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Peter Weir MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Stephen Farry MLA
Fra McCann MLA
Mitchel McLaughlin MLA
David McNarry MLA
Adrian McQuillan MLA
Ian Paisley Jr MLA
Dawn Purvis MLA

In Attendance:
Shane McAteer (Assembly Clerk)
Kathy O’Hanlon (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
David McKee (Clerical Supervisor)
Kevin Marks (Clerical Officer)

Jennifer McCann MLA (Chairperson)
Simon Hamilton MLA
Declan O’Loan MLA

As notification had been received that the Chairperson would be absent, the Deputy Chairperson took the Chair and commenced the meeting at 10.10 am in open session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

Agreed: that the evidence sessions from Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) officials will be recorded by Hansard, and the Official Report published on the website.

2. Draft Minutes of Proceedings of 25 November 2009

Agreed: that the minutes be published on the Assembly website.

Ms Purvis joined the meeting at 10. 12am.

3. Matters Arising

The Committee noted the composite request for information from DFP which provided an update on any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Members noted that DFP has still not provided the draft terms of reference for the local and independent review of future arrangements for senior civil servants’ pay and bonuses. In discussing this issue, members noted a wider context in terms of legislation progressing through Westminster, which would provide for Assembly Members’ pay and allowances to be determined by an independent body.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to the Minister to request a copy of the draft terms of reference for the review and an update on plans to ensure that appropriate pay arrangements are in place for senior civil servants going forward.

The Committee noted correspondence from DFP regarding the rescheduling of the evidence session on Strategic Financial Pressures, which was originally scheduled for today.

4. DFP Performance to date against PSAs and Business Plan 2009/10 (Evidence from DFP)

The Committee took evidence from the following DFP officials: David Orr, Director of Corporate Services ; Deborah McNeilly, Finance Director , Finance Division and Colm Doran, Head of Business Planning and Corporate Governance, Finance Division.

The session was recorded by Hansard.

Agreed: that the DFP officials will provide further information as requested by the Committee during the evidence session.

Mr Paisley Jr joined the meeting at 10.21am.

Mr McLaughlin left the meeting at 10.34am.

Mr McLaughlin returned to the meeting at 10.37am.

Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 10.39am.

Mr McNarry joined the meeting at 10.42am.

5. Departmental Efficiency Delivery Plan (DFP Evidence Session)

The Committee took evidence from the following DFP officials: Deborah McNeilly, Finance Director , Finance Division and Adrian Doherty, Finance Branch.

The session was recorded by Hansard.

Agreed: that the DFP officials will provide further information as requested by the Committee during the evidence session.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to DFP officials requesting a response to further questions arising from this evidence session.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to the Minister seeking information on how further efficiencies might be achieved from the rationalisation of government accommodation, including through the use of flexible working arrangements, such as “hot desking”, homeworking and shared satellite offices.

Mr McQuillan returned to the meeting at 10.51am.

Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 11.27am.

Mr McQuillan returned to the meeting at 11.28am.

Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 11.32am.

Mr McQuillan returned to the meeting at 11.34am.

Mr McNarry left the meeting at 11.45am.

The meeting was suspended at 11.47am.

Mr Paisley Jr left the meeting at 11.50am.

The meeting resumed at 11.52am.

Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 11.52am.

6. DFP December 2009 Monitoring Round Position

Dr Farry declared an interest as a member of North Down Borough Council.

Mr Weir declared an interest as a member of North Down Borough Council.

Mr McCann declared an interest as a member of Belfast City Council.

The Committee took evidence from the following DFP officials: Deborah McNeilly, Finance Director , Finance Division and Adrian Doherty, Finance Branch.

The session was recorded by Hansard.

Agreed: that the DFP officials will provide further information as requested by the Committee during the evidence session.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to DFP officials requesting a response to further questions arising from this evidence session.

Mr McNarry returned to the meeting at 11.55am.

7. Subordinate Legislation

The Committee considered SR No. 364 The Presumption of Death Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009 and the accompanying explanatory memorandum, which had been laid in the Business Office by DFP. The Committee noted that, in his technical scrutiny of the Regulations, the Examiner of Statutory Rules had raised one point in relation to terminology but that that this did not affect the working of the Regulations, and will be amended by the Department when a future opportunity arises.

The Committee noted that it had previously considered this proposal on 30 September 2009 and had agreed that it was content with the policy implications at that stage.

Agreed: that the Committee for Finance and Personnel has considered SR 2009 No.364 The Presumption of Death Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2009, and has no objection to the Rule.

8. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following correspondence

Agreed: that the correspondence will be included in the evidence base for the Committee’s Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in NI.

Agreed: that the Committee will seek clarification on a number of points regarding adjustments to the Economically Active Population comparator in respect of qualification levels.

Agreed: that the Committee will forward the correspondence to DFP for clarification on the points raised.

Agreed: that the Committee will forward the correspondence to the Minister of Finance and Personnel.

Agreed: that the correspondence will be forwarded to DFP for comment.

Agreed: that the Committee will forward the correspondence to DFP for response.

Agreed: that the Committee will forward the correspondence to the Procedures Committee for information.

Agreed: that the Committee will forward the correspondence to DFP for comment on the issues raised.

Agreed: that the response will be included in the evidence base for the Committee’s investigation of this issue.

9. Committee Work Programme

Members considered the current draft of the Committee work programme until February 2010.

Agreed: that the current draft of the work programme be published on the Assembly website.

Agreed: that the Committee will consider key priorities for inclusion in the work programme up until Summer Recess 2010 at its meeting on 9 December 2009.

10. Any Other Business

Agreed: that the Committee will issue electronic Christmas cards this year, given that this offers a cost-effective method of sending Christmas greetings during the current recession.

Members discussed concerns regarding the unavailability of a senior DFP official to brief the Committee on strategic financial pressures on either 2 December or 9 December 2009. It was noted that this evidence session has been confirmed for 6 January 2010.

11. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 at 10.00am in Room 135.

The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.42 pm.

Peter Weir
Deputy Chairperson, Committee for Finance and Personnel
9 December 2009

25 November 09 / Menu