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Mr Mark Durkan MP (Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler
Mr Simon Hamilton
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr Gerry McHugh
Mr Jim Wells
Mr Sean Neeson

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Paul Connolly (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Kevin Stewart (Clerical Officer)

Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Leslie Cree
Mr Robin Newton

The meeting opened at 10.35 a.m. in closed session with the Deputy Chairperson, Jennifer McCann in the Chair.

1. Review of Economic Policy

Review Panel officials joined the meeting at 10.37 a.m.
Alan McFarland joined the meeting at 10.39a.m.

The Committee received an update on the Panel’s initial findings from Professor Richard Barnett, Chairman of the Independent Review of Economic Policy and Vice Chancellor of the University of Ulster, Dr Graham Gudgin, Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, and Oxford Economics and Professor Brian Ashcroft. University of Strathclyde and Board member of the Economic Research Institute.

Mark Durkan arrived at 11.45am and took the Chair.
Review Panel officials left at 11.52am. and the meeting returned to public session. .

2. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 23 April

Agreed: The minutes of the meeting on 23 April were agreed

4. Matters arising

Members considered draft terms of reference for an Inquiry into Single Electricity Market.

Agreed: That the Clerk would amend his paper which they would consider and discuss at next week’s meeting.

Members noted papers from the North East Pylon Pressure Group which were provided by the Environment Committee.

Jim Wells left the meeting at 12.27 p.m.
Simon Hamilton left the meeting at 12.28 p.m.

Agreed: To share the papers with the Department and to seek officials views on the content of the consultants’ report.

Members noted further information provided by the Department concerning the proposed Tourism Amendment Order.

Members noted further press reports regarding the Presbyterian Mutual Society.

Agreed: That the Committee would seek closed meetings with the FSA, DETI Officials and Mr Arthur Boyd, PMS Administrator.

Members noted a copy of the Community Foundation Report – Measuring and Mapping Financial Exclusion.

Agreed: That the Chair/Deputy Chair should meet with Community Foundation Representatives and that the meeting should be open to any other members wishing to attend.

5. Economic Downturn

Members noted a written briefing on the impact of the economic downturn from the Federation of Small Businesses.

Agreed: That the briefing should be incorporated into the Clerk’s analysis paper.

6. Cross Departmental Bio-Energy Action Plan

Members noted a briefing paper from the Department.

7. Marine Energy

Members noted a Research and Library Service paper on Marine Energy.

Agreed: That the paper could contribute to the Committee Inquiry on Energy.

8. SL1 – The Insolvency (Fees) (Amendment) Order (NI) 2009

Agreed: That the Committee had no comment at this time

9. SL1 – Insolvency (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2009

Agreed: That the Committee had no comment at this time.

10. Forward Work Programme

Members noted the content of the revised Forward Work Programme.

11. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

Sean Neeson left the meeting at 12.40 p.m.

12. Any Other Business

Members enquired for an update regarding their request for information concerning EU funding of Tourism Signature Projects.

Simon Hamilton rejoined the meeting at 12.43 p.m.

Agreed: To ask the Department for an update on developments at the Visteon Plant.

13. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 7 May at 10.30 a.m. in the NI Science Park, Titanic Quarter, Belfast.

Agreed: That members would arrive at the Science Park at 10.00 a.m.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.45pm.

Mark Durkan
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

23 April 09 / Menu