Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Rules Subject to Negative

Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2000 Nos 214-250
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2000 Nos 251-300
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2000 Nos 301-350
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2000 Nos 351-400
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2000 Nos 400-405
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 1-50
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 51-100
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 101-150
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 151-200
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 201-250
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 251-300
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 301-350
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 351-400
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2001 Nos 401-440
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2002 Nos 1-50
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2002 Nos 51-100
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2002 Nos 101-150
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2002 Nos 151-200
Rules Subject to Negative Resolution Year 2002 Nos 201-229

View Statutory Rules.


Number and Title Date Laid Date Referred to Committee Date to ESR Date Passed by ESR Date Considered by Committee Date Referred to Plenary Annulled/
End of Statutory Period
SR 214/2000 The Social
Security (Industrial Injuries)
(Prescribed Diseases)
(Amendment) Regulations
(NI) 2000
22/06/00 22/06/00 22/06/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 03/10/00
SR 217/2000 General Medical Services (Amendment) Regulations
(NI) 2000
22/06/00 22/06/00 22/06/00 22/06/00 21/06/00 03/07/00 Adopted 03/10/00
SR 221/2000 The Housing
Benefit (General) (Amendment No. 3)
Regulations (NI) 2000
28/06/00 28/06/00 28/06/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 10/10/00
SR 222/2000 The Income Support (General) and Jobseekers's Allowance (Amendment) Regulations
(NI) 2000
28/06/00 28/06/00 28/06/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 10/10/00
SR 225/2000 Anthrax
(Vaccination) Scheme Order
(NI) 2000
21/07/00 21/07/00 21/07/00 19/09/00 08/09/00 18/09/00 Adpoted 23/10/00
SR 232/2000 The Environmental Protection (Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and other Dangerous Substances)
Regulations (NI) 2000
27/07/00 31/07/00 27/07/00 01/09/00 19/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 233/2000 Animal Feedingstuffs from Belgium (Control) (Revocation)
Regulations (NI) 2000
27/07/00 31/07/00 27/07/00 01/09/00 19/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 234/2000 Processed Cereal-based Foods and Baby Foods for Infants and Young Children (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 27/07/00 31/07/00 27/07/00 04/09/00 13/09/00 18/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 235/2000 Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 26/07/00 31/07/00 26/07/00 04/09/00 13/09/00 18/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 240/2000 Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order (NI) 2000 26/07/00 31/07/00 26/07/00 04/09/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 242/200 The Social Security (Students and Income-Related Benefits Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 31/07/00 31/07/00 31/07/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 244/2000 The Education (Student Loans)
(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000
11/09/00 11/09/00 11/09/00 06/10/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 245/2000 The Social Security (Personal Allowances for Children Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 07/08/00 07/08/00 07/08/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 25/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 248/2000 Foyle Area
(Rivers Finn and Foyle Angling Permits) Regulations 2000
04/08/00 30/08/00 04/08/00 19/09/00 05/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 249/2000 The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment No 4) Regulations (NI) 200 11/08/00 11/08/00 11/08/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 02/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 250/2000 Students Award (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 12/09/00 12/09/00 12/09/00 04/09/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 251/2000 The Social Security (Therapeutic Earnings Limits)
(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000
11/08/00 11/08/00 11/08/00 08/09/00 21/09/00 02/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 253/2000 Animal and Animal Products (Import and Export) Regulations (NI) 2000 09/08/00 09/08/00 09/08/00 19/09/00 08/09/00 18/09/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 254/2000 Education (Student Support) (2000 Regulations) (Amendment)
Regulations (NI) 2000
12/09/00 12/09/00 12/09/00 06/10/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 24/10/00
SR 255/2000 The Jobseeker's Allowance (Amendment No. 4)
Regulations (NI) 2000
31/08/00 31/08/00 31/08/00 06/10/00 06/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 259/ 2000 The Social Fund (Winter Fuel Payment and Maternity and Funeral Expenses (General)
(Amendment) Regulations
(NI) 2000
31/08/00 31/10/00 31/10/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 260/2000 The Social Security (Bereavement Benefits Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 23/08/00 23/08/00 23/08/00 06/10/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 23/0/00
SR 261/2000 Industrial Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure)
(Amendment) Regulations
(NI) 2000
07/09/00 07/09/00 07/09/00 06/10/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 262/2000 The Stakeholder Pension Schemes Regulations (NI) 2000 05/09/00 05/09/00 05/09/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 263/2000 The Social Security (Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance)
(Amendment No.2)
Regulations (NI) 2000
01/09/00 01/09/00 01/09/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 264/2000 Students Awards (Amendment No. 2)
Regulations (NI) 2000
22/09/00 22/09/00 22/09/00 06/10/00 12/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 06/11/00
SR 265/2000 The Housing Benefit (General)
(Amendment No. 5)
Regulations (NI) 2000
08/09/00 08/09/00 08/09/00 06/10/00   23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 266/2000 The Social Security (Payments on account, Overpayments and Recovery) (Amendment)
Regulations (NI) 2000
08/09/00 08/09/00 08/09/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 23/10/00
SR 268/2000 The Housing Benefit (General)
(Amendment No. 6)
Regulations (NI) 2000
18/09/00 18/09/00 18/09/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 06/11/00
SR 270/2000 Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations (NI) 2000 25/09/00 25/09/00 25/09/00 31/10/00 06/10/00 16/10/00 Adopted 07/11/00
SR 275/2000 East Bread Street (Stopping-Up)
(Revocation) Order (NI) 2000
27/09/00 16/10/00 17/10/00 17/10/00 18/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 13/11/00
SR 276/2000 Route U1414 Franklyn Park, Lurgan (Stopping-Up) Order (NI) 2000 28/09/00 16/10/00 17/10/00 17/10/00 18/10/00 23/10/00 Adopted 13/11/00
SR 280/2000 Back Street at Carrick Hill Belfast (Abandonment) (NI) 2000 06/10/00 16/10/00 17/10/00 18/10/00 25/10/00 07/11/00 Adopted 20/11/00
SR 281 Longlands Court, Newtonabbey (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000 09/10/00 16/10/00 17/10/00 18/10/00 25/10/00 07/11/00 Adopted 20/11/00
SR 283/2000 Waterside, Colraine Cycle/Pedestrian Bridge Order (NI) 2000 13/10/00 13/10/00 13/10/00 18/10/00 25/10/00 07/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 287/2000 Meat (Disease Control) Regulations (NI) 2000 16/10/00 16/10/00 16/10/00   25/10/00 20/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 289/2000 Donegal Quay, Belfast (Stopping-Up) Order (NI) 2000 12/10/00 18/10/00 19/10/00 30/10/00 08/11/00 13/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 290/2000 Route A26 Crankill Road, Ballymena (Stopping-Up) Order (NI) 2000 10/10/00 16/10/00 19/10/00 07/11/00 08/11/00 13/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 291/2000 Nicholsons Court, Newry
(Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000
10/10/00 16/10/00 19/10/00 30/10/00 08/11/00 13/11/00 Adopted 28/11/00
SR 292/2000 Saleries (Assembly Ombudson and Commissioner for Complaints) Order (NI) 2000 16/10/00 16/10/00 16/10/00 31/10/00 16/11/00 20/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 294/2000 Ship Street, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000 17/10/00 17/10/00 17/10/00 30/10/00 08/11/00 13/11/00 Adopted 28/11/00
SR 295/2000 Specified Risk Material (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 16/10/00 16/10/00 16/10/00 15/11/00 25/10/00 20/11/00 Adopted 21/11/00
SR 296/2000 Education
(Student Support)
(Amendment No 2)
Regulations (NI) 2000
16/11/00 16/11/00 16/11/00 18/12/00 18/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 297/2000 Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences)
(Amendment No.2) Regulations (NI) 2000
27/10/00 27/10/00 27/10/00 07/11/00 16/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 298/2000 Marketing of Potatoes (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 23/10/00 23/10/00 23/10/00 23/11/00 10/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 28/11/00
SR 299/2000 Seed Potatoes (Tuber and Label Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000 23/10/00 23/10/00 23/10/00 23/11/00 10/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 28/11/00
SR 301/2000 The Sheep
Annual Premium
(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000
14/11/00 14/11/00 14/11/00   17/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 18/12/00
SR 303/2000 Food Irradiation Provisions Regulations (NI) 2000 25/10/00 25/10/00 25/10/00 24/11/00 29/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 305/2000 Level Crossing
(Antrim) Order (NI) 2000
01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 306/2000 Level Crossing (Kingsmoss East) Order (NI)
01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 307/2000 Level Crossing (Kingsmoss West) Order (NI) 2000 01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 308/2000 Level Crossing (Ballymartin) Order (NI) 2000 01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 309/2000 Level Crossing (Kilmakee) Order (NI) 2000 01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 310/2000 Level Crossing (Kingsbog) Order (NI) 2000 01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 21/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 311/2000 Students Awards Regulations (NI) 2000 21/11/00 21/11/00 21/11/00 14/12/00 15/12/00 15/01/01 Adopted 15/01/01
