Present: Mrs Iris Robinson MP MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Thomas Buchanan MLA
Dr Kieran Deeny MLA
Mr Alex Easton MLA
Mr Tommy Gallagher MLA
Mrs Carmel Hanna MLA
Mr John McCallister MLA
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín MLA
Ms Sue Ramsey MLA
In Attendance: Mr Hugh Farren (Clerk)
Mrs Elaine Farrell (Assistant Clerk)
Mrs Noelle Bourke (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Mark McQuade (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Joe Westland (Clerical Officer)
Apologies: Miss Michelle O’Neill MLA
The meeting commenced at 2.39 pm in closed session.
1. Apologies
Apologies as listed above.
2. Suicide and Self Harm
The Committee agreed to put the Healthcare Associated Infections Inquiry on hold while it conducted an urgent inquiry into the current strategic approach to the prevention of suicide and self harm.
The meeting moved into public session at 2.57 pm
3. Chairman’s Business
The Chairperson reported that a meeting had taken place earlier today with Autism NI (PAPA) and that a note of the meeting would be circulated in due course.
The Chairperson advised the Committee that a meeting has been arranged for Friday 14 September 2007 with Mr William McKee, Chief Executive of the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and encouraged Members to attend. This is in response to the recent revelation that more than 30 cancer patients had been turned away from the Belfast City Hospital Cancer Centre.
Members were advised that arrangements have been made for the Pharmaceutical Society to brief the Committee at today’s meeting, as they had raised concerns about correspondence from the Minister regarding the regulation of pharmaceutical services.
4. Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 September 2007
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2007 were agreed as amended.
5. Matters arising
Members noted a summary of key points arising from the lunchtime meetings with Mrs Caldwell and Disability Action held on 6 September 2007.
6. Committee Stage of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
The following witnesses attended:
Christine Jendoubi - Director of Primary and Community Care
John Farrell - Assistant Director, Primary and Community Care
Robert Kirkwood - Departmental Bill Team
Donncha O’Carolan - Acting Chief Dental Officer
The Chairperson referred the members to a clause by clause briefing paper provided by the Department explaining the purpose of each clause, along with a copy of responses received from relevant bodies, which issued on 29/8/07 and the Clerks briefing paper and suggested questions.
The committee commenced formal clause by clause consideration of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill at Clause 3 as Clause 1 and 2 had been agreed at the previous meeting.
Clause 3 (General Dental Services: Transitional)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 4 (Charges for Dental Services)
Clause 4 deferred for further consideration
Clause 5 (Provision of Dental Services: Article 15B Arrangements)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 6 (Revocation of power to make pilot schemes for provision of personal dental services)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 7 (Assistance and Support for Persons Providing Dental Services)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 8 (Ophthalmic Services)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 9 ( Local Optical Services)
Clause 9 deferred for further consideration
Clause 10 (Pharmaceutical Services)
Clause 10 deferred for further consideration
Clause 11 (Disqualification by the Tribunal)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 12 (Charges for Services Provided to Persons not ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 13 (Retirement of Practitioners)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
Clause 14 (Minor and Consequential Amendments)
Question: That the Committee is content with the clause as drafted, put and agreed to.
The Committee agreed to continue consideration of Bill at its next meeting.
3.45 pm The Committee adjourned.
3.45 pm Ms Ramsey left the meeting.
3.57 pm The Committee re-convened.
3.58 pm Ms Ní Chuilín rejoined the meeting.
4.02 pm Mr Buchanan rejoined the meeting.
7. Briefing from officials from the Food Standards Agency
Members took evidence from the following witnesses:
Morris McAllister - Director, Food Standards Agency
Gerry McCurdy - Deputy Director, Food Standards Agency
Maria Jennings - Head of Consumer Choice and Food Standards Unit
A question and answer session ensued.
The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending.
8. Statutory Rule SR 2007/301: The Addition of vitamins, Minerals and Other Substances Regulations (NI) 2007
The Committee was briefed by Ms Maria Jennings, the Food Standards Agency, on the background and purpose of the regulation. Members considered the content of Statutory Rule 2007/301.
Question put and agreed: That the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety has considered the Statutory Rule, The Addition of Vitamins, Minerals and Other Substances Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007, and has no objection to the rule.
9. Statutory Rule SR 2007/304: The Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007
The Committee was briefed by Ms Maria Jennings, the Food Standards Agency, on the background and purpose of the regulation. Members considered the content of Statutory Rule 2007/304.
Question put and agreed: That the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety has considered the Statutory Rule, The Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007, and has no objection to the rule.
10. Consultation on Shared Services Concept
Members agreed that the Department should be asked to inform the Committee of the outcome of the public consultation process.
11. Briefing from the Pharmaceutical Society Northern Ireland
Members were briefed by Mr Ray Blaney, Director and Mr Raymond Anderson, President of the Pharmaceutical Society.
The Committee agreed to raise the issue regarding the proposed regulation of pharmaceutical professionals in Northern Ireland with the Minister when he attends a future committee meeting.
5.01 pm Mr McAllister joined the meeting
5.12pm Mr Gallaher left the meeting
12. Correspondence/Press Cuttings/Releases
Members noted the correspondence from the Minister regarding his recent meeting with internet providers on action to prevent sites being used to promote suicide. Members welcomed this development and agreed to write to the Minister to relay this.
Members noted correspondence from Ms Rachael Johnson regarding an Autism Centre in Ballygawley in which she raised concerns regarding future funding. Members agreed to write to the Minister about the issue. Members were also asked to liaise with staff if they felt they could visit the centre on behalf of the Committee and report back.
13. Any other business
Members were advised that the evidence session with Mental Health Services, which had been scheduled for the meeting on 20 September 2007, has now been cancelled.
Members noted correspondence which requested investigation into the lack of NHS Dentists in the Fermanagh area. Members agreed to write to the Minister and ask how this issue would be dealt with.
Members raised an issue regarding the level services at Tyrone and Erne county Hospital and expressed concern that whilst there appeared to be services in place in theory, in practice this was not the case. Concern was also expressed that there needed to be clarification on the ambulance protocol in the same area. The Committee agreed to write to the Minister regarding both matters and raise these with the Minister when he appears before the Committee at a future meeting.
Members expressed concern in relation to the provision of expensive drugs to treat conditions such as cancer. Members agreed that more clarity was required in relation to the guidelines followed. Members agreed that that issue also needed to be raised with the Minister.
Members agreed the draft press release for the forthcoming visit to Craigavon Area Hospital.
14. Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 20 September 2007 at 2.15 pm in the Board Room, Craigavon Area Hospital.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 5.54 pm.