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Mr Alban Maginness (Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr David Simpson MP
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Alan McFarland
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Gerry McHugh

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Sohui Yim (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Michelle McDowell (Clerical Officer)

Mr Leslie Cree

The meeting began at 10.33am in closed session.
Alan McFarland joined the meeting at 10.36am.
Alasdair McDonnell joined the meeting at 10.41am.

The meeting opened in public session at 10.45am

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on 24 September

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on 24 September were agreed.

3. Matters arising

Members noted the Examiner of Statutory Rules second report for session 2009/2010.

Members noted a request from the Coleraine Chronicle for a copy of the Project Kelvin briefing papers discussed at the meeting on the 17 September.

Agreed: To forward papers to the Coleraine Chronicle.

Members noted DETI’s response stating that that DETI and their NDPBs do not receive revenues from "proceeds of crime,” and noted that the response was forwarded to the Culture, Arts & Leisure Committee office.

Members noted that at the request of the Department, the oral briefing for PMS Ministerial Working Group Report to the Prime Minister has been deferred until the meeting of the 5 November.

The Chair advised members of his meeting with Professor Barnett and the discussion of the Independent Review of Economic Policy.

Members discussed a letter from David McClarty regarding AVX.

Agreed: To write to David McClarty and inform him that the Committee will await the outcome of the meeting between the Utility Regulator and AVX before any action is taken.

Members noted a letter from the Department regarding revised guidance and template for future SL1s.

4. Future Committee Visits and Meeting Venues

The Committee discussed a list of possible venues for future Committee visits.

Agreed: To contact companies in Coleraine & Ballymena to ask if they would like to host a visit.

Agreed: To defer a decision on a visit to a venue at the Social Economy Network until further information is received from DETI and members.

Agreed: To await the Deputy Chair’s report on his visit to Brussels regarding possible areas for the Committee to explore.

5. SL1: The Employer’s Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations (NI) 2009

The Committee discussed the SL1: The Employer’s Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations (NI) 2009.

Agreed: To seek further clarification from the Department on why the Education Skills Authority is exempt from employer’s liability insurance, if they are self-insured, and if there is a more effective/efficient means to insure.

6. Law Society Report into Third Party Capture – Written Briefing

The Committee discussed a written briefing from the Law Society into Third Party Capture.

Agreed: To write to the Law Society, Association of British Insurers and the Consumer Council to request an oral briefing on the issue of third party capture.

7. Statutory Consultation on Changes to the Renewable Obligation (NIRO) Written Briefing

The Committee discussed a Departmental written briefing on changes to the Renewable Obligation (NIRO).

Agreed: To request an oral briefing before the end of the consultation period.

8. Unsolicited Services Bill Report, Outcome of Consultation –Written Briefing.

The Committee noted a written briefing on the Unsolicited Services Bill Report.

Alasdair McDonnell left the meeting at 11.18am

9. DETI input to PSA Performance (1st Quarter)

The Committee discussed DETI input to PSA Performance (1st Quarter).

Agreed: To ask DETI why information was not provided sooner.

Alasdair McDonnell returned to the meeting at 11.27am

10. Monitoring of Efficiency Delivery Plans from DFP – Written Briefing

The Committee discussed a written briefing from the Department regarding the Monitoring of Efficiency Delivery Plans from DFP.

Agreed: To liaise with the Finance and Personnel Committee to see what can be done to receive the monitoring briefings sooner.

11. Social Economy Enterprise (SEE) Strategy 2009-2011 Consultation

The Committee discussed the Social Economy Enterprise (SEE) Strategy 2009-2011 Consultation.

Agreed: To request an oral briefing when the SEE Strategy comes to the Committee on the 26 November.

12 . Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

Agreed: For the Committee Office to get more information on the Sustainable Energy Association and report findings to the Committee.

13. Any Other Business

Alan McFarland raised the issue of the Economic Conference held on the 30 September and sought any written information available for future reference.

Agreed: For the Committee Office to investigate whether the materials from the Conference can be issued to all members.

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8 October @ 10.00am in

The Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.54am.

Alban Maginness
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
October 2009

24 September 09 / Menu