SR 312/2000 Compulsory Registration of Title Order (NI) 2000 27/10/00 27/10/00 27/10/00 23/11/00 07/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 321/2000 The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment (Amendment) Regualtions (NI) 2000 01/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 24/11/00 30/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 322/2000 Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Amendment No.2) Regulations (NI) 2000 02/11/00 02/11/00 02/11/00 16/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 323/2000 Airfield Road, Eglinton (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000 07/11/00 07/11/00 07/11/00 16/11/00 22/11/00 27/11/00 Adopted 11/12/00
SR 324/2000 The Statutory Maternity Pay (General)
(Modification and Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000
03/11/00 03/11/00 03/11/00 24/11/00 30/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 05/12/00
SR 325/2000 Housing Renovation etc Grants
(Reduction of Grant)(Amendment No 2)
Regulations (NI) 2000
14/11/00 14/11/00 14/11/00 06/12/00 14/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 18/12/00
SR 327/2000 Bus Permits
(Designated Bodies)
(Amendment) (NI) Order
24/11/00 24/11/00 24/11/00 05/12/00 07/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 16/01/01
SR 328/2000 Public Service Vehicles (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2000 17/11/00 17/11/00 17/11/00 24/11/00 07/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 330/2000 Route U1071
Steeple Road, Antrim
(Abandonment) Order (NI)
16/11/00 16/11/00 16/11/00 24/11/00 29/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 331/2000 Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations (NI) 2000 17/11/00 17/11/00 17/11/00 28/11/00 07/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 333/2000 Rates Regulations (NI) 2000 23/11/00 23/11/00 23/11/00 11.01.01 05/12/00 15/01/01 Adopted 16/01/01
SR 335/2000 The Pension
Sharing (Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments)
Regulations (NI) 2000
10/11/00 10/11/00 10/11/00 27/11/00 07/12/00 11/12/00 Adopted 12/12/00
SR 336/2000 The Pension
Sharing (Contracting-out) (Consequential Amendments)
Regulations (NI) 2000
10/11/00 10/11/00 10/11/00 27/11/00 07/12/00 11/12/00 Adopted 12/12/00
SR 337/2000 Torrens
Gardens, Belfast
(Abandonment) Order (NI)
15/11/00 15/11/00 15/11/00 24/11/00 29/11/00 04/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 339/2000 Travelling
Expenses and Remission of
Charges (Amendment No 2)
Regulations (NI) 2000
14/11/00 14/11/00 14/11/00 04/12/00 12/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 18/12/00
SR 340/2000 The Social Fund
Winter Fuel Payment
(Temporary Increase)
Regulations (NI) 2000
11/12/00 11/12/00 11/12/00 16.01.01 25.01.01 05.02.01 Adopted 05/02/01
SR 341/2000 Optical Charges and Payments
(Amendment No2) Regulations (NI) 2000
20/11/00 20/11/00 20/11/00 04/12/00 12/12/00 18/12/00 Adopted 19/12/00
SR 342/2000 The New Valuation List
(Time and Class of Hereditaments)
Order (NI) 2000
27/11/00 27/11/00 27/11/00 11.01.01 05/12/00 22.01.01 Adopted 16/01/01
SR 346/2000 The Common Agricultural
Policy Support Schemes (Modulation)
Regulations (NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 12.01.01 12.01.01 22.01.01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 349/2000 The Personal
Pension Schemes
(Payments by Employers)
Regulations (NI) 2000
24/11/00 24/11/00 24/11/00 18/12/00 18/01/01 22/01/01 Adopted 16/01/01
SR 350/2000 The Jobseeker's Allowance
(Joint Claims) Reguations (NI) 2000
11/12/00 11/12/00 11/12/00 16/01/01 25/01/01 29/01/01 Adopted 30/01/01
SR 354/2000 Route U2216
Muldonagh Road, Linavady
(Abandonment) Order (NI)
30/11/00 30/11/00 30/11/00 03/01/01 10/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 355/2000 C311
Garvaghy Church, Dromore
(Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000
30/11/00 30/11/00 30/11/00 03/01/01 10/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 356/2000 Cashel Drive,
Newtownabbey (Stopping-Up)
Order (NI) 2000
30/11/00 30/11/00 30/11/00 03/01/01 10/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 357/2000 Queen's Park,
Coleraine (Stopping-up)
Order (NI) 2000
30/11/00 30/11/00 30/11/00 03/01/01 10/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 360/2000 The Social Security
(Contracting-out and Qualifying
Earnings Factor and Revision
of Relevant Pensions)
Regulations (NI) 2000
30/11/00 30/11/00 30/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 361/2000 The Child Benefit
Regulations (NI) 2000
28/11/00 28/11/00 28/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 22/01/01
SR 362/2000 The Sharing of State
Scheme Rights (Provision of Information
and Valuation) Regulations
(NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 363/2000 Eel Fishing
(Licence Duties) Regulations
(NI) 2000
01/12/00 01/12/00 01/12/00 04/01/01 11/01/01 22/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 364/2000 Fisheries
(Amendment No 3) Byelaws
(NI) 2000
01/12/00 01/12/00 01/12/00 04/01/01 11/01/01 22/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 365/2000 The Social Security
(Joint Claims: Consequential Amendments)
Regulations (NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 366/2000 The Social Security
(Capital Limits and Earnings Disregards Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 367/2000 The Social Security
(Enhanced Disability Premium)
Regulations (NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 368/2000 The
Occupational Pensions
(Revaluation) Order (NI) 2000
29/11/00 29/11/00 29/11/00 03/01/01 11/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 23/01/01
SR 371/2000 Fair Employment
(Specification of Public Authorities)
(No 2) Order (NI) 2000
12/12/00 12/12/00 12/12/00 17/01/01 18/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted; 05/02/01
SR 372/2000 Back Street at
Cameron Street, Belfast
Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI)
07/12/00 07/12/00 07/12/00 03/01/01 10/01/01 15/01/01 Adopted 30/01/01
SR 375/2000 Ionising Radiations
Regulations (NI) 2000
08/12/00 08/12/00 08/12/00 10/01/01 15/01/01 22/01/01 Adopted 30/01/01
SR 379/2000 The Individual
Learning Accounts Regulations (NI) 2000
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 17/01/01 18/01/01 12/02/01 Adopted 30/01/01
SR 380/2000 The Social Security
(Disclosure of State
Pension Information) Regulations (NI) 2000
08/12/00 08/12/00 08/12/00 16/01/01 25/01/01 29/01/01 Adopted 30/01/01
SR 381/2000 Route B2
Seagoe Road, Portadown
(Stopping-up) Order (NI) 2000
19/12/00 19/12/00 19/12/00 17/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 12/02/01
SR 382/2000 The
Occupational Pension
Schemes (Republic of Ireland
Schemes Exemption)
Regulations (NI) 2000
15/12/00 15/12/00 15/12/00 23/01/01 01/02/01 29/01/01 Adopted 06/02/01
SR 388/2000 Management of
Health and Safety at Work Regulations (NI) 2000
19/12/00 19/12/00 19/12/00 25/01/01 29/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 12/02/01
SR 389/2000 The Building
Regulations (NI) 2000
15/12/00 15/12/00 15/12/00 24/01/01 16/01/01 29/01/01 Adopted 06/02/01
SR 391/2000 Superannuation
(Equality Commission for Northern Ireland) Order (NI) 2000
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 24/01/01 16/01/01 29/01/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 392/2000 Superannuation
(Northern Ireland Assembly Commission) Order (NI) 2000
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 24/01/01 16/01/01 29/01/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 396/2000 Brantwood
Gardens, Antrim
(Abandonment) Order (NI) 2000
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 397/2000 Route B0007
Upper Dromore Road
Warrenpoint (Abandonment)
Order (NI) 2000
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 398/2000 Route U145 Brockagh Road,
Londonderry (Abandonment) Order (NI)
21/12/00 21/12/00 21/12/00 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 400/2000 Trunk Road T3
(Newtownstewart Bypass)
Order (NI) 2000
20/12/00 20/12/00 20/12/00 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 401/2000 Bayhead Road,
Portballintrae (Footway)
(Abandonment) Order (NI)
20/12/00 20/12/00 20/12/00 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 402/2000 Plastic Materials
and Articles In Contact with
Food (Amendment) Regs (NI)
08/01/01 08/01/01 08/01/01 26/01/01 07/02/01 12/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 403/2000 Trunk Road T8
Toome (Bypass) Order
(Northern Ireland) 2000
11/01/01 11/01/01 11/01/01 25/01/01 31/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 405/2000 Petshops
Regulations (NI) 2000
05/01/01 05/01/01 05/01/01 12/01/01 12/01/01 12/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01


Number and Title Date Laid Date Referred to Committee Date to ESR Date Passed by ESR Date Considered by Committee Date Referred to Plenary Annulled/
End of Statutory Period
SR 002/2001 General Dental
Services (Amendment)
Regulations (NI) 2001
11/01/01 11/01/01 11/01/01 26/01/01 07/02/01 12/02/01 Adopted 13/02/01
SR 003/2001 Road Traffic
(Fixed Penalty) Order
(Northern Ireland) 2001
23/01/01 24/01/01 24/01/01 12/02/01 15/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 004/2001 The Social
Security (Capital Disregards
Amendment) Regualtions
(Northern Ireland) 2001
19/01/01 19/01/01 19/01/01 26/01/01 08/02/01 19/02/01 Adopted 20/02/01
SR 005/2001 Organic
Farming Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
19/01/01 22/01/01 22/01/01 12/02/01 26/01/01 05/02/01 Adopted 20/02/01
SR 006/2001 The Equality
Commission (Time Limits)
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001
24/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 07/02/01 14/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 007/2001 The Roads
(Northern Ireland) Order
1993 Highfield
Grove, Etc., Craigavon
(Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001
22/01/01 22/01/01 22/01/01 26/01/01 07/02/01 19/02/01 Adopted 20/02/01
SR 011/2001 Strone Park,
Dundonald (Abandonment)
Order (NI) 2001
23/01/01 24/01/01 24/01/01 26/01/01 07/02/01 19/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 012/2001 The Child
Support (Temporary
Compensation Payment
Scheme) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
26/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 013/2001 The
Stakeholder Pension
Schemes (Amendment)
Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 2001
25/01/01 25/01/01 25/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 014/2001 Trunk Road T3
(Strabane Bypass Stage 2)
Order (Northern Ireland) 2001
29/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 12/02/01 14/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 05/03/01
SR 019/2001 The Child
Support (Transitional
Provisions) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
02/02/01 02/02/01 02/02/01 06/03/01 08/02/01 05/03/01 Adopted 06/03/01
SR 021/2001 The Child
Support (Voluntary
Payments) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
29/01/01 30/01/01 30/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 05/03/01
SR 022/2001 The Social
Security (Claims and
Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 2001
26/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 023/2001 The Social
