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Ms Sue Ramsey MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Robin Newton MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler MLA
Rev Dr Robert Coulter MLA
Mr David Hilditch MLA
Mr William Irwin MLA
Ms Anna Lo MLA
Mr David McClarty MLA
Mrs Claire McGill MLA

In Attendance:
Mr Peter Hall (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Trevor Allen (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr John Devlin (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr Richard Keating (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Jessica Dougan (Clerical Officer)

Mr Alex Attwood MLA
Mr Alex Easton MLA

The meeting opened at 10:04am in public session.


Apologies are detailed above.

1. Minutes of the meetings held on 21st January 2009

Agreed: The minutes were agreed.

2. Briefing from the Engineering Training Council NI (ETC NI / SEMTA)

10:06am Ms Lo joined the meeting

The Committee received a briefing from representatives of the Engineering Training Council NI (ETC NI / SEMTA): David Hatton, Chief Executive, and Bill Brown, Chairman, on the work of the Committee’s Inquiry into the way forward for apprenticeships. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

10:24am Mr Butler joined the meeting
10:25am Mr Irwin joined the meeting

3. Matter Arising

Members noted that the Committee’s motion on the Report on the Review of Teacher Education has been scheduled for Tuesday 3 rd February.

Agreed: Members noted and agreed a media notice in relation to the report.

Agreed: Members noted correspondence from the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE) relating to the stakeholder reception.

Members also received an update on the feedback received from the stakeholders involved.

Agreed: Members noted a request from the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee for the views of Statutory Committees on its Social Economy Enterprise Strategy and agreed to consider the Committee’s response at the next meeting.

Members noted the DETI monthly statistical press release and JSA Liveload 2004-2009 statistics from the Department for Employment and Learning.

Members also noted correspondence from the Department providing an update on apprentices that have left the Training for Success programme.

Agreed: Members agreed that further information should be sought in relation to the DETI statistics and in relation to the Training for Success leavers.

4. Chairperson’s Business

Members noted a number of items of correspondence and agreed responses.

5. Departmental Press Notices

Members noted a Departmental press notice issued on 22 nd January 2009.

6. Any Other Business

Agreed: Members noted correspondence from the University and College Union (UCU) relating to the INTO University Partnership. Members agreed that the Chairperson write to Queen’s University in relation to the correspondence.

Agreed: Members noted and agreed the Committee’s Forward Work Programme until the Easter Recess.

Member noted an invitation from the University of Ulster to attend a briefing on its strategic development plans on 2 nd February.

Members noted a statement from the Ulster Bank Group, dated 26 th January, announcing the initiatives that will be taken to enable it to adapt to prevailing market conditions.

Members noted additional information from the Department on the December monitoring round.

Members notes correspondence from the Department on how in addresses redundancies in smaller companies as a result of the current economic downturn.

Agreed: Members agreed that clarification should be sought from the Department in relation to the notice periods that are given to employees prior to terminating employment.

Agreed: Members noted correspondence from Age Concern in relation to access to education for older people and agreed that Age Concern should be invited to brief the Committee on its concerns.

7. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 th February 2009 at 10.00am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:31am.
Ms Sue Ramsey
Chairperson, Committee for Employment & Learning
4 February 2009

21 January 09 / Menu