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Jennifer McCann MLA (Chairperson)
Peter Weir MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Stephen Farry MLA
Simon Hamilton MLA
Fra McCann MLA
Mitchel McLaughlin MLA
David McNarry MLA
Adrian McQuillan MLA
Declan O’Loan MLA
Ian Paisley Jr MLA
Dawn Purvis MLA

In Attendance:
Shane McAteer (Assembly Clerk)
Kathy O’Hanlon (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Karen Jardine (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
David McKee (Clerical Supervisor)


As notification had been received that the Chairperson would be late, the Deputy Chairperson took the Chair and commenced the meeting at 10.07 am in open session.

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

Agreed: that the following evidence sessions will be recorded by Hansard and the Official Report published on the website: Committee Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland: Evidence from the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA); Review of Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) Performance Against PSA Targets and Business Plan 2008/09; and, DFP September 2009 Monitoring Round Position.

2. Draft Minutes of Proceedings of 9 September 2009

Agreed: that the draft minutes, as amended, be published on the Assembly website.

3. Matters Arising

The Committee noted the composite request for information from DFP which provided an update on any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Members noted correspondence from DFP requesting a view on the timing of the introduction of the rating of empty homes, which followed last week’s briefing sessions on the Rates (Amendment) Bill.

Agreed: that the Committee requests more information on the potential revenue forgone/opportunity costs associated with a delay in the rating of empty homes, before it considers taking a formal position on this matter.

Mr McCann joined the meeting at 10.14am.

9. Correspondence (received since 9 September 2009)

Due to a delay in the arrival of the witnesses for the first oral briefing session, the Committee noted the following correspondence:

Agreed: that the correspondence be forwarded to DFP for a response and the reply copied to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

Agreed: that the correspondence will be copied to the other statutory committees as this highlighted the importance of continued scrutiny of departmental efficiency delivery plans.

Agreed: that the correspondence be forwarded to DFP for a response

Agreed: that the Committee will write to the Evangelical Alliance requesting a written briefing on the issues referred to in the correspondence.

4. Committee Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland: Evidence from Royal Society of Ulster Architects

The Committee took evidence from the following RSUA officials: Dawson Stelfox, President RSUA and Chairman of Consarc Design Group; Clyde Markwell, Chair, Professional Affairs Committee RSUA and Partner in Knox and Markwell Architects; and, Frank McCloskey, RSUA Director. The session was recorded by Hansard.

Mr McNarry joined the meeting at 10.44am.

Members noted the DFP response to issues raised in the written submissions to the Inquiry and during the evidence session from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

Members considered a request from the Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland (MAG) to give oral evidence on the Committee’s Inquiry.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to MAG providing a copy of the Inquiry Terms of Reference and requesting a written response that addresses the specific issues in the terms of reference; and, in particular, opportunities for greater access to procurement opportunities for the Small and Medium Enterprise and Social Economy Enterprise sectors.

The Committee noted correspondence from DFP on public procurement opportunities for SMEs.

Agreed: that the Committee will write to Central Procurement Directorate seeking further information on a number of areas as identified by Assembly Researchers and also on instances where EU regulations have not applied to a contract as the works were considered incidental to another objective.

5. Review of DFP Performance Against PSA Targets and Business Plan 2008/09 (DFP Evidence Session)

The Committee took evidence from the following DFP officials: David Orr, Corporate Services Director, Corporate Services Group; Derek Baker, Director of Personnel for the NICS, Corporate HR; David Thomson, Treasury Officer of Accounts, Central Finance Group; and Richard Pengelly, Public Spending Director, Central Finance Group. The session was recorded by Hansard.

Mr McQuillan left the meeting at 11.30am.
Mr Hamilton left the meeting at 11.32am.
Mr McNarry left the meeting at 11.35am.
Mr McNarry returned to the meeting at11.43am

Agreed: that DFP officials will provide information as requested by the Committee during the evidence session, including a revised report on Departmental performance which aligns with the DFP content in the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister’s (OFMDFM) End-Year Delivery Report for 2008-09.

6. DFP September 2009 Monitoring Round Position

The Committee took evidence from the following DFP officials; Deborah McNeilly, Head of Finance Branch and Adrian Doherty, Finance Branch, DFP. The session was recorded by Hansard.

Mr McCann left the meeting at 11.46am.
Mr McCann returned to the meeting at 12.07pm.
Mr McNarry left the meeting at 12.14pm.

Agreed: that DFP officials will provide information as requested by the Committee during the evidence session.

The Chairperson joined the meeting and took the Chair at 12.15pm.