Security and Child Support
(Decisions and Appeals)
(Amendment) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
26/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 024/2001 The Child
Support (Variations)
(Modification of Statutory
Provisions) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
29/01/01 30/01/01 30/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 05/03/01
SR 025/2001 The Social
Security (Child Maintenance
Premium and Miscellaneous
Amendments) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
26/01/01 29/01/01 29/01/01 15/02/01 08/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 27/02/01
SR 026/2001 Bishop Street
within/St Columb's Court
Londonderry (Footway)
(Abandonment) Order
(Northern Ireland) 2001
31/01/01 31/01/01 31/01/01 12/02/01 15/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 06/03/01
SR 027/2001 Dairy Produce
Quotas (Amendment) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
30/01/01 30/01/01 30/01/01 05/03/01 09/02/01 26/02/01 Adopted 06/03/01
SR 028/2001 Motor Vehicles
(Construction and Use)
(Amendment) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2001
02/02/01 02/02/01 02/02/01 19/02/01 22/02/01 05/03/01 Adopted 06/03/01
SR 029/2001 The Child Support
(Consequential Amendments
and Transitional Provisions)
Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001
02/02/01 02/02/01 02/02/01 06/03/01 08/02/01 05/03/01 Adopted 06/03/01
SR 032/2001 The Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/02/01 09/02/01 09/02/01 05/03/01 23/02/01 05/03/01 Adopted 13/03/01
SR 036/2001 The Statutory Maternity Pay (General) and Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/02/01 09/02/01 09/02/01 06/03/01 01/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 20/03/01
SR 037/2001 The Industrial Tribunal (1996 Order)(Application of Conciliation Provisions) Order (NI) 2001 13/02/01 13/02/01 13/02/01 01/03/01 01/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 26/03/01
SR 038/2001 Recognition and Derecognition Ballots (Qualifed Persons) Order (NI) 2001 13/02/01 13/02/01 13/02/01 01/03/01 01/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 26/03/01
SR 039/2001 Trade Union Recognition (Method of Collective Bargaining) Order (NI) 2001 13/02/01 13/02/01 13/02/01 01/03/01 01/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 26/03/01
SR 042/2001 The Guaranted Minimum Pensions Increase Order (NI) 2001 15/02/01 15/02/01 15/02/01 06/03/01 01/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 043/2001 Countryside Management Regulations (NI) 2001 14/02/01 14/02/01 14/02/01 09/03/01 23/02/01 05/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 045/2001 Coffee Extracts and Chicory Extracts Regulations (NI) 2001 16/02/01 16/02/01 16/02/01 06/03/01 28/02/01 12/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 046/2001 Miscellaneous Food Additives (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/02/01 16/02/01 16/02/01 06/03/01 28/02/01 12/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 047/2001 Feeding Stuffs Regulations (NI) 2001 01/03/01 01/03/01 01/03/01 15/03/01 14/02/01 26/03/01 Adopted 24/04/01
SR 048/2001 Specified Risk Material (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 19/02/01 19/02/01 19/02/01 06/03/01 28/02/01 12/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 052/2001 The Social Fund (Recovery by Deductions from Benefits)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/02/01 20/02/01 20/02/01 09/03/01 01/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 02/04/01
SR 053/2001 Route B7 Chapel Hill Road, Mayobridge (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 21/02/01 21/02/01 21/02/01 08/03/01 14/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 03/04/01
SR 054/2001 Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order (NI) 2001 16/02/01 16/02/01 16/02/01 01/03/01 08/03/01 20/03/01 Adopted 27/03/01
SR 058/2001 John Street, Belfast (Stopping-up) Order (NI) 2001 21/02/01 21/02/01 21/02/01 08/03/01 14/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 03/04/01
SR 060/2001 Route A26 Larne Road Link, Ballymena (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 27/02/01 27/02/01 27/02/01 08/03/01 14/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 061/2001 Local Government Pension Scheme (Pension Sharing on Divorce) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/02/01 27/02/01 27/02/01 16/03/01 22/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 062/2001 Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/02/01 27/02/01 27/02/01 16/03/01 22/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 063/2001 Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/02/01 27/02/01 27/02/01 16/03/01 22/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 064/2001 Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/02/01 27/02/01 27/02/01 16/03/01 22/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 066/2001 Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/03/01 02/03/01 02/03/01 20/03/01 09/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 24/04/01
SR 069/2001 Superannuation (Chief Executive to the Mental Health Commission) Order (NI) 2001 06/03/01 06/03/01 06/03/01 20/03/01 13/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 071/2001 Less Favoured Area Compensatory Allowances Regulations (NI) 2001 02/03/01 02/03/01 02/03/01 20/03/01 09/03/01 26/03/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 077/2001 Education (Student Support) (Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 20/03/01 29/03/01 23/03/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 078/2001 The Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/03/01 02/03/01 02/03/01 16/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 079/2001 The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/03/01 02/03/01 02/03/01 16/03/01 15/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 23/04/01
SR 081/2001 Manse Road and Ballygowan Road, Castlereagh (Stopping-Up) Order (NI) 2001 08/03/01 08/03/01 08/03/01 27/03/01 28/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 085/2001 Food Safety (General Hygiene) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/03/01 08/03/01 08/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 088/2001 The Social Security (Credits and Incapacity Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 16/03/01 15/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 089/2001 General Dental Services (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/03/01 09/03/01 09/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 091/2001 The Pig Industry Restructuring (Non-Capital Grant) Scheme Order (NI) 2001 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 20/03/01 16/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 092/2001 Upper Newtonards Road, Belfast (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 12/03/01 12/03/01 12/03/01 27/03/01 28/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 25/04/01
SR 094/2001 Pensions Increase (Review) Order (NI) 2001 14/03/01 14/03/01 14/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 02/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 096/2001 Route A1 Dublin Road, Newry (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 27/03/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 01/05/01
SR 097/2001 Queen's Park, Colraine (Stopping-Up) (Modification) Order (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 27/03/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 01/05/01
SR 098/2001 Loughview, Aghagallon (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 27/03/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 01/05/01
SR 099/2001 The Housing Benefit (Extended Payments) Regulations (NI) 2001 13/03/01 13/03/01 13/03/01 16/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 100/2001 The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order (NI) 2001 13/03/01 13/03/01 13/03/01 16/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 101/2001 The Historic Monuments (Class Consents) Order (NI) 2001 22/03/01 22/03/01 22/03/01 01/05/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 102/2001 The Social Security (Crediting and Treatment of Contributions, and National Insurance Numbers) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/03/01 16/03/01 16/03/01 28/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 103/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot and Mouth) (Temporary Exception) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/03/01 27/03/01 27/03/01 01/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 14/05/01
SR 104/2001 Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 26/03/01 28/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 105/2001 The Income Support (General) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 28/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 106/2001 The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations Regulations (NI) 2001 16/03/01 16/03/01 16/03/01 28/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 107/2001 The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Dependency) Permitted Earnings Limits) Order Regulations (NI) 2001 16/03/01 16/03/01 16/03/01 28/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 108/2001 The Social Security (Benefits for Widows and Widowers) (Consequential Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/03/01 16/03/01 16/03/01 28/03/01 26/03/01 30/04/01 Adopted 01/05/01
SR 110/2001 The New Deal (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order (NI) 2001 20/03/01 20/03/01 20/03/01 27/03/01 29/03/01 23/04/01 Adopted 30/04/01
SR 115/2001 The Social Security (Hospital In-Patients) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 116/2001 The Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 117/2001 The Social Security (Invalid Care Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 118/2001 The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Perpetuities and Contracting-out) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 119/2001 The The Stakeholder Pension Schemes (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 120/2001 The Social Security (Joint Claims Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 28/03/01 28/03/01 28/03/01 10/04/01 26/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 123/2001 Charges for Drugs and Appliances (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 25/04/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 124/2001 Dental Charges (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 25/04/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 125/2001 The Road Traffic (Health Services Charges) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/03/01 26/03/01 26/03/01 25/04/01 04/04/01 30/04/01 Adopted 08/05/01
SR 126/2001 Avenue Road, Lurgan (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 02/04/01 02/04/01 02/04/01 23/04/01 02/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 127/2001 Extensification Payment Regulations (NI) 2001 27/03/01 27/03/01 27/03/01 30/04/01 30/03/01 08/05/01 Adopted 14/05/01
