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Mr Alban Maginness (Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr David Simpson MP
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Gerry McHugh

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Sohui Yim (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Michelle McDowell (Clerical Officer)

Mr Leslie Cree
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Alan McFarland

The meeting began at 10.09am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on the 21 January 2010

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on the 21 January were agreed.

3. Matters arising

Members noted a response from Capital for Finance Ltd. that provided details of lending in Northern Ireland under the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme.

Members noted copies of the Chair’s letters to the Treasury Secretary, Ian Pearson and to the DETI Minister requesting support for amendments to the Financial Services Bill.

The Chair informed members that these amendments have been withdrawn following assurances from the Treasury Secretary that amendments would be brought forward when the Bill goes to the House of Lords.

Agreed: To receive an oral briefing from the Department on the issue of credit unions at the meeting on the 4 February instead of the 4 March.

Members noted responses from Bombardier and Thales Air Defence in relation to the Government’s response to the MATRIX report.

Agreed: To forward the responses to the Department for information.

Members noted a letter from the Association of British Insurers in relation to Third Party Assistance programmes.

Agreed: To write to the Departments for Social Development and Health, Social Services & Public Safety regarding missing Compensation Recovery Unit data from Northern Ireland.

Members discussed a request from the Finance and Personnel Committee Office for a copy of the Social Economy Enterprise Strategy.

Agreed: To copy the Social Economy Enterprise Strategy to the Finance and Personnel Committee.

Members noted that a request from the Consumer Council for papers from the 14 January meeting has since been withdrawn, as they have received the papers directly from the Department.

Members discussed a response from the Department regarding a press release discussed at last week’s meeting, relating to the boiler scrappage scheme in England.

Agreed: To await the Energy Saving Trust reply to the Committee’s request before agreeing a way forward.

4. Review of Departmental Spending Plan 2010-2011 –Oral briefing

The Official joined the meeting at 10.27am.

The Committee received an oral presentation from Colin Lewis, DETI Deputy Secretary. Key issue included areas in DETI that are affected by budget cuts.

Sean Neeson joined the meeting at 10.32am.

The Official left the meeting at 11.03am.

Agreed: To receive a list of all Invest NI rental properties and information on the current rental status of those properties.

Agreed: To write to Invest NI, Tourism Ireland and IntertradeIreland to enquire on the impact of their respective budgeting levels from the past three years.

5. SL1 –The Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2010

Members discussed the SL1 –The Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2010.

Jennifer McCann left the meeting at 11.16am.

Agreed: The Committee had no comment.

Jennifer McCann rejoined the meeting at 11.19am.

6. DETI Response to the Independent Review of Economic Policy (IREP) – Written briefing

Members discussed the written briefing.

Sean Neeson left the meeting at 11.27am.

Agreed: Members to return to this subject at next week’s meeting with their individual comments on the recommendations contained within the IREP Report.

Agreed: To reach a Committee view on the Department’s response to the IREP at next week’s meeting

7. Forward Work Programme

Members discussed the Forward Work Programme.

Agreed: To receive a briefing on EU issues from the Department that concentrates on energy issues only.

Agreed: To arrange oral briefings with the four main banks in relation to the issue of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme and funding to the social economy.

Agreed: To schedule a Committee European visit in May 2010.

8. Correspondence

Members noted the following items of correspondence:

i. A memo from the Environment Committee Clerk in relation to the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill, requesting that the letter and explanatory and financial memorandum be forwarded to the Department.

Agreed: To forward the letter and information to the Department.

ii. A letter from the Community Relations Council which accompanied a copy of their Annual Overview and Report.

iii. A memo to the Clerk from the Clerk to the Social Development Committee agreeing to a meeting between the Chairs of the two committees in relation to the Caravans Bill.

iv. A copy of the terms of reference for a Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee inquiry into participation in sport and physical activity and a covering memo from the Clerk to that Committee requesting written submissions from Statutory Committees. Also including a request to the Committee to forward an attached letter to the Department seeking submissions.

Agreed: To forward letter to the Department.

v. An email to the former Committee Chair which he forwarded to the Committee Office from a financial advisor who expresses concern at the level of debt in Northern Ireland.

Agreed: To forward the email to Citizen’s Advice and Advice NI.

vi. An email from B9 Energy in relation to Torr Head Tidal Scheme and a copy of the Executive Summary of the proposed Environmental Scoping Study.

Agreed: Clerk to contact organisation to arrange a briefing for the Chair.

vii. A copy of a letter from the Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee to the Minister in relation to the Dioxin Incident.

viii. A memo to the Clerk from the Clerk to the Finance and Personnel Committee with related papers in relation to the procurement of debt advice services.

9. Any Other Business

There were no other items of business.

10. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 4 February at 10.30am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.38am.

Alban Maginness
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
February 2010

21 January 10 / Menu