Mr Weir left the meeting at 12.15pm .

7. Subordinate Legislation

The Committee considered the following proposal from DFP for subordinate legislation: The Draft Rates (Microgeneration) Order ( Northern Ireland) 2009.

Agreed : that the Committee was content with the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage.

Mr Weir returned to the meeting at 12.18 pm.

The Committee moved into closed session at 12.18 pm.

8. Consideration of Draft Committee End of Session Report 2008 – 2009

Members considered the draft Committee End of Session Report summarising the key activities, outputs and outcomes during the 2008-09 session, on a paragraph-by paragraph basis.

Agreed: that paragraphs 1-26 stand part of the report.

Agreed: that paragraph 27 stands part of the report with the photograph from the evidence session with Banking representatives to be replaced with a photograph of the full Committee.

Agreed: that paragraphs 28-37 stand part of the report.

Agreed: that Annex A stands part of the report.

Agreed: that the report as amended be the Committee for Finance and Personnel End of Session Report 2008/09.

Agreed: that the End of Session Report 2008/09 as amended be published on the Assembly website.

Mr Hamilton returned to the meeting at 12.19pm.

The Committee moved into open session at 12.25pm.

Ms Purvis left the meeting at 12.25pm.
Mr O’Loan left the meeting at 12.25pm.

10. Correspondence received up to 9 September 2009

The Committee noted the following correspondence:

Agreed: that the response be forwarded to the Committee for OFMDFM.

Agreed: that a written briefing is requested from DFP on the Department’s input to the Gender Equality Strategy Progress Report.

Agreed: that the DFP response be forwarded to the Committee for Employment and Learning and also included in the Public Procurement Inquiry Report.

Agreed: that the Clerk will write to the Chairpersons’ Liaison Group outlining the Committee’s view that, while individual committees may wish to retain the right to examine banking issues within their own subject areas, options for a co-ordinated approach between statutory committees should also be considered.

Agreed: that views will be sought from the other statutory committees on the DFP consultation.

Agreed: to forward the correspondence to DFP and request a response to the issues raised.

Agreed: that a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to the Public Accounts Committee for information.

Agreed: that those members engaging with FMS (NI) Ltd on this issue on an individual basis will continue to do so and will update the Committee as appropriate. FMS (NI) will be apprised of this decision.

Agreed: that the correspondence will be forwarded to DFP requesting the Department’s view on the issues raised and an update on the current position.

Mr O’Loan returned to the meeting at 12.26pm.

11. Committee Work Programme

Members considered the current draft of the Committee work programme until Christmas recess.

Agreed : that the current draft of the programme be published on the Assembly website.

12. Any Other Business

The Committee noted correspondence from the Central Committee Office in relation to the publication of members’ attendance at committee meetings.

Agreed : that members with any queries with the attendance tables will advise the committee staff by Thursday 17 September.

It was also noted that official photographs of the Committee will be taken prior to the formal proceedings at next week’s meeting.

Mr Weir left the meeting at12.40pm

The meeting was suspended at 12.40pm to facilitate a working lunch with the facilitators for the Public Procurement Stakeholder Conference.

Dr Farry and Mr Paisley Jr had joined the meeting.

The meeting resumed at 1.14pm.

13. Arrangements for Public Procurement Stakeholder Conference

Mr Weir returned to the meeting at 1.15pm.

Following a discussion on the outline proposals for the Public Procurement Stakeholder Conference, the Committee made the following decisions:

Agreed: that the conference title will be ‘Maximising the Economic and Social Benefits from Public Procurement’.

Agreed: that the date of the conference is Wednesday 21 October 2009 and that the venue is Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim (formerly Comfort Hotel).

Agreed: that the format and structure of the event will be as outlined in the briefing paper.

Agreed: that the participants already identified be invited to the conference and that members will forward suggestions for additional participants to the Clerk as soon as possible and that the list of additional participants should, as far as is possible, reflect a balance between the SME and SEE sectors.

Agreed: that members will participate in the conference as required, including as observers during breakout sessions.

Agreed: that the Minister of Finance and Personnel will be invited to make closing remarks.

Agreed: that digivoting technology be used as a method of capturing opinions and data during the conference.

Agreed: that Committee members will be kept informed regarding progress for the Stakeholder Conference and that the facilitators will liaise with the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Clerk as necessary.

14. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 at 10.00am in Room 152. Official photographs of the Committee will be taken by Assembly staff before formal proceedings commence.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.17 pm.
Jennifer McCann, Chairperson,
Committee for Finance and Personnel.
23 September 2009

09 September 09 / Menu