SR 129/2001 Milk and Milk Products (Pupils in Educational Establishments) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/03/01 30/03/01 30/03/01 30/04/01 06/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 130/2001 Route B101 Oldstone Road, Atrim (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 02/04/01 02/04/01 02/04/01 27/04/01 02/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 131/2001 Route C570 Greystone Road, Limavady (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 02/04/01 02/04/01 02/04/01 27/04/01 02/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 133/2001 Optical Charges and Payments (Abandonment) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 25/04/01 25/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 134/2001 Route The Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments No. 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/03/01 30/03/01 30/03/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 15/05/01
SR 135/2001 General Medical Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 25/04/01 25/04/01 08/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 138/2001 The Occupational Pension Schemes (Pensions Compensation Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/04/01 03/04/01 03/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 21/05/01
SR 139/2001 The Welfare Foods (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 23/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 25/04/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 29/05/01
SR 142/2001 Construction (Design and Management)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 09/05/01 09/05/01 21/05/01 Adopted 04/06/01
SR 144/2001 Lobster (Conservation of Stocks) (Revocation) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 30/04/01 11/05/01 21/05/01 Adopted 04/06/01
SR 145/2001 Assistance of Fish Farming Scheme (Revocation) Order (NI) 2001 06/04/01 06/04/01 06/04/01 25/04/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 146/2001 Motor Cycles (Eye Protectors) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 01/05/01 17/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 147/2001 Motor Cycles (Protective Headgear) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 01/05/01 17/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 148/2001 The Social Security (Widow's Benefit and Retirement Pensions) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/04/01 06/04/01 06/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 149/2001 The Teachers' Superannuation (Sharing of Pensions on Divorce or Annulment Regulations (NI) 2001 16/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 04/05/01 17/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 150/2001 The Social Security (Capital Disregards and Recovery of Benefits Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/04/01 06/04/01 06/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 151/2001 The Social Security (New Deal Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 152/2001 The Social Security (Work-focused Interviews for Lone Parents) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 154/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot and Mouth Disease) (Temporary Exception) (No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 01/05/01 10/05/01 21/05/01 Adopted 04/06/01
SR 155/2001 The Fresh Meat (Beef Contols) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 13/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 23/05/01 09/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 156/2001 The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/04/01 06/04/01 06/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 157/2001 The Social Security (Capital Disregards Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 09/04/01 09/04/01 09/04/01 02/05/01 03/05/01 14/05/01 Adopted 22/05/01
SR 158/2001 Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 21/05/01 22/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 159/2001 Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Tagging and Logbook) Regulations 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 21/05/01 22/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 160/2001 Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Closed Seasons for Angling) Regulations 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 21/05/01 22/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 162/2001 The Education (Student Loans)(Repayment) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 08/05/01 10/05/01 21/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 165/2001 The Street Trading (Fixed Penalty) (Notice and Procedure) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 23/05/01 03/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 166/2001 Street Trading (Form of Licence) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/04/01 23/04/01 23/04/01 23/05/01 03/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 05/06/01
SR 167/2001 The General Medical Services (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/04/01 27/04/01 27/04/01 23/05/01 09/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 12/06/01
SR 168/2001 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 25/04/01 25/04/01 25/04/01 09/05/01 09/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 12/06/01
SR 169/2001 The Disability Discrimination (Taxis) (Carrying of Guide Dogs etc.) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/04/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 21/05/01 29/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 170/2001 Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Fees) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/04/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 21/05/01 29/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 171/2001 Road Vehicles Lighting (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/04/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 21/05/01 29/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 172/2001 Motor Vehicles (Approval) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/05/01 10/05/01 10/05/01 21/05/01 14/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 10/09/01
SR 173/2001 Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use)(Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/04/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 21/05/01 29/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 174/2001 Motor Vehicles (Type Approval)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/04/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 21/05/01 29/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 175/2001 The Social Security (Claims and Information) Regulations (NI) 2001 24/04/01 24/04/01 24/04/01 23/05/01 03/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 25/06/01
SR 176/2001 The Social Security (Work-focused Interviews) Regulations (NI) 2001 24/04/01 24/04/01 24/04/01 23/05/01 03/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 25/06/01
SR 178/2001 The General Grant (Specified Bodies) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/05/01 08/05/01 08/05/01 21/05/01 31/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 03/07/01
SR 179/2001 The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/05/01 30/04/01 30/04/01 23/05/01 10/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 26/06/01
SR 183/2001 Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/05/01 16/05/01 16/05/01 08/06/01 25/5/01 18/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 186/2001 Restriction on Pithing Regulations (NI) 2001 10/05/01 10/04/01 10/04/01 23/05/01 16/05/01 29/05/01 Adopted 10/09/01
SR 188/2001 Seed Potatoes Regulations (NI) 2001 04/05/01 04/05/01 04/05/01 08/06/01 11/05/01 26/06/01 Adopted 03/07/01
SR 196/2001 Specified Risk Material (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/05/01 16/05/01 16/05/01 08/06/01 18/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 197/2001 The Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/05/01 10/05/01 10/05/01 23/05/01 21/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 10/09/01
SR 198/2001 Motor Hackney Carriages (Belfast)(Amendment) By-Laws (NI) 2001 18/05/01 18/05/01 18/05/01 08/06/01 14/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 199/2001 Slaughter Premium Regulations (NI) 2001 15/05/01 15/05/01 15/05/01 08/06/01 18/05/01 18/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 200/2001 Route U3316 Ballyhacket Lane Castlerock (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 18/05/01 18/05/01 18/05/01 07/06/01 20/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 201/2001 Route A26 Larne Road Link. Ballymena (Abandonment) (No 2) Order (NI) 2001 18/05/01 18/05/01 18/05/01 07/06/01 20/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 202/2001 Non-automatic Weighing Instruments (Use for Trade) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/05/01 16/05/01 16/05/01 18/06/01 20/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 204/2001 Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and Mouth Disease) (No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 25/05/01 25/05/01 25/05/01 08/06/01 15/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 17/09/01
SR 205/2001 The Health and Personal Social Services (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 18/05/01 18/05/01 18/05/01 21/06/01 13/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 207/2001 Abbey Street, Bangor (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 18/05/01 18/05/01 18/05/01 07/06/01 20/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 11/09/01
SR 208/2001 Code of Practice (Access to Workers during Recognition and Derecognition Ballots) (Appointed Day) Order (NI) 2001 23/05/01 23/05/01 23/05/01 12/06/01 14/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 17/09/01
SR 209/2001 Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/05/01 31/05/01 31/05/01 21/06/01 13/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 210/2001 Bovines and Bovine Products (Trade) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/06/01 04/06/01 04/06/01 08/06/01 15/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 211/2001 The Smoke Control Area (Exempted Fireplaces) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 01/06/01 01/06/01 01/06/01 08/06/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 214/2001 The Housing Benefit (Decisions and Appeals) (Transitional and Savings) Regulations (NI) 2001 29/05/01 29/05/01 29/05/01 21/06/01 14/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 17/06/01
SR 215/2001 The Housing Benefit (Decisions and Appeals and Discretionary Financial Assistance) (Consequential Amendments and Revocations) Regulations (NI) 2001 29/05/01 29/05/01 29/05/01 21/06/01 14/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 17/09/01
