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Present: Mr Mark Durkan MP (Chairperson)
Mr Leslie Cree
Mr Simon Hamilton
Ms Jennifer McCann
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr Sean Neeson
Mr Robin Newton

In Attendance: Ms Lucia Wilson (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Paul Connolly (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Stephen White (Clerical Supervisor)

Apologies: Mr Paul Maskey (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr David Simpson MP

The meeting opened at 10.46a.m. in public session.

  1. Apologies.

  2. Apologies are detailed above.

  3. Declaration of Interests.

  4. There were no new interests declared.

    Mr McFarland joined the meeting at 10.49 a.m.

  5. Minutes of meeting held on 29 November 2007 and 13 December 2007.

  6. Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on 29 November and 13 December 2007 were agreed.

  7. Matters Arising.

  8. As agreed at the meeting of 13 December the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson attended a meeting with officials from the Northern Ireland Energy Agency, (NIEA) on 17 December 2007. Following that meeting the Committee received and considered a paper from the NIEA which outlined proposals for a single non-governmental organisation to implement government policy in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and low-carbon transport.

    Agreed: That the Committee would seek further briefing from NIEA on the issue.

  9. Seagate Technologies – Roevalley Chamber of Commerce - Update

  10. Members considered a Clerk’s paper outlining the most recent correspondence received from Mr Aubery Sherrard, Roevalley Chamber of Commerce regarding a draft framework which had been formulated in response to the forthcoming closure at Seagate.

    Agreed: That the Committee would invite Roevalley Chamber of Commerce to further brief the Committee as soon as possible.

  11. Draft Regional Innovation Strategy Action Plan.

  12. Members considered and discussed the draft Regional Innovation Strategy Action Plan. Concern was expressed at the deadline for a response given the Committee’s view that they might need to seek independent research on the topic.

    Agreed: That the Clerk would write to other Committee Clerks to see if other Committees have comments on the draft Action Plan and the possible need for a wider inquiry.

    Agreed: That the Chairperson would write to the Minister setting out the Committee’s concerns.

    Agreed: That the Clerk would meet with Research Services to consider the possible commissioning of internal/external research. The Clerk will also investigate the issue of possible briefings from interested parties.

    Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 11.04 a.m.

  13. Varney Review

  14. The Committee expressed their disappointment at the outcome of the Varney Review of Tax Policy in Northern Ireland and noted the intention to proceed with a further Varney report. The Committee had some questions regarding the scope and nature of this second report which the Chairperson would write to the Minister about.

    Agreed: That the Committee would formally respond to the Varney Review.

    Mr Newton left the meeting at 11.40 a.m.
    Mr Neeson joined the meeting at 11.40 a.m.

  15. December Monitoring

  16. The Committee received briefing on December Monitoring from Noel Lavery, (DETI Deputy Secretary), Trevor Cooper, (DETI Head of Finance & EU Programmes Division) and Bernie Brankin, (DETI Head of Finance Branch). Key issues discussed included reprofiling, Invest NI Land Disposal and EU Programmes reduced requirements.

    Agreed: That the Committee noted the Departments’ December Monitoring and that it might wish to return to the question of European Programme spend.

    Officials left the meeting at 12.37 p.m.

  17. US/NI Investment Conference

  18. The Committee considered a paper from the Department on the forthcoming US/NI Investment Conference. Key issues discussed included how the Committee might show its support and involvement and the need for further information as to the structure and nature of the conference.

    Agreed: That the Chairperson would write to the Minister seeking clarification on the role of the Committee.

    Agreed: That the Clerk would write to the Departmental Liaison Officer seeking further information on the conference.

    Mr Newton left the meeting at 12.48 p.m.

  19. Forward Work Programme.

  20. The Committee considered the current Forward Work Programme.

    Agreed: That the Clerk would prepare a paper on the possibility on a group of visits on a single day in February and bring this to the Committee.

  21. Any Other Business.

  22. Members noted a paper on the Assessment of the Potential for Bio-Energy Development in Northern Ireland.

    Dr McDonnell left the meeting at 1.02 p.m.

    Members considered a letter from the Clerk of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee regarding an Inquiry into Renewable Energy/Alternative Land Use.

    Agreed: That the Clerk would meet with the Clerk of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on this topic and report back to the Committee.

    Members noted correspondence from the Ulster Farmers’ Union, West Belfast Partnership Board, Post Office, Quarry Products Association and Social Economy Network.

    Members noted a paper from NISRA on Northern Ireland Development Statistics 2006.

    Mr Neeson left the meeting at 1.25 p.m.

    Members noted a report from the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission regarding the development of legal services within the provision of Legal Aid services.

    Members also noted invites from Belfast Media Group seeking sponsorship of their Belfast Top 50 – 2007 event and an invitation from The Consumer Council to a dinner engagement in the Stormont Hotel at 7.00pm on 24 January.

  23. Date, time and place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 17 January 2008, in room 21, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Mark Durkan
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

January 2008.

13 December 07 / Menu