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Mr Alban Maginness (Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Leslie Cree
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr Gerry McHugh
Mr David Simpson MP
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Stephen Moutray

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Michelle McDowell (Clerical Officer)

Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP

The meeting began at 10.33am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on 22 October

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on 22 October were agreed.

3. Matters arising

Members noted a briefing paper on the Proof of Concept Programme.

Agreed: To receive an update on developments with the four spin-out companies in 12 months time.

Members noted a briefing paper from the Department giving an update on Project Kelvin.

Members noted a memo from the OFMDFM Committee Clerk asking if DETI has officials who deal with European issues and how often this Committee would be briefed by those officials.

Agreed: To receive an oral briefing from the two DETI officials with responsibility for European issues. To include discussion around benefits of the Committee considering EU Directives relating to Energy.

Agreed: Copy to the OFMDFM Clerk.

Members noted a Departmental paper providing clarification regarding DETI issues with a European dimension.

Members noted additional information on the NITB Tourism Branding Initiative.

Members noted a letter from Invest NI regarding their Graduate Export Development Programme, E2.

Agreed: To ask Invest NI for details of the outcomes of its evaluation and any future proposals in the area.

Members noted a paper detailing Invest NI’s structure, programmes and budget.

At the meeting on the 8 October Members agreed to write to other committees to obtain their views on the Independent Review of Economic Policy (I.R.E.P.) before hearing from Invest NI on the issue.

Agreed: To forward the Hansard of the Committee’s oral briefing, from Professor Barnett, to the Department, to inform the consultation process.

Members noted a briefing paper summarising possible alternative routes for legislation for credit union reform.

Agreed: Committee requests early sight of more concrete proposals including indicative timings.

Members noted a holding response from the Employment and Learning Clerk regarding the Independent Review of Economic Policy (I.R.E.P.).

Members noted a letter from the Department to the Clerk regarding the Committee’s query on NITB’s input to the Better Regulation Report 2008-2009.

Members noted a letter from the Minister regarding the Hydrocarbons Licensing Directive.

Agreed: Committee agreed to receive an oral briefing when the SL1 is considered.

Members noted the DETI Minister’s response to the OFMDFM’s draft Sustainable Development Strategy.

Agreed: Clerk to write to OFMDFM Clerk welcoming the Strategy and suggesting that OFMDFM work closely with DETI to ensure that issues highlighted by the Department are considered in detail.

Members noted a letter from the Minister relating to a revision of the cost of the proposed 40% renewable electricity target in the Strategic Energy Framework (SEF).

Members discussed a letter from OFMDFM regarding the Committee’s query in relation to the existence of a financial inclusion strategy.

Agreed: To forward letter to the Housing Rights Service.

Mr Alan McFarland joined the meeting at 10.43am.

Mr Gerry McHugh joined the meeting at 10.44am.

Members noted a press article relating to energy costs in NI.

Members discussed their visit to AVX, Coleraine and Wrightbus, Ballymena.

Agreed: Members agreed protocols for future Committee visits.

4. September Monitoring Round –Oral Briefing

Departmental Officials joined the meeting at 11.04am.

The Committee received an oral briefing from Colin Lewis, DETI Deputy Secretary and Bernie Brankin, Head of DETI Finance Branch. Key issues included Bombardier C Series funding and impact of resource provision in respect of the swine flu pandemic on DETI budget.

Sean Neeson left the meeting at 11.26am.

Stephen Moutray left the meeting at 11.27am

Departmental Officials left the meeting at 11.28am.

5. SL1/SR367/2009 – Categories of Tourist Establishment (Statutory Criteria) (Amendment) Regulations (N.I) 2009

The Committee discussed the SR above.

Agreed: "That the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment has considered the Categories of Tourist Establishment (Statutory Criteria) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 and, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rule’s Report, has no objection to the Rule”.

Agreed: Committee Office to provide examples of the Department breaching the 21-day-rule. The Chair will contact the Minister to discuss the matter.

6. GT Energy – Written Briefing

The Committee discussed the briefing.

Stephen Moutray rejoined the meeting at 11.37am.

Sean Neeson rejoined the meeting at 11.37am.

Agreed:Committee agreed to seek further clarification on DETI’s remit in the area of renewable heat. The Committee would also like to ascertain where the authority lies. To discuss further after recess when the Committee is briefed on the SEF.

7. Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) – Written Briefing

The Committee discussed the briefing.

Agreed: To discuss further when the Committee is briefed after recess on the SEF.

8. Better Billing and Metering: Changing Customer Behaviour – Written Briefing

The Committee discussed the briefing.

Agreed: The Committee supports the concept of Smart Meters for medium and large businesses within 5 years as well as for all consumers.Committee Office to seek clarification regarding who would pay for the cost of Smart Meters.

9. Tourism (NI) Order (Amendment) Bill 2010: Results of Consultation –Written Briefing

The Committee discussed the briefing.

Agreed: The Committee supports the proposal to change the frequency of inspection of tourist accommodation to once every four years, subject to the safeguard of having the facility for spot inspections.

10. Forward Work Programme

The Committee discussed the Forward Work Programme.

Agreed: To receive a briefing from John McCallister at the meeting on the 19 November.

Gregory Campbell left the meeting at 11.51am.

Agreed: To reschedule meeting with USEL/Ashton Centre for after recess.

Agreed: To receive an oral briefing from NI Manufacturing on electricity prices to business.

Agreed: The Chair/Deputy Chair to meet with NIAUR, Head of Electricity on electricity prices.

The Committee noted the items of business which have been deferred by the Department.

11. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following correspondence.

12. Any Other Business

There were no other items of business.

13. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be on Thursday 19 November at 10.30am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.06pm .

Alban Maginness
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
November 2009

22 October 09 / Menu