SR 216/2001 The Discretionary Financial Assistance Regulations (NI) 2001 29/05/01 29/05/01 29/05/01 21/06/01 14/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 17/09/01
SR 217/2001 The Medical Act 1983 (Approved Medical Practices and Conditions of Residence) and General Medical Services (Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 01/06/01 01/06/01 01/06/01 21/06/01 13/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 218/2001 The General Medical Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2001 01/06/01 01/06/01 01/06/01 21/06/01 13/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 219/2001 The Income Support (General) (Standard Interest Rate Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/05/01 30/05/01 30/05/01 21/06/01 14/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 220/2001 Cumberland Drive, Dundonald (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 29/05/01 29/05/01 29/05/01 07/06/01 20/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 17/09/01
SR 222/2001 Pharmaceutical Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 05/06/01 05/06/01 05/06/01 21/06/01 13/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 223/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Temporary Exception)(No 2) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/05/01 30/05/01 30/05/01 08/06/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 224/2001 Route B101 Killead Road, Aldergrove (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 01/06/01 01/06/01 01/06/01 07/06/01 20/06/01 25/06/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 225/2001 Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/06/01 08/06/01 08/06/01 21/06/01 17/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 226/2001 Gelatine (Intra-Community Trade) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 21/06/01 20/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/06/01
SR 227/2001 The Income Support and Jobseeker's Allowance (Amounts for Persons in Residential Care and Nursing Homes) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/06/01 08/06/01 08/06/01 21/06/01 21/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/06/01
SR 228/2001 Seed Potatoes (Crop Fees) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/05/01 31/05/01 31/05/01 08/06/01 15/06/01 26/06/01 Annulled 18/09/01
SR 236/2001 Education (Pupil Records) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 13/06/01 13/06/01 13/06/01 21/06/01 21/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 237/2001 Compulsory Registration of Title Order (NI) 2001 14/06/01 14/06/01 14/06/01 19/06/01 19/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 18/09/01
SR 238/2001 The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/06/01 08/06/01 08/06/01 21/06/01 21/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 24/09/01
SR 239/2001 Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease)(No 2)(Revocation) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 19/06/01 15/06/01 02/07/01 Adopted 24/09/01
SR 240/2001 Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/06/01 22/06/01 22/06/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 24/09/01
SR 241/2001 Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/07/01 02/07/01 02/07/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 242/2001 Products of Animal Origin (Import and Export) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/06/01 22/06/01 22/06/01 04/09/01 29/06/01 10/09/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 244/2001 Public Service Vehicles (Licence Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/07/01 02/07/01 02/07/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 245/2001 Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (Test Fees) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/07/01 02/07/01 02/07/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 246/2001 Motor Vehicle Testing (Fees)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/07/01 02/07/01 02/07/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 247/2001 Goods Vehicles (Testing) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/07/01 02/07/01 02/07/01 05/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 01/10/01
SR 258/2001 The Social Security (Volunteers Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/07/01 04/07/01 04/06/01 04/06/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 259/2001 The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment No 4) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/07/01 04/07/01 04/07/01 04/09/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 261/2001 The Social Security (Discretionary Housing Payments Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 29/06/01 29/06/01 29/06/01 04/09/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 08/10/01
SR 264/2001 The Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 16/08/01 16/08/01 16/08/01 05/09/01 12/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 265/2001 The Rail Vehicle (Exemption Applications) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 16/08/01 16/08/01 16/08/01 05/09/01 12/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 267/2001 Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 19/07/01 19/07/01 19/07/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 268/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot and Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No2)(Amendment No2) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/07/01 06/07/01 06/07/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 269/2001 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Designation Order (NI) 2001 19/07/01 19/07/01 19/07/01 04/09/01 07/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 270/2001 Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Enforcement) Regulations (NI) 2001 19/07/01 19/07/01 19/07/01 04/09/01 07/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 271/2001 The Beef Labelling (Enforcement) Regulations (NI) 2001 20/07/01 20/07/01 20/07/01 04/09/01 17/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 276/2001 The Education (Student Loans)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/07/01 11/07/01 11/07/01 03/09/01 06/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 277/2001 The Education (Student Support) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/07/01 11/07/01 11/07/01 03/09/01 06/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 278/2001 The Social Security (Students and Income-Related Benefits Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/07/01 11/07/01 11/07/01 04/09/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 279/2001 The Local Government (Discretionary Payments) Regulations (NI) 2001 24/07/01 24/07/01 24/07/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 280/2001 Plant Protection Products (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 01/08/01 01/08/01 01/08/01 04/09/01 07/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 281/2001 Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order (NI) 2001 02/08/01 02/08/01 02/08/01 03/09/01 06/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 282/2001 Sex Discrimination (Indirect Discrimination and Burden of Proof) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/07/01 30/07/01 30/07/01 31/08/01 12/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 284/2001 The Control of Pollution (Applications and Registers) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/07/01 31/07/01 31/07/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 285/2001 The Education (Grants for Disabled Postgraduate Students) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/08/01 08/08/01 08/08/01 03/09/01 06/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 287/2001 The Welfare Reform and Pensions (Persons Abroad: benefits for Widows and Widowers)(Consequential Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2001 27/07/01 27/07/01 27/07/01 04/09/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 288/2001 The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (Constitution) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/08/01 10/08/01 10/08/01 04/09/01 13/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 289/2001 The Income Support (General)(Standard Interest Rate Amendment No2) Regulations (NI) 2001 25/07/01 25/07/01 25/07/01 04/09/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 291/2001 Fisheries (Tagging and Logbook) Byelaws (NI) 2001 03/08/01 03/08/01 03/08/01 03/08/01 06/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 292/2001 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Monitoring Regulations (NI) 2001 03/08/01 03/08/01 03/08/01 04/09/01 07/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 294/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot-and-Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No2)(Amendment No3) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/08/01 03/08/01 03/08/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 295/2001 Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations (NI) 2001 17/08/01 17/08/01 17/08/01 20/09/01 26/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 298/2001 Student Awards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 13/08/01 13/08/01 13/08/01 18/09/01 20/09/01 01/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 299/2001 The Road Traffic (Health Services Charges)(Appeals) Regulations (NI) 2001 17/08/01 17/08/01 17/08/01 04/09/01 05/09/01 10/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 302/2001 Salaries (Assembly Ombudsman and Commissioner for Complaints)Order (NI) 2001 30/08/01 30/08/01 30/08/01 31/08/01 12/09/01 17/09/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 308/2001 The Social Security (Medical Evidence)and Statutory Maternity Pay (Medical Evidence)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/08/01 03/09/01 03/09/01 04/09/01 13/09/01 24/09/01 Adopted 09/10/01
SR 309/2001 General Dental Services (Amendment No3) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/09/01 04/09/01 04/09/01 01/10/01 12/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 310/2001 Motor Vehicle (Driving Licences)(Amendment No2)(Test Fees) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/09/01 11/09/01 11/09/01 28/09/01 04/10/01 15/10/01 Adopted 16/10/01
SR 311/2001 The Community DRivers' Hours (Foot-and-Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No2)(Amendment No4) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/08/01 03/09/01 03/09/01 05/09/01 27/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 312/2001 Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/09/01 10/09/01 10/09/01 28/09/01 05/10/01 15/10/01 Adopted 16/10/01
SR 313/2001 The Northern Ireland Social Care Council (Appointments and Procedure) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/09/01 10/09/01 10/09/01 01/10/01 19/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 16/10/01
