down)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Down District Council.
11. Unremunerated interests
Chairman of Castlewellan Regeneration Limited (1999-2000 only).
Member of Donard Commission Group.
PAISLEY, Rev Dr Ian (North Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of House of Commons, Westminster.
Member of European Parliament.
Occasional TV appearances and journalism (fees donated to Church).
Royalties received from publications.
11.Unremunerated interests
Minister of the Gospel
Hon Director, Voice Newspaper Ltd.
Hon Director, "Protestant Telegraph"
Hon President of Whitefield College of the Bible.
Hon President of the European Institute of Protestant Studies.
PAISLEY, Ian Jnr (North Antrim)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexResearcher and Parliamentary Assistant to Rev Dr Ian Paisley MP MEP MLA.
Director (Hon) The New Protestant Telegraph Limited.
POOTS, Edwin (Lagan Valley)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPartner in CB & EC Poots (farmers).
Councillor, Lisburn Borough Council.
8.Land and property
Farm: Lisnastraen, Crossan, Lisburn.
Owner of a commercial property in Lisburn.
11. Unremunerated interests
Governor of Drumbo Primary Schools
Governor of Drumbo Riverdale Primary Schools (Resigned 6 March 2002)
Governor of Carr Primary School (Registered 6 March 2002)
Director in Laganside Rural Development Ltd. (Registered 6 March 2002)
RAMSEY, Sue (West Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Lisburn Borough Council (taxed expenses).
11. Unremunerated interests
Sit on Committee of Feile an Pobail.
Chair of Justus Community Theatre.
Sit on the Twinbrook Inter Agency Committee (no remuneration or expenses).
ROBINSON, Iris (Strangford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexCouncillor, Castlereagh Borough Council.
11. Unremunerated interests
Member of the Board of Ballyoran Centre.
Note: The above position arises through membership of Castlereagh Borough Council.
ROBINSON, Ken (East Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Newtownabbey Borough Council.
Member of Newtownabbey District Partnership Board.
6.Overseas Visits
Belgium, October 1998 for a Familiarisation Programme with Assembly Members funded by the EU.
8.Land and Property
A house in Newtownabbey.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Board of Governors of Whiteabbey Primary School.
Member of the Board of Governors of Hollybank Primary School.
ROBINSON, Mark (South Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Castlereagh Borough Council.
ROBINSON, Peter (East Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Castlereagh Borough Council.
Member of Parliament.
Minister for Northern Ireland Department for Regional Development
4.Sponsorship (regular or continuing support in money and kind)
East Belfast Democratic Unionist Party Constituency Association.
8. Land and property
I am one of three trustees for Party owned property.
Ownership of 96 Belmont Avenue, Belfast BT4 3DE.
(This is my constituency office and is not used for residential purposes).I have also acquired a second home in London.
(b) Union Arch.
11.Unremunerated Interests
Directorships of: Voice Newspapers;
Crown Publications;
NI Sports Centres Co.
ROCHE, Patrick (Lagan Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexPart-time Tutor, Irish Baptist College, 67 Sandown Road, Belfast.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Conference of British-Irish Association at the University of Cambridge, September 2001. The British-Irish Association paid accommodation/meals at Newnham college.
Occasional lectures/broadcasts.
RODGERS, Brid (Upper Bann)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return
SAVAGE, George (Upper Bann)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Craigavon Borough Council.
8.Land and property
Farm holding at Dromore Road, Donacloney, Craigavon.
11.Unremunerated interests
Chairman, Board of Governors, Donacloney Primary School.
Chairman, Donacloney Housing Association.
Member, Donacloney Rural Needs Development Group.
Member, Craigavon District Partnership.
Member, Craigavon Rural Development.
Member, Lurgan Forward (Town Development company).
Member of Loyal Orders
SHANNON, Jim (Strangford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexOwner Peninsula Meats.
Pork retailer.
Member of Ards Borough Council
TIERNEY, John (Foyle)
Alphabetical IndexNil Return
TRIMBLE, Rt Hon David (Upper Bann)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Parliament.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
6/11/01: Flight from Belfast to London and car to Whitehall. Source: - George M Magan, St James' Co. Ltd
2 - 4/11/01: Visit to Gleneagles Symposium. Hotel Accommodation. Source: - National Strategy Information Centre/Tom Tracy Foundation
6.Overseas visits
USA: 27/7/01: Sister Cities Conference: Paid for by Conference Organiser
Germany: 28 - 29/9/01 Attend Conference at Berlin: Paid for by New Atlantic Initiative, organised by American Economic Institute
USA: 7 - 9/11/01: Speak at Conference: Paid for by Hofstra University, NY
Ulster Society (Publications) Ltd
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the Ulster Society and of the three loyal institutions.
WATSON, Denis (Upper Bann)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexG.L.Nominees Ltd.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
MortageWise, 107 Moyallon Road, Portadown, Craigavon, Co Armagh
6.Overseas visits
28/10/00 - 02/11/00 - Visit to Dresden, Gorlitz, Berlin organised and paid for by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
24/02/01 - 28/02/01 - Training programme John F Kennedy School of Politics Harvard University Boston USA organised and paid for by Justice for Transition.
Grand Secretary, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.
County Grand Master, County Armagh Grand Orange Lodge.
11.Unremunerated interests
Trustee, Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Society.
Governor, Dickson Primary School, Lurgan.
Trustee, Brownlow House, Lurgan.
Church Secretary, Lurgan Salvation Army Corps.
Member of the Court of the University of Ulster.
WEIR, Peter (North Down)
6.Overseas visitsAlphabetical IndexBelgium: October 1998, an Assembly trip to the EU. Paid for by the EU
11.Unremunerated interests
Director of SLS (Servicing the Legal System).
Legal Publications (NI), School of Law, Queen's University, Belfast.Member of the Council for Legal Education (NI).
Member of Queen's University Senate.
WELLS, Jim (South Down)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Down District Council.
Planning Consultant - currently not practicing.
4.Sponsorship (regular or continuing support in money or kind)
(a) The South Down Association of the Democratic provided financial support for my Assembly election campaign which exceeded 25% of the total expenses.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Two tickets for 'The Eagles' concert held at Stormont, June 2001 (value £250.00). Provided by Jim Aiken Promotions.
11.Unremunerated interests
Member of the three Loyal Orders.
Chairman of Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group (unpaid).
Member of several nature conservation charities
WILSON, Cedric (Strangford)
1.DirectorshipsAlphabetical IndexHollymount Developments Ltd, 18 Dunlady Road, Dundonald.
T/A Dunlady House Nursing Home.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc
Employment with Dunlady House Private Nursing Home.
11.Unremunerated interests
Chairman/Director, Ballyhalbert & District Community Association Limited.
Member of Registered Homes Confederation, Northern Ireland Limited.
WILSON, Jim (South Antrim)
11.Unremunerated interestsAlphabetical IndexMember of the Board of Kilbride Primary School
Chairman of Ballynure Angling Club
Member of the Northern Ireland Water Council (expenses only).
WILSON, Sammy (East Belfast)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etcAlphabetical IndexMember of Belfast City Council.
Associated with CCEA.