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Proceedings of the Environment Committee
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday, 23 November 2000
in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

1. Planning (Compensation, etc) Bill - presentation by an official from the Department and detailed reading of the Bill by the Committee
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Consultation Documents
5. Consultation paper on Telecommunication Masts
6. Letter from Councillor Ferguson - Lisburn Borough Council
7. Letter from RSPB
8. Inquiry into transport used by children travelling to and from school
9. Letter from the Minister about Agri-Environment Schemes
10. Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting

Present were: Rev. Dr W McCrea MP (Chairman)
Ms C Hanna (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs J Carson
Mr A Doherty
Mr D Ford
Mr M McLaughlin
Mr M Murphy
Mr E Poots
Mr D Watson

In Attendance: Mrs D Pritchard ( Committee Clerk)
Mr J Beatty (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie ( Executive Support)
Mr J Nulty ( Administrative Support)

Apologies: Mr T Benson
Mr J Leslie

The meeting commenced at 10.02am.

1. Planning (Compensation, etc) Bill - presentation by an official from the Department and detailed reading of the Bill by the Committee.

Mr Damien Campbell, Principal Officer from the Planning Administration Branch of the Department gave a presentation on the Bill and answered the members' questions.

Mrs J Carson joined the meeting at 10.10am.

Clause 1 was read and considered

Agreed; That Clause 1 stand part of the Bill.

Clause 2 was read and considered.

Agreed: That Clause 2 stand part of the Bill.

Clause 3 was read and considered.

Agreed: That Clause 3 stand part of the Bill.

Clause 4 was read and considered.

Agreed: That Clause 4 stand part of the Bill.

Mr D Ford left the meeting at 10.31am.

Clause 5 was read and considered.

Agreed: That Clause 5 stand part of the Bill.

Clause 6 (1) and Schedule 1, paragraphs 1 - 8 were read and considered.

Agreed: (a) That Schedule 1, paragraphs 1 - 8 stand part of the Bill;

(b) That Clause 6 (1) stand part of the Bill

Mrs J Carson left the meeting at 10.36am.

Clause 6 (2) and Schedule 2, paragraphs 1 - 6 were read and considered.

Agreed: (a) That Schedule 2, paragraphs 1 - 6 stand part of the Bill;

(b) That Clause 6 (2) stand part of the Bill.

Clause 6 (3) and Schedule 3 were read and considered.

Agreed: (a) That Schedule 3 stand part of the Bill;

(b) That Clause 6 (3) stand part of the Bill.

Clause 7 was read and considered.

Agreed: That Clause 7 stand part of the Bill.

The Committee discussed the arrangements for reporting on the Bill.

Agreed: That a Motion seeking a short extension to the Committee Stage of the Bill should be made.

The Chairman thanked Mr Damien Campbell for his presentation and he left the meeting at 10.40 am.


Mrs J Carson returned to the meeting at 10.41am.

2. Minutes of last meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2000 were agreed.


3. Matters arising.

(a) Friends of the Earth correspondence regarding provision of playing space.

The Committee discussed the reply received from the Department.

Agreed: That the Clerk would write to the Department with the views of the Committee.

(b) Replies are awaited in the following:

(i) McQuillan Skip Hire - the Department for Regional Development is to reply about advice given regarding the siting of the plant;

(ii) Proposed ferry - an economic appraisal is awaited from Newry and Mourne District Council

(iii) Public Hire Taxi Drivers Association - a list of questions to be answered by the Department is awaited from the Association;

(iv) Historic Buildings Grant - the Historic Buildings Council (HBC) is to reply about the effects of the moratorium;

(v) Relationship of the HBC with the Environment and Heritage Service (EHS) - replies are awaited from both the EHS and the HBC;

(vi) CALM - the Department is to reply on the current position.


4. Consultation Documents.

The Committee noted the prospective consultation documents expected from the Department in the near future.


5. Consultation paper on Telecommunication Masts.

The Committee discussed the way forward on the recent paper received from the Department.

Agreed: (a) That the paper should be referred to the Assembly Researchers for comments;

(b) That an official from the Department should be asked to speak to the Committee on the paper.


Mrs J Carson left the meeting at 10.55am.

6. Letter from Councillor Ferguson - Lisburn Borough Council.

The Committee discussed the letter received from Councillor Ferguson.

Agreed: (a) That the letter should be referred to the Clerk of the Regional Development Committee for their continuing action;

(b) That a reply should be sent to Councillor Ferguson detailing the Committee's discussion.


7. Letter from RSPB

The Committee discussed the letter from the RSPB that had been handed in by Mr A Doherty at least week's meeting.

Agreed: (a) That the Department should be asked to comment on the letter;

(b) That the Department should be asked to send to the Committee a final draft of the consultation document on Areas of Special Scientific Interest mentioned in its Programme of Work.


8. Inquiry into transport used by children travelling to and from school.

(a) At 11.03 am the Committee began to take evidence from two school Principals -

Mr Glenn Reilly - Limavady High School
Mr Sean Bradley - St Marys, Limavady

After a short presentation, the Principals answered questions from the members.

The Chairman thanked the Principals for their presentation and they left the meeting at 11.55 am.

(b) At 11.57 am the Committee began to take evidence from the following representatives of Strangford Integrated College:-

Ms Anne Rowe - Principal
Mr Victor Tullin - Strangford College Transport Committee
Mr Sandy Turner - Strangford College Transport Committee

After a short presentation, the representatives answered questions from the members.

The Chairman thanked the representatives for their presentation and they left the meeting at 12.36 pm.


9. Letter from the Minister about Agri-Environment Schemes.

The Committee discussed the recent response from the Minister.

Agreed: That the Clerk would prepare a summary of the recommendations from the Biodiversity Report to inform the Committee.


10. AOB

The Committee discussed the notices within the Business Diary about forthcoming meetings.

Agreed: That meetings of the Committee should be put into the Business Diary pending full details becoming available.


11. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 30 November 2000 at 10.00am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.


The meeting closed at 12.38pm.

16 November 2000 / Menu / 30 November 2000