1. Minutes of Proceedings
2. Matters arising
3. Inquiries
4. Statutory Rules
5. DFP New TSN Action Plan - Quarterly Report
6. BT Presentation
7. Family Law Bill
8. Defective Premises (Landlords' Liability)Bill(NIA 5/00)
9. Correspondence
10. Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting
Present: Mr Francie Molloy (Chairperson)
Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Seamus Close
Mr Nigel Dodds
Ms Patricia Lewsley
Mr Peter Weir
Apologies: Mr Billy Bell and Mr Alex Maskey
In attendance: Mr Martin Wilson (Principal Clerk)
Mr Peter Hughes (Clerk)
Mr Joe Sloan (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Edel Gillen (Executive Support)
Ms Sharon Bowman (Administrative Support)
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 2.35 p.m.
1. Minutes of Proceedings
1.1 Resolved: The Committee agreed the Minutes of Proceedings for 6 March 2001.
2.1 None.
3. Inquiries 3.1 PPP
3.1.1 Resolved: The Committee agreed the estimated cost of the Public Notice advertising the Inquiry and the newspapers in which notices would be placed.
Mr Leslie, attended the meeting at 2.40 p.m,
4.1 Rates (Regional Rates) (No.2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 - SR84/2001
4.1.1 The Committee received a briefing and questioned Departmental Officials, Dr Andrew Mc Cormick and Mr Stephen Pearson.
4.1.2 The Committee deliberated.
4.1.3 Resolved: That the Committee agreed the Statutory Rule Rates (Regional Rates) (No.2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 - SR84/2001 on a majority vote and would report the Statutory Rule to the Assembly without any further question being put.
4.2 Superannuation (Chief Executive to the Mental Health Commission) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001. - SR69/2001.
4.2.1 The Committee deliberated.
4.2.2 Resolved: That the Committee had considered the Statutory Rule Superannuation (Chief Executive to the Mental Health Commission) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001. - SR69/2001 and would report the Statutory Rule to the Assembly without any further question being put.
5. DFP New TSN Action Plan - Quarterly Report
5.1 The Committee received a briefing and questioned Departmental Officials on progress up to December 2000 achieved against the 9 objectives set in the Department of Finance and Personnel's new TSN Action Plan.
6. British Telecom Presentation
6.1 The Committee received a presentation from British Telecom on their involvement in E Government in Northern Ireland.
Mr Attwood left the meeting at 4.13 p.m.
7.1 The Committee was briefed on the progress of the Bill by the Principal Clerk. Clauses 1 and 2 and 3 were being considered by the HSS&PS Committee and this Committee was required to consider Clauses 4 and 5.
7.2 The Committee deliberated.
7.3 Resolved That the Committee reports to the Assembly that it is content with Clause 4 and Clause 5 of the Bill.
8. Defective Premises (Landlords' Liability) Bill (NIA 5/00) Mr James Leslie MLA had declared an interest.
8.1.1 Mr Michael Foster from the Office of Law Reform attended the meeting and answered further questions on Clause 3 of the Defective Premises (Landlords' Liability) Bill.
8.1.2 The Committee deliberated.
8.1.3 Resolved: That the Committee reports to the Assembly that it is content with Clause 3 of the Bill.
8.1.4 Resolved: That the Committee raises concerns regarding the Housing Bill with the Committee for Social Development.
9.1 The Committee noted the following correspondence; Letter to Robin Horner re PPP, letter to Assembly Committee Chairpersons on commencement of PPP Inquiry, letter from the Minister on Intereg IIIA Programme Proposals, letter from the Minister on Relief From Rates In Rural Areas, Draft Regional Development Strategy and letter from the Minister on the Senior Civil Service Review.
10.1 None.
11.1 The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday, 20 March 2001.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.45 p.m. FRANCIE MOLLOY