Mr P Doherty MP (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs A Courtney
Mr W Clyde
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan
Mr J Wells
Apologies: Mr Attwood
Mr McClarty
Ms Morrice
In attendance:
Mrs C White (Committee Clerk)
Mr M Anderson (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs J Murdoch (Executive Support)
Miss A Fowler (Administrative Support)
Mr P Gilleece (Assembly Researcher)
The meeting opened in private at 11.00am.
1. Chairperson's Business
1.1. The Chairperson reported that he had received a letter from Mr Wilson, Chief Whip giving notice of Mr Shipley Dalton's resignation from the Committee.
2. Minutes of the last meetings
2.1. Agreed - the minutes of 5 September as amended.>
Agreed - the minutes of 17 September.
3. Matters arising
3.1. Industrial Development Bill - A copy of further information, as requested, from the Committee on the Administration of Justice was circulated to members.
Agreed - that the Committee should note the correspondence received.
The Committee Clerk updated the Committee on the timing of the Committee stage of the Bill. A copy of a draft motion to extend the Committee stage of the Bill was circulated to members.
Agreed - the motion as amended.
Agreed - to invite Departmental Officials to give evidence on the Bill at the next meeting.
4. OFREG Consultation Papers
4.1. "Greening Transmission and Distribution"
4.2. Moyle and North/South Interconnectors - Trading Arrangements from 1 April 2002.
The Committee discussed the consultation papers and identified a number of issues.
Agreed - to reply to OFREG detailing the Committee's comments.
5. Research, Development and Innovation Strategy
5.1. The Committee Clerk reported that 7 replies had been received from other Statutory Committees which are to be collated together with the Committee's response to the Department. The Committee considered a draft response to the RDI strategy from a Enterprise, Trade and Investment perspective.
Agreed - to issue the draft response as amended and to attach other responses as appendices.
6. HSENI Consultative Document - Proposals for Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations and Approved Code of Practice.
The Committee discussed the document.
Agreed - to write to HSENI advising them that the Committee is content with the proposals.
7. Any other business
7.1. Employment and Learning Committee - Education and Training for Industry Inquiry - draft report. The Committee discussed the recommendations relevant to their remit.
Agreed - to endorse the recommendations.
7.2. Draft press release on the pending announcements from the Irish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive on their decisions regarding the proposal to build a gas pipeline to the North West region and from South to North.
Agreed - draft press release as amended, with the provision that the Chairperson may amend further if the announcement differs from that in the original draft press release.
7.3. Restructuring of the Economic Development Agencies
Agreed - to seek a meeting with the Permanent Secretary DETI, Mr Robinson to discuss further issues surrounding the restructuring process.
7.4. Visit to IDA and Enterprise Ireland
Agreed - that this visit should be rescheduled.
The meeting suspended at 12.40pm
The meeting resumed at 1.00pm in the Private Members Dining Room
Mrs Courtney joined the meeting at 1.00pm
Dr O'Hagan joined the meeting at 1.10pm
8. Energy Inquiry
8.1. The Committee discussed further aspects of the draft report on the energy inquiry.
The meeting closed at 3.30pm
Pat Doherty MP