Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Twenty Second Meeting
Tuesday, 26 September 2000
Room 144, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of Proceedings
2. Matters Arising
3. Consider any Bills - Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99)(cont'd)
4. Consider Any Statutory Rules
5. Correspondence
6. Any Other Business
7. Date of Next Meeting


Mr Francie Molloy (Chairman)
Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chairman)
Mr Billy Bell
Mr Seamus Close
Mr Derek Hussey
Mr Gardiner Kane
Mr Alex Maskey
Mr Peter Weir


Mr Alex Attwood

In attendence:

Mr Martin Wilson (Committee Clerk)
Mr Peter Hughes (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Sharon Bowman (Administrative Support)
Mr Hugh Widdis (Researcher/Adviser for Ground Rents Bill)

The Chairman declared the meeting open at 2.00 pm. The meeting was held in public session.

Mr Weir attended from 2.18 pm. Mr Maskey attended from 2.38 pm. Mr Kane attended from 3.05 pm.

1. Minutes of Proceedings

Resolved: The Committee agreed the Minutes of Proceedings for 19 September 2000.


2. Matters arising:


The Committee deliberated on the response by the Minister of Finance and Personnel to the Report on the Inquiry into EU Structural Funds Peace II Programme.

Resolved: The Committee agreed the terms of its reply to the Minister of Finance and Personnel. The formal response would be considered at the next meeting.


3. Consider any Bills - Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99) (cont'd)

The Chairman asked that members declare any pecuniary interests relevant to the proceedings. Mr Leslie declared that his father had an interest in four properties with a ground rent value of less than £100 per annum. The Committee deliberated on Clauses 1 to 12 of the Ground Rents Bill.

Resolved: The Committee agreed to write to the Office of Law Reform to ask for clarification on a number of issues.

Mr Maskey left the meeting at 3.10 pm.

The Chairman adjourned scrutiny of the Bill at 4.00 pm.


4. Consider any Statutory Rules

4.1 Pre-laying Consultation on Compulsory Registration of Title Order

Mr Arthur Moir, Registrar of Titles, Land Registers of Northern Ireland appeared before the Committee to explain the intention of the draft Statutory Rule 'Compulsory Registration of Title Order (NI) 2000'. The Committee deliberated.

Resolved: The Committee agreed that the draft Statutory Rule should be laid.


5. Correspondence

The following correspondence was tabled: a letter of 20 September from Chairman to Minister of Finance and Personnel on £69M overstatement of Departmental Expenditure Limits. Letter of 20 September from Chairman to Chancellor of Exchequer on role of HM Treasury and Block Grant. Letter of 20 September from Chairman to Minister of Finance and Personnel on consultation on Trading Stamps Act (NI) 1965. Letter of 20 September from Chairman to Chairman Business Committee on legislative workload. Letter of 25 September from Chairman to Minister of Finance and Personnel on Regional Rate and cryptosporidium outbreak.


6. Any other business:

6.3 Committee Programme

The Committee deliberated on its business programme for October.

Resolved: The Committee agreed its programme for October and that a further meeting for the Ground Rents Bill should be scheduled for Wednesday, 4 October. It agreed that whenever possible meetings should be held in open session.


7. Date of next meeting

Resolved: The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday, 3 October at 2.00 pm when the main item of business would be the Department of Finance and Personnel's Budget requirements and its Programme for Government.


The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.30 pm.


19 September 2000/ Menu / 3 October 2000