SR 314/2001 The Social Security (Personal Allowances for Children and Young Persons Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 14/09/01 14/09/01 14/09/01 28/09/01 20/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 16/10/01
SR 315/2001 Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Reduction of Grant)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 18/09/01 18/09/01 18/09/01 28/09/01 20/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 23/10/01
SR 316/2001 The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit)(Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 07/09/01 07/09/01 07/09/01 28/09/01 20/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 15/10/01
SR 318/2001 The Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses)(General)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 14/09/01 14/09/01 14/09/01 28/09/01 20/09/01 08/10/01 Adopted 22/10/01
SR 327/2001 Vegetable Seeds (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/10/01 03/10/01 03/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 328/2001 Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/10/01 03/10/01 03/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 329/2001 Fodder Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/10/01 03/10/01 03/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 330/2001 Cereal Seeds (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/10/01 03/10/01 03/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 331/2001 Beet Seeds (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/10/01 03/10/01 03/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 332/2001 Rural Development (Financial Assistance) Regulation (NI) 2001 05/10/01 05/10/01 05/10/01 15/11/01 12/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 19/11/01
SR 333/2001 Trunk Road T9 (Doagh Road to Coleman's Corner) Order (NI) 2001 11/10/01 11/10/01 11/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 334/2001 Trunk Road T9 (Millbrook and Antiville) Order(NI) 2001 11/10/01 11/10/01 11/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 335/2001 Trunk Road T9 (Ballynure) Order (NI) 2001 11/10/01 11/10/01 11/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 338/2001 Street Works (Sharing of Costs of Works) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 24/10/01 24/10/01 24/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 29/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 339/2001 General Ophthalmic Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/10/01 10/10/01 10/10/01 15/11/01 07/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 340/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot-and Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No 2)(Amendment No 5) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/10/01 04/10/01 04/10/01 19/10/01 25/10/01 05/11/01 Adopted 20/11/01
SR 340/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot-and Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No 2)(Amendment No 5) Regulations (NI) 2001 04/10/01 04/10/01 04/10/01 19/10/01 25/10/01 05/11/01 Adopted 20/11/01
SR 343/2001 Back Street at Grampian Avenue, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 344/2001 Route A31 Magherafelt Road, Moneymore (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 345/2001 Rote A5 Beltany Road, Newtownstewart (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 346/2001 Back Street at Wilgar Street, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 347/2001 Westland Road South, Cookstown (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 348/2001 Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations (NI) 2001 17/10/01 17/10/01 17/10/01 15/11/01 07/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 350/2001 Route U2209 Old Crebily Road, Ballymena (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 351/2001 Church Street, Ballymena (Stopping Up)(Revocation) Order (NI) 2001 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 352/2001 Route A1 Belfast Road, Newry (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 353/2001 Glenbush Drive, Portrush (Stopping Up) Order (NI) 2001 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 354/2001 Route B3 Markethill Road, Tandragee (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 355/2001 Caldwell Park, Portrush (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 26/11/01
SR 362/2001 Suckler Cow Premium Regulations (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 19/10/01 19/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 363/2001 Beef Special Pemium Regulations (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 19/10/01 19/10/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 364/2001 Motor Vehicle Testing (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/10/01 22/10/01 22/10/01 15/11/01 22/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 365/2001 Goods Vehicles (Testing)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/10/01 22/10/01 22/10/01 15/11/01 22/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 366/2001 Public Service Vehicles (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/10/01 22/10/01 22/10/01 15/11/01 22/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 367/2001 Health and Personal Social Services (Injury Benefits) Regulations (NI) 2001 05/11/01 05/11/01 05/11/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 10/12/01
SR 370/2001 Optical Charges and Payments and General Ophthalmic Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 19/10/01 19/10/01 19/10/01 15/11/01 07/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 372/2001 Road Vehicles Lighting (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/10/01 30/10/01 30/10/01 15/11/01 22/11/01 03/12/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 373/2001 The Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 25/10/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 374/2001 General Medical Services (Amendment No 4) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/10/01 26/10/01 26/10/01 15/11/01 14/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 375/2001 Road Traffic Offenders (Additional Offences and Prescibed Devices) Order (NI) 2001 24/10/01 24/10/01 24/10/01 15/11/01 22/11/01 03/12/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 376/2001 Specified Risk Material (Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 24/10/01 24/10/01 24/10/01 15/11/01 07/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 379/2001 Strangford Lough (Prohibition of Fishing for Shellfish) Regulations (NI) 2001 26/10/01 26/10/01 26/10/01 15/11/01 09/11/01 19/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 380/2001 Route B127 Ballyconnell Road, Derrylin (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 16/10/01 16/10/01 16/10/01 15/11/01 25/10/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 381/2001 Route DR219 Foyle Avenue, Greysteel (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 25/10/01 25/10/01 25/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 382/2001 Rowland Way, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 25/10/01 25/10/01 25/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 383/2001 Rooute C154 Tandragee Road, Craigavon (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 25/10/01 25/10/01 25/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 384/2001 Lindenwood Park, Londonderry (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2001 25/10/01 25/10/01 25/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 385/2001 Route A26 Larne Road Link, Ballymena (Abandonment)(No3) Order (NI) 2001 25/10/01 25/10/01 25/10/01 15/11/01 24/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 386/2001 The Social Fund (Cold Weather Payments)(General)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 19/10/01 19/10/01 19/10/01 15/11/01 25/10/01 26/11/01 Adopted 03/12/01
SR 391/2001 Farm Subsidies (Review of Decisions) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/11/01 06/11/01 06/11/01 15/11/01 23/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 11/12/01
SR 392/2001 The Social Security (Capital Disregards Amendment No 3) Regulationa (NI) 2001 29/10/01 29/10/01 29/10/01 15/11/01 08/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 393/2001 Dogs (Licensing and Identification)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 06/11/01 06/11/01 06/11/01 29/11/01 16/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 11/12/01
SR 394/2001 Drainage (Environmental Impact ssessment) Regulations (NI) 2001 02/11/01 02/11/01 02/11/01 15/11/01 16/11/01 26/11/01 Adopted 04/12/01
SR 397/2001 Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Licensibng of Fishing Engines) Regulations (NI) 2001 14/11/01 14/11/01 14/11/01 29/11/01 06/12/01 14/01/02 Adopted 21/01/02
SR 398/2001 The Community Drivers' Hours (Foot-and-Mouth Disease)(Temporary Exception)(No2)(Amendment No6) Regulations (NI) 2001 05/11/01 05/11/01 05/11/01 29/11/01 22/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 10/12/01
SR 401/2001 The Plant Health (Wood and Bark)(Amendment) Order (NI) 2001 21/11/01 21/11/01 21/11/01 29/11/01 30/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 11/02/02
SR 402/2001 Motor Vehicles(Driving Licences)(Amendment No2) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/11/01 22/11/01 22/11/01 29/11/01 13/12/01 14/01/02 Adopted 22/01/02
SR 405/2001 Processed Animal Protein Regulations (NI) 2001 20/11/01 20/11/01 20/11/01 29/11/01 30/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 22/01/02
SR 406/2001 The Income Support (General) and Jobseeker's Allowance (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 22/11/01 22/11/01 22/11/01 29/11/01 29/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 22/01/02
SR 408/2001 Colours in Food (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 29/11/01 29/11/01 29/11/01 10/01/02 12/12/01 28/01/02 Adopted 11/02/02
SR 409/2001 Street Works (Inspection Fees) Regulations (NI) 2001 30/11/01 30/11/01 30/11/01 10/01/02 16/01/02 28/01/02 Adopted 11/02/02
SR 410/2001 The Income Support (General)(Standard Interest Rate Amendment No 3) Regulations (NI) 2001 23/11/01 23/11/01 23/11/01 29/11/01 29/11/01 10/12/01 Adopted 22/01/02
SR 411/2001 The Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 23/11/01 23/11/01 23/11/01 10/01/02 30/11/01 21/01/02 Adopted 22/01/02
SR 412/2001 The Occupational Pensions (Revaluation) Order (NI) 2001 29/11/01 29/11/01 29/11/01 10/01/02 06/12/01 21/01/02 Adopted 29/01/02
SR 413/2001 The Street Works (Maintainance) Regulations (NI) 2001 07/12/01 07/12/01 07/12/01 10/01/02 16/01/02 28/01/02 Adopted 12/02/02
SR 415/2001 Gaming (Bingo)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/12/01 11/12/01 11/12/01 10/01/02 10/01/02 21/01/02   18/02/02
SR 419/2001 Miscellaneous Food Additives (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2001 11/12/01 11/12/01 11/12/01 10/01/02 09/01/02 21/01/02   18/02/02
SR 420/2001 The Social Security (Notification of Change of Circumstances) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/12/01 10/12/01 10/12/01 10/01/02 10/01/02 21/01/02 Adopted 12/02/02
