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WEDNESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2000 at 10.10AM in ROOM 144

1. Chairperson's business
2. Minutes of last meetings
3. Matters arising
4. Restructuring DETI
5. Any Other Business

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms P Lewsley
Ms J Morrice
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan

Apologies: Mr A Attwood
Mr W Clyde
Mr J Wells

In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Mr D Donaldson
Miss J Presho

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.10am

1. Chairperson's business

1.1 The Chairperson reported that he had received a letter from the General Consumer Council seeking changes to the Programme for Government.

1.2 The Chairperson advised that he had received notification to attend a Chairperson's Liaison Group meeting on 29 November.


2. Minutes of last meeting

2.1 The minutes of 8 November were agreed.

Ms Morrice joined the meeting at 10.20am


3. Matters arising

3.1 Programme for Government - the draft response to the Minister was circulated to members.

Agreed - that the recommendations suggested by the General Consumer Council should be incorporated into the Committee's response to the Minister.

3.2 New TSN - the draft response to the Minister was circulated to members. One amendment was proposed.

Agreed- that the draft response, as amended, should be issued to the Minister.

3.3 Meeting with Mary O'Rourke TD - the agenda items for this meeting were discussed and agreed ie the gas pipeline project, renewables, and the Republic's future plans for Energy.

Mr McClarty left the meeting at 11.05am

3.4 Energy Inquiry - the terms of reference for the Inquiry were deferred to the next meeting of the Committee. It was agreed that copies of the document "Vision 2010" should be circulated to members.


4. Restructuring DETI

Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 11.40am
Mr Neeson left the meeting at 11.42am and rejoined at 12.20pm
Mr McClarty rejoined the meeting at 12.25pm and left at 12.50pm

4.1 The response from the Department to the questions put by the Committee was circulated to members. A general discussion took place on the question of whether or not there should be a single development agency and on detailed issues such as the status of any new body. It was agreed that the Committee should discuss the matter further at a meeting on either next Monday or Tuesday.


5. Any other business

5.1 Future work programme -

Agreed - that the Committee should visit the IDA, Enterprise Ireland, Scottish Enterprise and the Welsh Development Agency in January.

5.2 Strategy 2010 - the Chairperson reported that the findings of the specialist advisers had now been received. Copies were circulated to members.


The meeting closed at 1.20pm

Mr P Doherty

8 November 2000 / Menu