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Jennifer McCann MLA (Chairperson)
Peter Weir MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Stephen Farry MLA
Simon Hamilton MLA
Fra McCann MLA
Mitchel McLaughlin MLA
David McNarry MLA
Adrian McQuillan MLA
Declan O’Loan MLA

In Attendance:
Shane McAteer (Assembly Clerk)
Kathy O’Hanlon (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Karen Jardine (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
David McKee (Clerical Supervisor)
Kevin Marks (Clerical Officer)

Ian Paisley Jr MLA
Dawn Purvis MLA

The meeting commenced at 11.20 am in open session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

Agreed: that the evidence session from the Minister of Finance and Personnel at agenda item 4 will be recorded by Hansard, and the Official Report published on the website.

2. Draft Minutes of Proceedings of 10 February 2010

Agreed: that the minutes be published on the Assembly website.

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans for Northern Ireland Departments

The Committee took evidence from the Minister of Finance and Personnel on the Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans for NI Departments. The Minister was accompanied by Richard Pengelly, Public Spending Director, Central Finance Group, DFP and Michael Daly, Head of Central Expenditure Division, Central Finance Group, DFP. The session was recorded by Hansard.

Dr Farry joined the meeting at 11.53am.
Mr McCann joined the meeting at 11.53am.
Mr Hamilton joined the meeting at 11.56am.
Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 12.27pm.
Mr McLaughlin left the meeting at 12.29pm.
Mr McNarry joined the meeting at 12.30pm.
Dr Farry left the meeting at 12.34pm.
Dr Farry rejoined the meeting at 12.38pm.
Mr O’Loan left the meeting at 12.41pm.

The Committee noted a paper from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) on its response to the Executive’s Spending Plans 2010/11.

Agreed: that the paper will be included in the evidence base of the Committee’s forthcoming Report on the Review of 2010-11 Spending Plans for NI Departments.

5. Any Other Business
6. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17 February 2010 at 10.00am in Room 135

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.46pm.

Jennifer McCann, Chairperson,
Committee for Finance and Personnel.
17 February 2010

10 February 10 / Menu