SR 421/2001 Fair Employment (Specification of Public Authorities)(Amendment) Order (NI) 2001 07/12/01 07/12/01 07/12/01 10/01/02 16/01/02 21/01/02 Adopted 12/02/02
SR 422/2001 Biocidal Products Regulations (NI) 2001 19/12/01 19/12/01 19/12/01 25/01/02 06/02/02 18/02/02   19/02/02
SR 423/2001 New Deal (Lone Parents)(Miscellaneous Provisions) Order (NI) 2001 14/12/01 14/12/01 14/12/01 10/01/02 17/01/02 04/02/02   19/02/02
SR 428/2001 Feeding Stuffs (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 10/01/02 10/01/02 10/01/02 25/01/02 16/01/02 04/02/02   19/02/02
SR 429/2001 Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and Inspection)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 31/12/01 31/12/01 31/12/01 25/01/02 09/01/02 21/01/02   19/02/02
SR 431/2001 Misuse of Drugs (Designation) Order (NI) 2001 10/01/02 10/01/02 10/01/02 01/02/02 16/01/02 11/02/02   19/02/02
SR 433/2001 Fisheries (Amendment) Byelaws (NI) 2001 21/12/01 21/12/01 21/12/01 25/01/02 07/02/02 18/02/02   19/02/02
SR 434/2001 The Road Traffic (Health Services Charges)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 03/01/02 03/01/02 03/01/02 25/01/02 16/01/02 04/02/02   19/02/02
SR 435/2001 Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated Land and Semi-Natural Areas) Regulations (NI) 2001 17/01/02 17/01/02 17/01/02   25/01/02     26/02/02
SR 436/2001 Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (NI) 2001 08/01/02 08/01/02 08/01/02 01/02/02 06/02/02 18/02/02   19/02/02
SR 437/2001 The Plant Health (Amendment) Order (NI) 2001 27/12/01 27/12/01 27/12/01 25/01/02 18/01/02 04/02/02   19/02/02
SR 440/2001 The Additional Pensions and Social Security Pensions (Home Responsibilities)(Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001 18/01/02 18/01/02 18/01/02 01/02/02 24/01/02 11/02/02   26/02/02


Number and Title Date Laid Date Referred to Committee Date to ESR Date Passed by ESR Date Considered by Committee Date Referred to Plenary Annulled/
End of Statutory Period
SR 001/2002 The Misuse of Drugs Regulations (NI) 2001 10/01/02 10/01/02 10/01/02 01/02/02 16/01/02 11/02/02 Adopted 19/02/02
SR 002/2002 General Dental Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 09/01/02 09/01/02 09/01/02 22/02/02 16/01/02 26/02/02 Adopted 19/02/02
SR 005/2002 Optical Charges and Payments (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 11/01/02 11/01/02 11/01/02 22/02/02 23/01/02 26/02/02 Adopted 19/02/02
SR 006/2002 Fisheries and Aquaculture Structures (Grants) Regulations (NI) 2002 01/02/02 01/02/02 01/02/02 22/02/02 15/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 06/03/02
SR 007/2002 The Potatoes Originating in Germany (Notification) Order (NI) 2002 17/01/02 17/01/02 17/01/02 22/02/02 25/01/02 26/02/02 Adopted 26/02/02
SR 008/2002 Motor Vehicles (Authorised Weight) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/01/02 25/01/02 25/01/02 22/02/02 21/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 05/03/02
SR 010/2002 The Street Works (Register, Notices, Directions and Designations) Regulations (NI) 2002 28/01/02 28/01/02 28/01/02 22/02/02 20/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 05/03/02
SR 011/2002 Fisheries (Amendment) Byelaws (NI) 2002 01/02/02 01/02/02 01/02/02 22/02/02 21/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 06/03/02
SR 014/2002 The Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses) (General) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 04/02/02 04/02/02 04/02/02 22/02/02 14/02/02 06/03/02 Adopted 06/03/02
SR 016/2002 The Income Support (General) (Standard Interest Rate Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/01/02 25/01/02 25/01/02 22/02/02 07/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 05/03/02
SR 017/2002 Upper Knockbreda Road, Castlereagh (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 04/02/02 04/02/02 04/02/02 22/02/02 27/02/02 06/03/02 Adopted 06/03/02
SR 018/2002 Park Street, Ballyclare (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 05/02/02 05/02/02 05/02/02 22/02/02 27/02/02 11/03/02 Adopted 11/03/02
SR 020/2002 Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/02/02 08/02/02 08/02/02 22/02/02 20/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 11/03/02
SR 021/2002 Plant Protection Products (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 06/02/02 06/02/02 06/02/02 22/02/02 20/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 11/03/02
SR 024/2002 Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 08/03/02 07/03/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 027/2002 Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 13/02/02 13/02/02 13/02/02 22/02/02 22/02/02 04/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 028/2002 The Sulphur Content of Liquid Fuels Regulations (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 01/03/02 07/03/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 029/2002 Marketing of Quality Agricultural Products Grant Regulations (NI) 2002 13/02/02 13/02/02 13/02/02 08/03/02 22/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 030/2002 Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grant Regulations (NI) 2002 13/02/02 13/02/02 13/02/02 08/03/02 22/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 031/2002 The Social Security (Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 06/02/02 06/02/02 06/02/02 22/02/02 14/02/02 11/03/02 Adopted 11/03/02
SR 033/2002 Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Control) Regulations (NI) 2002 18/02/02 18/02/02 18/02/02 01/03/02 27/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 34/2002 Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 20/02/02 20/02/02 20/02/02 08/03/02 20/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 16/04/02
SR 035/2002 Notification of Marketing of Food for Particular Nutritional Uses Regulations (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 01/03/02 27/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 036/2002 Weights and Measures (Prescribed Stamp) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 08/03/02 13/03/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 038/2002 Stonard Street, Moneymore (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 20/02/02 20/02/02 20/02/02 01/03/02 20/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 16/04/02
SR 039/2002 Sweeteners in Food (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 18/02/02 18/02/02 18/02/02 01/03/02 27/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 046/2002 Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 28/02/02 28/02/02 28/02/02 22/03/02 13/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 047/2002 Motor Vehicle Testing (Amendment) (Fees) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 14/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 048/2002 Goods Vehicles (Testing) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 14/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 049/2002 Public Service Vehicles (Licence Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 14/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 050/2002 Passenger and Goods Vehicles (Recording Equipment) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 14/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 051/2002 Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (Test Fees) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 14/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 052/2002 The Road Traffic (Health Services Charges) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 08/03/02 27/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 053/2002 Diseases of Fish (Control) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/02/02 15/02/02 15/02/02 08/03/02 22/02/02 19/03/02 Adopted 19/03/02
SR 056/2002 The Domestic Energy Efficiency Grants Regulations (NI) 2002 28/02/02 28/02/02 28/02/02 22/03/02 05/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 057/2002 The Social Security Pensions (Low Earnings Threshold) Order (NI) 2002 07/03/02 07/03/02 07/03/02 22/03/02 21/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 058/2002 The Income Support (General) (Standard Interest Rate Amendment No 2) regulations (NI) 2002 26/02/02 26/02/02 26/02/02 08/03/02 05/03/02 19/03/02 Adopted 22/04/02
SR 059/2002 The Social Security (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 27/02/02 27/02/02 27/02/02 22/03/02 05/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 064/2002 The Occupational Pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/02/02 25/02/02 25/02/02 22/03/02 05/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 16/04/02
SR 065/2002 Century Street, Belfast (Stopping-Up) Order (NI) 2002 04/03/02 04/03/02 04/03/02 22/03/02 10/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 066/2002 The Health and Personal Social Services Act (NI) 2001 (Fund-holding Practices) (Transfer of Assets, Rights and Liabilities and Transitional Provisions) Order (NI) 2002 05/03/02 05/03/02 05/03/02 12/04/02 13/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 29/04/02
SR 067/2002 The Social Security (Claims and Payments and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 04/03/02 04/03/02 04/03/02 22/03/02 21/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 069/2002 The Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 20/03/02 20/03/02 20/03/02 12/04/02 10/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 070/2002 Units of Measurement Regulations (NI) 2002 11/03/02 11/03/02 11/03/02 12/04/02 24/04/02 29/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 071/2002 Weights and Measurements (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 11/03/02 11/03/02 11/03/02 12/04/02 24/04/02 29/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 072/2002 Less Favoured Area Compensatory Allowances Regulations (NI) 2002 01/03/02 01/03/02 01/03/02 22/03/02 22/03/02 15/04/02 Adopted 23/04/02
SR 074/2002 The Occupational Pension Schemes (Winding Up Notices and Reports, etc) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 080/2002 The Social Security (Loss of Benefit) (Consequential Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 081/2002 Trench Park, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 14/03/02 14/03/02 14/03/02 12/04/02 24/04/02 29/04/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 082/2002 Food (Star Anise from Third Countries) (Emergency Control) Order (NI) 2002 26/03/02 26/03/02 26/03/02 16/04/02 10/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 083/2002 The Welfare Foods (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 10/04/02 29/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 084/2002 Dental Charges (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 20/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 085/2002 Optical Charges and Payments and General Ophthalmic Services (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 20/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 086/2002 The Social Security (Incapacity) Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 07/03/02 07/03/02 07/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 087/2002 The Social Security (Guardian's Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 088/2002 Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 22/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 089/2002 The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 090/2002 The Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses) (General) (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2002 12/03/02 12/03/02 12/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 13/05/02
