Wednesday 19 January 2000 at 9.45am in Room 144 Parliament Buildings
Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr A Attwood
Mr G Campbell
Mr W Clyde
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice
In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Mr M Anderson
Miss J Presho
In attendance for part of meeting:
Professor Gerry McKenna (Vice Chancellor University of Ulster)
Professor Terri Scott (University of Ulster)
Dr Chris Barnett (University of Ulster)
Mr J Curran (University of Ulster)
Dr J McLaughlin (University of Ulster)
Mr W Moore (Town Clerk Coleraine Borough Council)
Mr J Keanie (Town Clerk Derry City Council)
Professor E Shannon (Chairman NI Science Park Foundation)
Mr M Black (NI Science Park Foundation)
Professor S Fulton (NI Science Park Foundation)
Mr G McConnell (Chief Executive)
1. Apologies
Dr D O'Hagan sent her apologies.
2. Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
3. Matters arising
Overseas visits - the Minister's reply to the Committee's request for details about overseas visits was noted; it was agreed that the issue would be discussed at a future meeting.
4. Draft press notice on Strategy 2010 inquiry
Ms Morrice suggested some amendments to the draft press notice; the terms of reference for the inquiry were agreed by the Committee.
5. Future programme of meetings/visits
The draft programme for future meetings and visits was agreed. It was agreed that the visit to IRTU on 16 February would incorporate a Committee meeting. The Committee requested some further information on IRTU prior to the meeting. It was agreed that the first meeting on the Strategy 2010 inquiry would be held in private and that the public meetings would commence on 1 March 2000.
6. Any other business
i. List of interest groups to invite to give written evidence - the members suggested some additional names of individuals and organisations; the members agreed to let the Committee Clerk know by next week if any further names should be added to the list.
ii. Public sessions - it was agreed that this matter would be discussed at next week's meeting; it was suggested that the Senate should be considered as a venue for public meetings due to the lack of space in room 144.
iii. Press conference - it was agreed that a press conference should be arranged to announce the inquiry into Strategy 2010 and that as many Committee members should attend as possible.
iv. Paper on power of Committees to call for persons and papers - the Committee expressed concern about the consequences of the advice given in this paper; it was suggested that the Committee Chairs might need to get together to consider this matter.
v. Budget figures - the Department provided some figures showing the allocation of its budget for 2000/01; however, the Committee Clerk reported that she had requested more detailed information from the Department.
vi. The Committee requested more information from the relevant Departments on - intellectual property protection; numbers of staff in IDB who cover biotechnology; and the level of research funding in the universities. It was also agreed that the Committee should write to the appropriate Department about the cap in universities on student numbers.
7. Presentations by Professor McKenna and Professor Shannon
Professor McKenna and Professor Shannon each gave presentations on the development of the NI Science Park. Each presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairperson thanked Professor McKenna and Professor Shannon for their interesting and informative presentations.
8. Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 26 January 2000 at 10.15am in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.
Mr P Doherty