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Mr Mark Durkan MP (Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Simon Hamilton
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr Gerry McHugh
Mr Jim Wells

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Paul Connolly (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Stephen White (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Officer)

Mr Paul Butler
Mr Leslie Cree
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Robin Newton

The meeting opened at 10.41 a.m. in public session.

1. Apologies.

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on 26 March 2009.

Agreed : The draft minutes of the meeting on 26 March 2009 were agreed.

3. Matters Arising.

Agreed : To place the Assembly Research & Library paper on Wind Power on the Committee website.

Agreed : That the Committee would send a reply to the Deputy Chief Executive of the NI Housing Executive regarding an EU funding opportunity to use ERDF funds for energy efficiency in housing.

Members noted the content of the EDF sub-group paper containing 51 proposals for tackling the downturn in the economy.

Members considered the NITB draft Corporate Plan 2008-2011.

Agreed : That the NITB could proceed to print the Corporate Plan 2008 - 2011.

Agreed : That the NITB should be asked to urgently supply details of EU funding for each of the Tourism Signature Projects.

4. Closure of Visteon Car Components Factory

Members noted a briefing paper from the Department on this matter and that the Chair and deputy Chair would be meeting with the Minister later today to discuss the situation and background to the closure.

5. Draft Consultation on the tourism ( Northern Ireland) Order (Amendment) Bill 2010

Officials joined the meeting at 11.13 a.m.

DETI officials Noel Cornick (Grade 5), Head of Tourism and John Simms (Deputy Principal) Tourism Division and NITB officials; Robert Cully, Director of Business Development and Caroline Adams, Manager of Quality & Standards, NITB briefed the Committee on the draft consultation on the Tourism (Northern Ireland) Order (Amendment) Bill. Key issues discussed included the background to the proposals to amend the frequency of inspections and the manner by which the Chair of the NITB is appointed.

Alasdair McDonnell joined the meeting at 11.22 a.m.

Members raised some points with officials who advised that they would respond to the Committee as soon as possible.

Officials left the meeting at 11.45 a.m.

6. Proposed Cavan/Tyrone Interconnector

Officials joined the meeting at 11.46 a.m.

Jenny Pyper (Grade 5) Head of Energy Division; Peter Hughes (Grade 7) Head of Energy Markets; and Rod Robson, (Deputy Principal) Energy Division briefed the Committee on the proposed Cavan/Tyrone Interconnector. Key issues discussed included the benefits to be derived from the proposal, public health concerns and possible undergrounding of the cabling.

Jim Wells left the meeting at 11.58 a.m.
Jennifer McCann left the meeting at 12.05 p.m.
Officials left the meeting at 12.54 p.m.

7. Better Regulation Annual Report 2007-2008

Members noted the content of the above report.

Agreed: To ask the Department when the Committee might receive the 2008 – 2009 Report.

8. Managerial Skills & Productivity

Members noted the content of the above report.

Agreed: To consider a further oral or written briefing when the Department has developed policy proposals further.

Alasdair McDonnell and Gerry McHugh left the meeting at 1.08 p.m.
Being inquorate, the meeting was suspended from 1.08 p.m. to 1.12 p.m.
Alasdair McDonnell and Gerry McHugh rejoined the meeting at 1.12 pm.

9. Forward Work Programme

Members noted the content of the draft Forward Work Programme.

Alasdair McDonnell left the meeting at 1.15 p.m.

10. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

11. Any Other Business.

Members noted that the new Chairperson of the NITB is Howard Hastings.

Members noted that DETI official Noel Lavery is to transfer out of the Department and will be replaced by Colin Lewis, on secondment from Invest NI.

12. Date, time and place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 23 rd April at 10.30 a.m. in Room 21, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Mark Durkan
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

April 2009.

26 March 09 / Menu