SR 091/2002 Charges for Drugs and Appliances (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 20/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 092/2002 Pharmaceutical Services and General Medical Services Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/03/02 08/03/02 08/03/02 12/04/02 10/04/02 29/04/02 Adopted 07/05/02
SR 093/2002 Working Time (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 22/03/02 22/03/02 22/03/02 19/04/02 25/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 094/2002 The Air Quality Limit Values Regulations (NI) 2002 08/04/02 08/04/02 08/04/02 26/04/02 02/05/02 13/05/02 Adopted 27/05/02
SR 097/2002 The Social Security (Disability Living Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 13/03/02 13/03/02 13/03/02 12/04/02 21/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 098/2002 The Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 102/2002 Pensions Increase (Review) Order (NI) 2002 13/03/02 13/03/02 13/03/02 12/04/02 19/03/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 105/2002 The Social Security (Work-focused Interviews for Lone Parents Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 106/2002 The Social Security (Hospital In-Patients) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 107/2002 The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Dependency) (Permitted Earnings Limits) Order (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 108/2002 The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 109/2002 THe Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Contracting-out) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 111/2002 The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 15/03/02 15/03/02 15/03/02 26/04/02 25/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 112/2002 Student Awards (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 11/04/02 11/04/02 11/04/02 26/04/02 25/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 28/05/02
SR 113/2002 The Health and Personal Social Services (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 27/03/02 27/03/02 27/03/02 26/04/02 10/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 114/2002 The Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 19/03/02 19/03/02 19/03/02 12/04/02 11/04/02 22/04/02 Adopted 20/05/02
SR 115/2002 Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 03/04/02 03/04/02 03/04/02 26/04/02 02/05/02 13/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 116/2002 Road Service Licensing (Community Licences) Regulations (NI) 2002 03/04/02 03/04/02 03/04/02 26/04/02 02/05/02 13/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 120/2002 Labour Relations Agency Arbitration Scheme Order (NI) 2002 05/04/02 05/04/02 05/04/02 26/04/02 25/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 27/05/02
SR 121/2002 The Child Support (Great Britain Reciprocal Arrangements) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 26/03/02 26/03/02 26/03/02 26/04/02 11/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 125/2002 Plant Protection Products (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations (NI) 2002 04/04/02 04/04/02 04/04/02 26/04/02 19/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 127/2002 The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Bankruptcy) regulations (NI) 2002 27/03/02 27/03/02 27/03/02 26/04/02 11/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 128/2002 The Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (NI) 2002 27/03/02 27/03/02 27/03/02 26/04/02 11/04/02 07/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 129/2002 The Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation) (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 16/04/02 16/04/02 16/04/02 16/05/02 24/04/02 05/06/02 Adopted 05/06/02
SR 132/2002 The Social Security (Amendment) (Residential Care and Nursing Homes) Regulations (NI) 2002 03/04/02 03/04/02 03/04/02 16/05/02 18/04/02 20/05/02 Adopted 21/05/02
SR 136/2002 The Personal Social Services (Preserved Rights) Regulations (NI) 2002 24/04/02 24/04/02 24/04/02 16/05/02 01/05/02 05/06/02 Adopted 11/06/02
SR 140/2002 Food (Figs, Hazelnuts and Pistachios from Turkey) (Emergency Control) Regulations (NI) 2002 11/04/02 11/04/02 11/04/02 16/05/02 17/04/02 20/05/02 Adopted 28/05/02
SR 141/2002 Food (Jelly Confectinery) (Emergency Control) Regulations (NI) 2002 11/04/02 11/04/02 11/04/02 16/05/02 17/04/02 20/05/02 Adopted 28/05/02
SR 143/2002 Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/04/02 25/04/02 25/04/02 16/05/02 29/05/02 05/06/02 Adopted 11/06/02
SR 144/2002 The Adoption of Children from Overseas Regulations (NI) 2002 19/04/02 19/04/02 19/04/02 16/05/02 01/05/02 05/06/02 Adopted 05/06/02
SR 151/2002 Milk Marketing Board (Residuary Functions) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 19/04/02 19/04/02 19/04/02 16/05/02 26/04/02 20/05/02 Adopted 05/06/02
SR 154/2002 Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 29/04/02 29/04/02 29/04/02 16/05/02 23/05/02 05/06/02 Adopted 11/06/02
SR 161/2002 Medicated Feedingstuffs (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/04/02 25/04/02 25/04/02 16/05/02 03/05/02 20/05/02 Adopted 11/06/02
SR 162/2002 Feedingstuffs (Zootechnical Products) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/04/02 25/04/02 25/04/02 16/05/02 03/05/02 20/05/02 Adopted 11/06/02
SR 166/2002 Trunk Road T4 (Tullyear and Ballydown) Order (NI) 2002 13/05/02 13/05/02 13/05/02 06/06/02 10/06/02 17/06/02 Adopted 18/06/02
SR 167/2002 Dundrod Circuit (Admission Charges) Regulations (NI) 2002 13/05/02 13/05/02 13/05/02 06/06/02 10/06/02 17/06/02 Adopted 18/06/02
SR 169/2002 Seed Potatoes (Crop Fees) Regulations (NI) 2002 08/05/02 08/05/02 08/05/02 06/06/02 17/05/02 17/06/02 Adopted 18/06/02
SR 171/2002 General Dental Services (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2002 09/05/02 09/05/02 09/05/02 06/06/02 29/05/02 17/06/02 Adopted 18/06/02
SR 172/2002 Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2002 09/05/02 09/05/02 09/05/02 06/06/02 29/05/02 17/06/02 Adopted 18/06/02
SR 181/2002 The Health and Personal Social Services (Penalty Charge) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 17/05/02 17/05/02 17/05/02 20/06/02 29/05/02 24/06/02 Adopted 24/06/02
SR 186/2002 Musgrave Street, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 28/05/02 28/05/02 28/05/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 02/07/02
SR 187/2002 Monree Road, Donaghcloney (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 05/06/02 05/06/02 05/06/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 03/07/02
SR 188/2002 Victoria Street, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 28/05/02 28/05/02 28/05/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 02/07/02
SR 192/2002 Knockanoney Heights, Newry (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 05/06/02 05/06/02 05/06/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 03/07/02
SR 193/2002 Steam Mill Lane/Bradford Square, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 28/05/02 28/05/02 28/05/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 02/07/02
SR 194/2002 Meetinghouse Street, Ballymoney (Stopping-Up) (Revocation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 05/06/02 05/06/02 05/06/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 03/07/02
SR 195/2002 The Planning (General Development) (Amendment) Order (NI) 2002 29/05/02 29/05/02 29/05/02 24/06/02 20/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 03/07/02
SR 196/2002 Athol Street Lane, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2002 28/05/02 28/05/02 28/05/02 24/06/02 26/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 02/07/02
SR 197/2002 Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 10/06/02 10/06/02 10/06/02 24/06/02 27/06/02  09/09/02 Adopted 09/09/02
SR 203/2002 The Income Support (General) and Jobseeker's Allowance (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 24/05/02 24/05/02 24/05/02 24/06/02 06/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 01/07/02
SR 206/2002 Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (General) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 10/06/02 10/06/02 10/06/02 24/06/02  03/07/02 09/09/02 Adopted 09/09/02
SR 210/2002 Animal By-Products (Revocation) Regulations (NI) 2002 27/06/02 27/06/02 27/06/02  10/09/02 05/07/02 16/09/02 Adopted 30/09/02
SR 211/2002 Superannuation (Invest Northern Ireland) Order (Northern (Ireland) 2002 14/06/02 14/06/02 14/06/02 24/06/02 18/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 16/09/02
SR 213/2002 The General Medical Services (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 07/06/02 07/06/02 07/06/02 24/06/02  12/06/02 09/09/02 Adopted 09/09/02
SR 216/2002 The Stakeholder Pension Schemes (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 11/06/02 11/06/02 11/06/02 24/06/02 20/06/02 01/07/02 Adopted 10/09/02
SR 217/2002 Meat (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) Regulations (NI) 2002 17/06/02 17/06/02 17/06/02  10/09/02 26/06/02 16/09/02 Adopted 16/09/02
SR 219/2002 Contaminants in Food Regulations (NI) 2002 25/06/02 25/06/02 25/06/02  10/09/02 03/07/02 16/09/02 Adopted 24/09/02
SR 221/2002 Optical Charges and Payments (Amendment No 2) Regulations (NI) 2002 18/06/02 18/06/02 18/06/02  10/09/02 26/06/02 16/09/02 Adopted 17/09/02
SR 222/2002 The Social Security (Students and Income-Related Benefits Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02  10/09/02 05/09/02 16/09/02 Adopted 01/10/02
SR 223/2002 Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2002 21/06/02 21/06/02 21/06/02  10/09/02 11/09/02 23/09/02 Adopted 23/09/02
SR 224/2002 Education (Student Support) Regulations (NI) 2002 28/06/02 28/06/02 28/06/02  10/09/02 26/09/02 30/09/02 Adopted 30/09/02
SR 225/2002 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Regulations (NI) 2002 26/06/02 26/06/02 26/06/02  10/09/02 05/07/02 16/09/02 Adopted 30/09/02
SR 226/2002 Food and Animal Feedingstuffs (Products of Animal Origin from China) (Emergency Control) Regulations (NI) 2002 25/06/02 25/06/02 25/06/02  10/09/02 26/06/02 16/09/02 Adopted 24/09/02
SR 228/2002 Grounds Rents (Multiplier) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 26/06/02 26/06/02 26/06/02  10/09/02 02/07/02 16/09/02 Adopted 30/09/02
SR 229/2002 Land Registration (Amendment) Rates (Northern Ireland) 2002 26/06/02 26/06/02 26/06/02  10/09/02 02/07/02 16/09/02 Adopted 30/09/02