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Ms Sue Ramsey MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Trevor Clarke MLA
Rev Dr Robert Coulter MLA
Mr David Hilditch MLA
Mr William Irwin MLA
Mr David McClarty MLA
Mrs Claire McGill MLA
Mr Pat Ramsey MLA

In Attendance:
Mr Peter Hall (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Trevor Allen (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr Andy Cooper (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Bill Kinnear (Clerical Officer)

Mr Thomas Buchanan MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler MLA
Ms Anna Lo MLA

The meeting opened at 10.02am in public session


Apologies are detailed above.

Correspondence to Learn and Grow

Agreed: Members noted and approved correspondence from the Assembly’s Clerk Assistant to Learn and Grow. The Committee agreed that the letter be issued.

1. Minutes of the meetings held on 30 th September 2009

Agreed: The minutes were agreed.

2. Departmental briefing on approaches to handling redundancies

11.19am Mr Irwin joined the meeting
11.29am Mr Clarke joined the meeting

The Committee received a Departmental briefing on approaches to handling redundancies from Siobhan Logue, Assistant Director of Preparation for Work Division. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

3. Briefing on EGSA inputs to redundancy processes/packages

The Committee received a briefing from representatives of EGSA: Martin Howell, Chair, Trevor Neilands, Board Member, Eileen Kelly, Director, and Becca Vaughan, Head of Guidance, on EGSA inputs to redundancy processes/packages. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

11.06am Mr Hilditch left the meeting

4. Departmental response to Committee Inquiry into the Way Forward for Apprenticeships

The Committee received a briefing from Departmental Officials: Nuala Kerr, Director of Skills and Industry Division, and Des Lyness of Training Programmes / IFI Branch, on the Department’s response to the Committee’s Report on its Inquiry into the Way Forward for Apprenticeships. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

5. Subordinate Legislation

The Committee noted the following Statutory Rule that is subject to confirmatory resolution and the report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules:

The Committee raised no objection to the Rule.

Question put and agreed:

“That the Committee for Employment and Learning has considered the Work and Families (Increase of Maximum Amounts) Order (NI) 2009 and recommends that it be confirmed by the Assembly.”

6. Matter Arising

Agreed: Members noted a number of items of correspondence and agreed that they be included as part of the Committee’s Report on the Committee Stage of the Employment Bill.

Agreed: Member approved the above draft response and agreed to forward to the Committee for Finance and Personnel.

Agreed: Members noted that the above Plan from the Department and agreed that it be deferred until the meeting on 14 th October for consideration.

Agreed: Members noted the above correspondence from the Health Committee and agreed that it be forwarded to the Minister for Employment and Learning.

7. Chairperson’s Business

Members noted a number of items of correspondence and agreed responses. Members were also updated on a number of events attended by the Chairperson / Deputy Chairperson.

8. Departmental Press Notices

Members noted a number of Departmental press notice issued recently.

Agreed: Members agreed to request a Departmental briefing on the “Step Ahead” initiative.

9. Any Other Business

Agreed: Members noted the above policy and agreed to write to the Minister seeking views on the report’s recommendations.

Members noted the Committee’s Forward Work Programme for the period of October 2009 to January 2010.

Agreed: Members noted that the above strategy from the Committee for the Office of the First and deputy First Minister and agreed that it be deferred until the meeting on 14 th October for consideration.

Agreed: Members noted the above plan and agreed to write to the Minister seeking an update on developments since the previous action plan.

Agreed: Members noted that the above document from the Department and agreed that it be deferred until the meeting on 14 th October for consideration.

Members noted that future meetings of the Committee will be held in Room 30, Parliament Buildings. This arrangement will continue until Easter Recess 2010.

Members noted revised the revised schedule for Committee motions relating to Childcare provision and the Education Maintenance Allowance.

Members noted the publication of the STEM Review by the Department of Education and the Department for Employment and Learning and agreed that the matter be raised at the Committee meeting on 14 th October.

Members noted correspondence from the Minister to Mr Alban Maginness MLA on the issue of redundancy procedures, with particular reference to Nortel.

Members noted the above correspondence from the Department.

Agreed: Members noted a request from the Committee for Finance and Personnel to include correspondence from the Chairperson to the Chairperson of that Committee in the report on its Inquiry into Public Procurement Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland. The Committee agreed to the request.

10. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, 14 th October at 10.00am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:00pm.

Ms Sue Ramsey
Chairperson, Committee for Employment & Learning
14 th October 2009

30 September 09 / Menu